692 research outputs found
The Bernstein-Sato b-Function of the Space of Cyclic Pairs
We compute the Bernstein-Sato polynomial of , a function which given a
pair in tests whether is
a cyclic vector for . The proof includes a description of shift operators
corresponding to the Calogero-Moser operator in the rational case.Comment: 14 pages, Referee suggested changes made, to appear in Publ. RIM
The QR decomposition for radial neural networks
We provide a theoretical framework for neural networks in terms of the
representation theory of quivers, thus revealing symmetries of the parameter
space of neural networks. An exploitation of these symmetries leads to a model
compression algorithm for radial neural networks based on an analogue of the QR
decomposition. A projected version of backpropogation on the original model
matches usual backpropogation on the compressed model.Comment: 30 page
On the Finkelberg-Ginzburg Mirabolic Monodromy Conjecture
We compute the monodromy of the mirabolic Harish-Chandra D-module for all but
an explicit codimension two set of values of the parameters (theta,c). In
particular, we show that the Finkelberg-Ginzburg conjecture, which is known to
hold for generic values of the parameters, fails at special values even in rank
1. Our main tools are Opdam's shift operators and normalised intertwiners for
the extended affine Weyl group, which allow for the resolution of resonances
outside the codimension two set.Comment: 33 pages, 7 figures. Comments welcom
Blessed Peacemakers: 365 Extraordinary People Who Changed the World
All of us yearn for a peaceable and just world, but some roll up their sleeves and set to work to make the dream real. Blessed Peacemakers celebrates 365 of them, one for each day of the year.Their stories are richly diverse. They share a commitment to peace and justice, but the various contexts in which they work make each of their stories uniquely instructive. The peacemakers include women, men, and children from across the globe, spanning some twenty-five hundred years. Many are persons of faith, but some are totally secular. Some are well known, while others will be excitingly new. They are human rights and antiwar activists, scientists and artists, educators and scholars, songwriters and poets, film directors and authors, diplomats and economists, environmentalists and mystics, prophets and policymakers. Some are unlettered, but all are wise. A few died in the service of the dream. All sacrificed for it.The world is a better place for the presence of blessed peacemakers. Their inspiring stories embolden readers to join them in nonviolent resistance to injustice and the creative pursuit of peace. [From the publisher]https://cupola.gettysburg.edu/books/1045/thumbnail.jp
Meta-Learning Dynamics Forecasting Using Task Inference
Current deep learning models for dynamics forecasting struggle with
generalization. They can only forecast in a specific domain and fail when
applied to systems with different parameters, external forces, or boundary
conditions. We propose a model-based meta-learning method called DyAd which can
generalize across heterogeneous domains by partitioning them into different
tasks. DyAd has two parts: an encoder which infers the time-invariant hidden
features of the task with weak supervision, and a forecaster which learns the
shared dynamics of the entire domain. The encoder adapts and controls the
forecaster during inference using adaptive instance normalization and adaptive
padding. Theoretically, we prove that the generalization error of such
procedure is related to the task relatedness in the source domain, as well as
the domain differences between source and target. Experimentally, we
demonstrate that our model outperforms state-of-the-art approaches on both
turbulent flow and real-world ocean data forecasting tasks
Equivariant Transporter Network
Transporter Net is a recently proposed framework for pick and place that is
able to learn good manipulation policies from a very few expert demonstrations.
A key reason why Transporter Net is so sample efficient is that the model
incorporates rotational equivariance into the pick module, i.e. the model
immediately generalizes learned pick knowledge to objects presented in
different orientations. This paper proposes a novel version of Transporter Net
that is equivariant to both pick and place orientation. As a result, our model
immediately generalizes place knowledge to different place orientations in
addition to generalizing pick knowledge as before. Ultimately, our new model is
more sample efficient and achieves better pick and place success rates than the
baseline Transporter Net model.Comment: Project Website: https://haojhuang.github.io/etp_page
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