33 research outputs found
The Inter-Mammary Sticky Roll: A Novel Technique for Securing a Doppler Ultrasonic Probe to the Precordium for Venous Air Embolism Detection.
Venous air embolism is a devastating and potentially life-threatening complication that can occur during neurosurgical procedures. We report the development and use of the "inter-mammary sticky roll,"Â a technique to reliably secure a precordial Doppler ultrasonic probe to the chest wall during neurosurgical cases that require lateral decubitus positioning. We have found that this noninvasive technique is safe, and effectively facilitates a constant Doppler signal with no additional risk to the patient
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Surgical management of a lateral sphenoid sinus encephalocele: 2-Dimensional operative video.
Encephaloceles are considered rare with an approximate incidence of 1 in 35,000, and sphenoid encephaloceles are even more uncommon.2 Two types of sphenoid encephaloceles exist: medial perisellar encephaloceles, and lateral sphenoidal encephaloceles. Surgical correction of the lateral sphenoid recess encephalocele is achieved via one of two endoscopic approaches: extended sphenoidotomy or transpterygopalatine. Extended sphenoidotomy is preferred if the angle between the access door and lateral extension of bone defect is greater than 35°1. Otherwise, the transpterygopalatine approach is used. Intraoperative video demonstrating an extended sphenoidotomy approach to correcting a lateral recess sphenoidal encephalocele has not previously been published. Here we present a case of a 41-year-old female who presented with meningitis, a cerebrospinal fluid leak, and an incidental sphenoid mass. Brain MRI redemonstrated the mass in the sphenoid sinus consistent with an encephalocele occupying Sternbergs Canal. The patient consented to the procedure. The video demonstrates the skull base approach, encephalocele extraction, collagen inlay, and nasal septal bone and vascularized pedicled nasoseptal flap placement. Postoperative imaging confirmed the placement of the collagen inlay and nasal septal bone autograft. The patient recovered from surgery and was discharged on post-operative day 3 with no cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak recurrence. Postoperative follow up demonstrated viable nasoseptal graft without evidence of CSF leak. For patients with favorable anatomy, an extended sphenoidotomy approach to lateral sphenoid sinus encephalocele resection is a preferred alternative to the transpterygoid approach. This surgical video demonstrates the technique for managing lateral sphenoid sinus encephaloceles occupying Sternbergs canal, including endonasal approach, encephalocele resection and posterior sphenoid wall repair
Updates in Mechanical Thrombectomy
Strokes are a major source of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The long-standing gold standard in stroke therapy, intravenous administration of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), is limited by strict timing parameters and modest efficacy in large strokes caused by thrombi in the proximal cerebral vasculature. Multiple recent randomized controlled trials have demonstrated the efficacy of mechanical thrombectomy for patients with large vessel occlusions (LVOs). Recent clinical guidelines have been updated to include mechanical thrombectomy as a standard of care in properly selected stroke patients, with ongoing and future studies working to refine the optimal clinical and technical variables of this approach
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Neurosurgical Management of a Thoracic Dorsal Arachnoid Web: Case Illustration
Dorsal thoracic arachnoid webs are rare clinical entities caused by a thickened intradural extramedullary band of arachnoid tissue that compresses the spinal cord, and often present with progressive back pain, paresthesias, and lower extremity weakness. In this report, we review the radiographic features of the "Scalpel Sign" and describe the case of a 47-year-old male that failed conservative therapy and was found to have dorsal thoracic arachnoid web. The patient underwent laminectomy and microsurgical release of the compressing arachnoid band. Postoperatively, the patient had complete resolution of his pain. Intraoperatively, the somatosensory evoked potentials were improved once the band was released. The prompt diagnosis of dorsal arachnoid webs remains critical because surgical treatment arrests and potentially reverses the pathology
Surgical Management of Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), defined as bleeding within the brain parenchyma, remains a challenging and controversial neurosurgical entity to treat. ICH has a broad range of etiology—stemming from complications associated with traumatic head injury to complications of hemorrhagic stroke. The role of medical management lies in optimizing blood pressure and intracerebral pressure, preventing secondary injury from complications of the hematoma such as seizures, and correcting coagulopathy. Given the mass effect of a hematoma and the possibility of expansion, surgical interventions attempt to evacuate the clot to restore normal intracerebral pressure and prevent worsening neurologic injury. This chapter reviews the recent controversy associated with surgical evacuation of intracerebral hemorrhage placing particular emphasis on the size and location of the hemorrhage and the methods used to evacuate the expanding ICH. Moreover, this chapter reviews considerations and therapeutic goals of the preoperative and postoperative window to minimize complications and optimize patient care
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Treatment of pediatric intracranial aneurysms: institutional case series and systematic literature review.
INTRODUCTION: Pediatric intracranial aneurysms (IAs) are rare and have distinct clinical profiles compared to adult IAs. They differ in location, size, morphology, presentation, and treatment strategies. We present our experience with pediatric IAs over an 18-year period using surgical and endovascular treatments and review the literature to identify commonalities in epidemiology, treatment, and outcomes. METHODS: We identified all patients < 20 years old who underwent treatment for IAs at our institution between 2005 and 2020. Medical records and imaging were examined for demographic, clinical, and operative data. A systematic review was performed to identify studies reporting primary outcomes of surgical and endovascular treatment of pediatric IAs. Demographic information, aneurysm characteristics, treatment strategies, and outcomes were collected. RESULTS: Thirty-three patients underwent treatment for 37 aneurysms over 18 years. The mean age was 11.4 years, ranging from one month to 19 years. There were 21 males (63.6%) and 12 females (36.4%), yielding a male: female ratio of 1.75:1. Twenty-six (70.3%) aneurysms arose from the anterior circulation and 11 (29.7%) arose from the posterior circulation. Aneurysmal rupture occurred in 19 (57.5%) patients, of which 8 (24.2%) were categorized as Hunt-Hess grades IV or V. Aneurysm recurrence or rerupture occurred in five (15.2%) patients, and 5 patients (15.2%) died due to sequelae of their aneurysms. Twenty-one patients (63.6%) had a good outcome (modified Rankin Scale score 0-2) on last follow up. The systematic literature review yielded 48 studies which included 1,482 total aneurysms (611 with endovascular treatment; 656 treated surgically; 215 treated conservatively). Mean aneurysm recurrence rates in the literature were 12.7% and 3.9% for endovascular and surgical treatment, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides data on the natural history and longitudinal outcomes for children treated for IAs at a single institution, in addition to our treatment strategies for various aneurysmal morphologies. Despite the high proportion of patients presenting with rupture, good functional outcomes can be achieved for most patients