60 research outputs found


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    Keberadaan toko perlengkapan Outdoor sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat yang memiliki hobi olahraga di ruangan terbuka atau dikenal dengan nama olahraga outdoor. Kebutuhan perlengkapan Outdoor ini berkembang seiring dengan adanya minat masyarakat yang ingin menerapkan pola gaya hidup sehat. Hal ini berdampak pula pada perkembangan bisnis perlengkapan outdoor pada salah satu toko perlengkapan outdoor yang ada di Serang yaitu Banten Outdoor. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan observasi dan wawancara terhadap pemilik dan karyawan toko untuk mengetahui sistem penjualan yang sedang berjalan. Pada sistem yang berjalan terdapat beberapa permasalahan meliputi proses pencatatan transaksi yang masih dilakukan menggunakan buku besar, rekap data penjualan harian maupun bulanan masih tidak realtime dan tidak adanya pengkodean barang sehingga merpersulit karyawan dalam proses pencarian barang yang diminta oleh customer. Demikian pula dalam manajemen dan pengecekan stok produk dan pencatatan nama customer masih dicatat di buku besar. Permasalahan tersebut bisa diatasi dengan aplikasi point of sale yang di dalamnya diterapkan bussiness inteligence sehingga aplikasi dapat melakukan analisis data berjalan maupun data histori yang hasilnya ditampilkan melalui Data Visualization. Dengan adanya data visualization yang berupa diagram penjualan per produk ini pemilik dapat memantau dan menganalisa pergerakan transaksi, brand mana yang paling laris terjual dan brand mana yang kurang laris terjual di pasar, sehingga pemilik dapat mengambil keputusan brand mana yang nantinya akan ditingkatkan.   Kata Kunci : Business Intelligence, Data Visualization,Aplikasi Point of  Sales

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Status Gizi Balita

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    Background: The first two years in life are critical period in which rapid growth and development occured. Nutritional status of children under five years old is influenced by several factors, such as social, economic, cultural, health, environmental, and demographic factor. The World Health Organization reported that protein- energy malnutrition (PEM) prevalence in Indonesia was high. It was estimated that 27.5% of children under five years old were experienced from moderate malnutrition, while 8.5% of them were severely malnourished.Objective: This study is aimed to determine nutritional status of children under five years old as well as to identify the correlation between risk factors and the nutritional status on the area of Dukuh Madigondo, Sidoharjo Village, Samigaluh Subdistrict, and the District of Kulonprogo.Methods: The design of this study was observational with cross sectional study to identify 15 risk factors associated with nutritional status in children under five years old. Subjects were 48 children under five years old which assessed with research questionnaires. Correlation among variables was then analyzed using Kruskal Walis One Way Anova and Pearson Chi Square Test.Result: The nutritional status of fourty four children under five years old were good, while two of the children were below standard and the remaining two were bad in nutritional status. Pearson Chi Square analysis has showed no significant correlation between nutritional status and sickness frequency, familial characteristics, expenditure, environmental hygiene sanitation, health care access, mother act, mother behavior, along with mother knowledge factor.Conclusion: There was no significant correlation found among 15 risk factors towards nutritional status of children under five years old in Dukuh Madigondo, Sidoharjo Village, Samigaluh Subdistrict, District of Kulonprogo


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    ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mensosialisasikan rehabilitasi hutan Desa Kanreapia melalui pelatihan teater pada Sanggar Seni Bola Koko. Sumber data dari penelitian ini melalui studi pustaka, observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif sebagai cara untuk menganalisis sosialisasi rehabilitasi hutan Desa Kanreapia melalui pelatihan teater. Berdasarkan pelatihan yang telah dilakukan didapatkan hasil penelitian yang disimpulkan ; Proses pelatihan teater pada Sanggar Seni Bola Koko sebagai media sosialisasi rehabilitasi hutan Desa Kanreapia, dimulai dari pembukaan, kemudian dilanjutkan kegiatan pelatihan inti dan terakhit penutup, lewat proses pelatihan yang dilakukan mampu menambah wawasan serta kepedulian aktor Sanggar Seni Bola Koko terhadap hutan Desa Kanreapia dengan memperhatiakan beberapa karakteristik yang ditinjau dari beberapa cara mengumpulkan data


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    Aerodynamic is a branch of science which study the effect of wind to an object. Transport vehicle (truck) is one of the object in this field. A deflector is use to direct the wind for aerodynamics aspect. The research is conduct in a small scale wind tunnel with 40 cm x 40 cm cross section and 300 cm length. A truck model is varied without deflector, flat deflector, convex deflector and concave delector. The wind speed is varied at 1,9; 2,31 and 3,23 m/s by a fan. U type manometers with 30o inclination are used to measure height difference (Dh) of the water column at 3 pointsabove the deflector. The data are used to count the wind pressure and the wind speed.Aerodynamic performance is described as a capability to maintain the wind speed at measurement points.The research result shows that the deflector has effect due to aerodynamics characteristic of truck model. Convex deflector has the best performance. Flat and concave deflectors are next.   Keywords: aerodynamics, truck, deflecto

    The Physical, Mechanical, Barrier Characteristics, and Application of Edible Film from Yellow Sweet Potato and Aloe Vera Gel

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of the concentrations of yellow sweet potato starch and aloe vera gel on the physical, mechanical, and barrier characteristics of the edible film, which is applied as packaging for strawberries. It was carried out using a factorial randomized block design (RBD) consisting of 2 stages where the first step was making edible with varied yellow sweet potato starch  and aloe vera gel, followed by the application of the selected edible film. The two factors used as edible films were yellow sweet potato starch (Ipomea batatas) at 2%, 3%, and 4% w/v, as well as aloe vera gel (Aloevera barbadensis) at 5%, 10%, and 15% v/v concentrations. The formulation was applied to the strawberries to examine their ability to extend shelf life. The parameters tested in the first step were thickness, color, solubility, transparency, tensile strength, elongation, and WVTR, while weight loss, texture, and color were examined in the second stage for four days of storage. The results showed an interaction between yellow sweet potato starch and aloe vera gel on thickness with a range of 0.07-0.16 mm, L value of 66.73-73.23, a* value  of 0.8-2.5, b* value of 11.1-14.4, solubility  of 33.24-56.16%, transparency 2.68-3.43 A/mm, tensile strength 0.08-0.70 MPa, elongation in the range of 10.95-51.14%, and WVTR of 3.97-4.90 g/m 2 /24 hours. This showed that the application of edible coating with the best treatment can prevent a decrease in weight loss, texture andcolor intensity as well as extend the shelf life of strawberries up to two times

    Pengaruh Faktor dan Mekanisme Pengerasan Regangan pada Baja Hadfield

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    Abstract. Hadfield steel has good toughness, ductility, impact resistance, wear resistance and has excellent work hardening. It has a carbon content of 1-1.4% and manganese 11-14% by weight, a ratio of approximately 1:10. The potential for increasing its strength against strain hardening can be seen from the wide range of plastic strength, 379 MPa yield strength and 965 MPa tensile strength. The hardening of Hadfield steel strain depends on the type loading which affect the dislocation slip mechanism, twinning deformation, and the interaction between slip and twinning. The study of high strain rates in Hadfield steel is quite interesting and still relevant to date, although there have been many papers published. Hadfield cast steel which has a relatively low hardness, can be increased its hardness by treatment and high work hardening (high strain rate). There are factors that influence the hardness of Hadfield steel include alloying, solid solution process and high work hardening. Nitrogen as austenite stabilizer is important for work hardening, chromium and vanadium are added to increase hardness because it will form carbides, and aluminum is added to increase wear resistance. High strain rate deformation is applied to provide improved strength because of propensity of twinning mechanism is likely to occur. Optimum strain hardening by twinning mechanism can only be achieved at critical impact energy. Explosive hardening generates small deformations but provides significant changes in mechanical properties.Abstrak. Baja Hadfield memiliki sifat ketangguhan, keuletan, ketahanan impak, ketahanan terhadap aus dan memiliki work hardening yang sangat baik. Memiliki kandungan unsur karbon 1-1,4% dan mangan 11-14% berat, rasio kurang lebih 1:10. Potensi peningkatan kekuatan terhadap pengerasan regangan, dapat dilihat dari rentang kekuatan plastis yang lebar, kekuatan luluh 379 MPa dan kekuatan tarik 965 MPa. Pengerasan regangan baja Hadfield tergantung kepada proses pembebanan melalui mekanisme slip dislokasi, deformasi twinning, serta interaksi antara slip dan twinning. Kajian tentang high strain rate pada baja Hadfield menjadi topik yang cukup menarik dan relevan, meskipun telah banyak publikasi yang dihasilkan. Baja Hadfield yang memiliki kekerasan relatif rendah, mampu ditingkatkan nilai kekerasannya melalui rekayasa perlakuan panas dan deformasi plastis secara cepat. Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi kekerasan baja Hadfield antara lain bahan paduan, perlakuan panas dan proses pengerasan regangan yang diberikan. Nitrogen sebagai penstabil austenit penting untuk pengerjaan dingin, kromium dan vanadium ditambahkan untuk meningkatkan kekerasan karena akan membentuk karbida, dan aluminum ditambahkan untuk meningkatkan ketahanan aus. Deformasi kecepatan regangan tinggi pada Hadfield memberikan peningkatan kekuatan lebih baik karena mekanisme twinning lebih dominan. Pengerasan regangan optimum oleh mekanisme twinning hanya dapat dicapai pada energi impak kritikal. Explosive hardening menghasilkan deformasi yang relatif kecil tetapi memberikan perubahan sifat mekanik yang signifikan


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    Pekarangan bagi penduduk di pedesaan selain berfungsi sebagai tempat bermukim juga berfungsi sebagai sumber pendapatan dan sumber gizi bagi keluarga. Pada lahan pekarangan ditanami berbagai macam tanaman hortikultura (mix cropping) yang dipadukan dengan usaha ternak dan pemeliharaan ikan, sehingga ditemukan berbagai pola dan intensitas pemanfaatan sesuai dengan luas lahan yang dimiliki. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan di desa Desa R Rejosari dan Desa P1 Mardiharjo, Kecamatan Purwodadi, Kabupaten Musi Rawas, pada bulan November 2010. Metode yang dilakukan adalah metode survei dan metode penarikan contoh yang digunakan adalah metode acak sederhana (simple random sampling). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat berbagai macam pola pemanfaatan lahan pekarangan pada kedua desa yang diteliti, dimana di desa R Rejosari terdapat 8 macam pola dan di desa P1 Mardiharjo terdapat 9 macam pola, yang didominasi tanaman buah-buahan (pisang, sawo dan rambutan). Intensitas pemanfaatan lahan di kedua desa tersebut tergolong masih rendah, karena banyak ditemukan lahan kosong atau tidak ditanami, sebagian tanaman masih muda dan kurang optimal pertumbuhannya, serta sebaran pohon yang tidak merata


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    Mobilization in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 in various joints was extremely fast. This has an impact on the paradigm of people who want to meet their needs instantly, including in the aspect of religious education. Meanwhile, access to information in this era was also used by radicals to carry out propaganda and all things related to it. If these two interests meet (people learn religion instantly and propaganda by radicals) it will certainly endanger the stability and harmony of religious communities in this country. Pesantren as the oldest educational institution in this country must take a role, including building an easy access to information flow, one of which is a website so that the public does not get caught up in radicalist propaganda. Through assistance with the ABCD method, it is hoped that Islamic boarding schools will be able to contribute in spreading friendly Islam in cyberspace. So that radicalism that spreads through the website can be stopped