29 research outputs found
Teaching Speaking to Young Learners Through Storytelling: A Case Study at Primary School
Recently, many primary schools in Indonesia have focused their English language teaching mainly on the students ability to speak in English. The primary schools provide students with storytelling which promote their speaking ability. This research aims to portray the storytelling activity in the teaching of speaking that the teacher conducted involving primary school students and to find out the ways how the teacher sets up each of those activities. This study was conducted at one International Primary School in Bandung. The participants of this study were one teacher and the students at the primary 1 up to primary 4 consisting of 44 students. This study employed a case study design. Three instrumentations were used to gain data. The data were analyzed qualitatively in accordance with the two research questions. The validation of the data was conducted through triangulation. The findings revealed that the teacher applied storytelling in the teaching of speaking to the primary schools students (classes 1 up to 4). In conducting the classroom activities, the teacher has provided meaningful and purposeful activities which have followed the three dimensions of learning a target language. The activities to some extent were relevant to young learners learning characteristics and their constructed knowledge. Moreover, the research showed that the teacher organized the classroom activities through 1) teaching a class as a whole, 2) organizing group work and 3) organizing oral performance. In organizing the classroom activities, the teacher has promoted the students ability to communicate their ideas and thought in English
Mengidentifikasi dan Memecahkan Masalah Pembelajaran yang Dihadapi Oleh Mahasiswa Melalui Strategi Lesson Study
Starting from the dissatisfaction with the outcomes of English learning in a subject matter, this study aims at investigating the main problems of students on learning in Research on ELT subject. In it, the writers find that students face difficulties in clustering their thought while learning. It can be seen from the results of evaluation given to the students. Woefully, it has not been identified yet since the lectures seem run smoothly through. Dealing with the problems identified, this study thus employs a lesson study towards sixth semester students of English Education Study Program in Bogor. The study covers four cycles in the implementation. The cycle then applies three stages; which are plan, do, and see. The data of this study are gained from the result of the individual post-test conducted after the topic was lectured. The data are also gained from the results of classroom observation, questionnaire distribution, and guided interview. First observation identifies that students are difficult to take a note from what the lecturer has explained. The students are rigid in clustering ideas from the materials driven. Some of them do a note in a limited handwriting. In the second classroom observation, lecturer chunks video learning into several segments. In doing so, it is intended to space the students for making a note easily. Having chucked the video learning throughout the activity, still, the students are unable to be forced out of shape. Limited number of students are making a note. In the third cycle, the lecturer provides a rubric for helping the students to analyse the video, still, they are unable to make an appropriate note taking. Thus, in the fourth cycle, the video is chunked into several segments. While watching the video, students are accompanied by a video observation rubric. Results based on the video observation rubric show that how students ability to make a note are influenced by guiding statements/questions provided on the rubric. From the results based on the four cycles of lesson study; thus, it can be concluded that students have difficulties in clustering ideas and making a note throughout the teaching and learning activity. Attempts have been made to solve the students problems of clustering ideas and making a note. The attempts to scaffold the students are providing a rubric and uttering guided questions while they are learning
The development of media in a conception of learning technology must have the following characteristics: (a) target oriented; (b) applying the concept of a systems approach; and (c) make use of varied learning resources. Thus the application of media and educational technology, can realize a concept of "teaching less learning more". As technology-based media variations develop, teaching materials become more interesting. Not only text and images, but there is audio, video and animation that make a concept easier to understand. Presentation of information in several ways and forms is often called multimedia. This research method is a survey research that aims to obtain information on students' perceptions of the use of PowToon multimedia-based teaching materials. The questionnaire was used as an instrument to obtain this information. The results of the questionnaire were then analyzed using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) model approach; namely: perceived usefulness (perceived usefulness), perceived ease of use, attitude toward using technology, and behavioral intention to us
The advance of the technology has made the teaching and learning process happens interestingly. It
has also carried a great way to teaching reading at the English as a Foreign Language Class in Indonesian
University Context. Accordingly, it becomes feasible to design blended pedagogical practices. This study argues
that blended learning may give impact of fluency training and strategy instruction on reading. It is intended to
engage students’ attitude, interests and motivation on reading development (Grabe & Stoller, 2002). Thus, this
qualitative study reports a series of classroom activities in teaching reading by implementing blended learning
(Fraenkel & Wallen, 2007). Through this pedagogical practice, students get the advancement of their learning
experience. As in conventional teaching and learning English, teaching reading through blended learning covers
learning process in the form of face-to-face teachings, guidance on participant blended learning –be there as
classroom instructions and online learning, training and assessment (Marsh, 2012). The model is in the form of
an interactive teaching method. Conveniences that can be fashioned are the interactive learning through tutorials,
drills, online learning, tools and open-ended learning environments. It not only facilitates English language
learning but also allows the implementation of the advancement of information technology.
Keywords: blended learning, teaching reading, TEFL in an Indonesian University Contex
Reading comprehension is the process of getting the main purpose of the text during reading. Students not only can read the whole passage but also comprehend and understand what the important point of the text is. However, the difficulty of comprehending text during reading is a problem for students. Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) technique is the solution to solve the problem. The aim of this research is to investigate the use of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) technique on students reading comprehension. In conducting this research, the writer applied pre-experimental method and one group pretest and posttest design. This research is conducted to the first semester students of English Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences, Pakuan University. There were 20 students as the sample of this research by using random sampling. The result shows that based on t-table, the degree of freedom of 19 at significant level of 0.05 is 2.09. However, the value of t-test is 3.89. From the comparison between the value of t-test and the t-table, it can be concluded that the value of t-test is higher than t-table (3.89 more than 2.09). Thus, the alternative hypotheses of this research (Ha) is accepted. Therefore, CIRC technique affects students reading comprehension.
Hubungan Latihan Aerobik Dengan Aktivitas Seksual Pada Wanita Usia 20-40 Tahun Dalam Perkawinan
Latar Belakang: Kehidupan seksual yang sehat merupakan salah satu faktor menentukan kebahagiaan dalam perkawinan. Seks sangatlah berperan dalam membangun kehidupan rumahtangga. Hasil wawancara peserta latihan aerobik di
Sanggar Puspa Aerobik didapatkan bahwa tujuan mereka latihan aerobik selain untuk meningkatkan kebugaran tubuh juga untuk menurunkan berat badan, yang mengganggu berbaga i aktivitas termasuk aktivitas seksual. Tujuan Penelitian: Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara latihan aerobik dengan
aktivitas seksual pada wanita usia 20 – 40 tahun dalam perkawinan. Manfaat Penelitian: Dapat mengetahui hubungan latihan aerobik dengan aktivitas seksual pada wanita usia 20 – 40 tahun dalam perkawinan.
Metode Penelitian: Penelitian observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel yang diambil dari ibu – ibu latihan aerobik sebanyak 30 responden. Variabel bebas : latihan aerobik, variabe l terikat : aktivitas seksual. Pengambilan data dengan kuesioner. Analisa data dengan menggunakan SPSS dengan uji Pearson Correlation .
Hasil Penelitian: Penelitian terhadap 30 responden latihan aerobik 17 (56,7%) melakukan latihan aerobik dengan frekuensi 3 kali seminggu. Dari 30 responden ini 20 (66,67%) memiliki aktivitas seksual tinggi.
Kesimpulan: Terdapat Hubungan antara latihan aerobik dengan aktivitas seksual pada wanita usia 20 – 40 tahun dalam perkawinan
Metacognitive Strategy on Students Literal and Inferential Comprehension in L2 Reading
Reading is one skill that should be master by the students who want to learn English. However, students often find difficulties while learning English. To solve the problem, students should mastered four language English skills, and one of them is Reading. However, based on the preliminary data taken by the Researcher, it shows that students often did not know what they read. They are not aware of their own reading process. To solve this problem, the students need to know what kind of strategy that they should use while reading. The appropriate strategy that student should use when read is the metacognitive strategy. This paper entitled Metacognitive strategy on students literal and inferential comprehension is conducted to know what kind of metacognitive strategy used on students reading comprehension, especially their literal and inferential. The aims of this study are to know what kind of metacognitive strategy used on students literal and inferential comprehension skills in L2 reading and how are the use of metacognitive strategy on students literal and inferential comprehension to their reading skill. There were 3 strategy subscales or factors; Global Reading Strategies, Problem-Solving Strategies and Support Reading Strategies. Results revealed that participants reported frequent use the third metacognitive-strategy types stated by Mokhtari. K And Reichard. The method of this research is qualitative research. It takes place at Pakuan University. The population of this study were Fifth-semester students of the English language Education study program. While the sample of this research are students from class A and Class D that consists of 37 students. The technique and instruments of collecting data for this research are questionnaires, interviews, and forum group discussions. In conclusion, the result shows that the students use metacognitive strategy in their reading process
Teaching Reading through PowToon: Practices and Students’ Attitude
Abstract: Technology has been in active use for a long time particularly in higher educational institutions. Mainly, technology provides various opportunities to enhance students’ performance to language learning. This present paper discusses the implementation and integration a technology-engagement teaching strategy with the aid of PowToon by focusing on students’ vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension. This study presents the teaching practices that occur through such an activity by applying Powtoon as a multimodal learning tool to enhance students’ vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension. In addition, in the second section of this paper, this paper presents the students’ attitude toward the teaching of reading through Powtoon. This paper concludes with comments about both the extent of Powtoon as a multimodal learning tool and about the future of teaching reading comprehension through technology in a multimodal world.Keywords: technology, language learning, PowToon. Abstrak: Teknologi telah lama digunakan secara aktif terutama di lembaga pendidikan tinggi. Terutama, teknologi memberikan berbagai peluang untuk meningkatkan kinerja siswa dalam pembelajaran bahasa. Makalah ini membahas penerapan dan integrasi strategi pengajaran keterlibatan teknologi dengan bantuan PowToon dengan berfokus pada penguasaan kosakata siswa dan pemahaman bacaan mereka. Penelitian ini menyajikan praktik pengajaran yang terjadi melalui kegiatan tersebut dengan menerapkan Powtoon sebagai alat pembelajaran multimoda untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata dan pemahaman bacaan siswa. Selain itu, pada bagian kedua makalah ini, makalah ini memaparkan sikap siswa terhadap pengajaran membaca melalui Powtoon. Makalah ini diakhiri dengan komentar tentang sejauh mana Powtoon sebagai alat pembelajaran multimodal dan tentang masa depan pengajaran pemahaman membaca melalui teknologi di dunia multimoda.Kata kunci: teknologi, pembelajaran bahasa, PowToon.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v10.i3.20201
PT Kusuma Mulia Textile is located in Solo-Sragen Highway Km 9
Karanganyar. PT Kusuma Mulia Textile is a private company with a single
owner. This company operates in textile industry. The production process involves
dyeing and finishing. The company employs raw material of grey cloth.
The objective of this research is to evaluate the accounting system of raw
material purchasing. Beside that, the objective this research is to find out whether
the accounting system of raw material purchasing applied had been supported by
the adequate internal control system.
Based the research, it can be concluded that the accounting system of raw
material purchasing in PT Kusuma Mulia Textile has been sufficiently good,
although it still find out some weaknesses. The weaknesses such as double
function of storage function and operation function. The use of document has been
adequate but with no printed sequenced number and some documents no printed
standart form. The other weaknesses is the procedurs of the accounting system of
raw material purchasing has not been consistent implemented occasionally.
Considering the weaknesses of the accounting system of raw material
purchasing in PT Kusuma Mulia Textile, it’s recommends that there should be a
segregation of storage and operation function as well as. The document with
printed sequenced number and the document with standart form should be used
for facilitating the accountability. The purchase request procedur should be
implemented as well as.
Keywords: Accounting System, Raw Material Purchasing