35 research outputs found


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    The drainage system is one of the most important urban infrastructure. Management quality of a city is reflected in the drainage system quality of the city. To ensure the sustainability of the drainage system, we need a system of drainage management that involves all stakeholders, including the people who reside in it. This study was conducted to determine the organization of the management of the drainage system in the Netherlands, France and Indonesia. Data collected through interviews with the parties related to the management of the drainage system in Indonesia as well as from the literature. There are three models of organization in the drainage system management which is organizations model of government-based, organization model of community-based and organization model of stakeholders-based. In general, the drainage system management in France and the Netherlands is organization model of stakeholders-based, whereas in Indonesia using organizations model of government-based and community-based. Organizations of drainage system management has a very important role, and therefore must involve competent personnel and supported by regulation and sufficient authority. Increased community participation and partnerships between government, private and community must be continued, particularly in terms of maintenance and management of the construction of drainage infrastructure and facilities that have been built.Keywords: organization model, management, drainage syste

    Study of Institutional Evaluation in Drainage System Management of Semarang as Delta City

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    Semarang City is one of the cities located in deltaareas. Semarang face problems that always floods inundated parts of the city in every year. Flooding is caused by several things including the change in land use, intensity and high rainfall, erosion and sedimentation in the river channel, decreasing the capacity of the river, building damage flood control, and planning control systems are less precise. Efforts to control the flooding has been done, but more important is how big investmentcan operate and be managed according to plan is to deal with the flooding problem. Therefore, studies are needed to evaluate the management of the drainage system in Semarang city. The data obtained in this study through the literature and the parties related to the management of drainage in Semarang. Literature study conducted to evaluate institutional managers drainage system Semarang. The aspect covered are institution aspect,regulatory aspects, financing aspects, community participation aspect and technical and operation aspects. The results showed that depend on institutions aspect, the existing institutional model is still using the drainage system management by the government, where this management model is facing manyobstacles, especially in terms of financing. Therefore we need a model institution that can improve community participationactively in the management of drainage sytem of Semarang

    Edukasi Partisipasi Masyarakat Kelurahan Pandean Lamper dalam Pemeliharaan Bantaran Sungai Banjir Kanal Timur Semarang

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    Kelurahan Pandean Lamper merupakan salah satu daerah rawan banjir di Kota Semarang, karena terletak di DAS Sungai Banjir Kanal Timur. Penanganan terhadap banjir di wilayah tersebut telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah berupa normalisasi sungai dan saluran drainase. Banjir Kanal Timur (BKT) adalah satu sistem pengendali banjir Kota Semarang yang terletak di bagian timur Kota Semarang. Sungai ini memiliki panjang ± 14,50 km. Proyek normalisasi Sungai Banjir Kanal Timur membentang dari hulu di Bendungan Pucanggading hingga berakhir Muara Sungai di Laut Jawa. Dalam tahap I, normalisasi dilakukan sepanjang 6,7 kilometer, dari muara hingga Jembatan Majapahit. Untuk menjamin keberlanjutan pengelolaan normalisasi sungai dan saluran drainase, diperlukan keterlibatan banyak pihak, termasuk partisipasi masyarakat yang bertempat tinggal di dalamnya. Oleh sebab itu warga di kawasan tersebut perlu mendapatkan edukasi bagaimana menjaga keberlanjutan normalisasi sungai dan saluran drainase. Warga Kelurahan Pandean Lamper memerlukan edukasi agar dapat ikut berpartisipasi dalam pemeliharaan sungai dan saluran drainase. Edukasi yang diberikan meliputi pemahaman tentang penyebab dan dampak banjir, penanganan banjir serta pemeliharaan bangunan infrastruktur pengendali banjir. Warga Kelurahan Pandean Lamper masih banyak yang tidak memahami bangunan pengendali banjir yang ada di sekitar lingkungan mereka. Melalui edukasi yang diberikan dalam penyuluhan, diharapkan warga Pandean Lamper bisa memahami peran yang harus dilakukan dalam menjaga keberlangsungan bangunan pengendali banjir. Pandean Lamper Village is one of the flood-prone areas in Semarang City, because it is located in the East Flood Canal River Basin. The government has taken steps to deal with flooding in the area by normalizing rivers and drainage channels. The East Flood Canal (BKT) is a flood control system for the City of Semarang which is located in the eastern part of the City of Semarang. This river has a length of ± 14.50 km. The East Flood Canal River normalization project stretches from the upper reaches of the Pucanggading Dam to the end of the River Estuary in the Java Sea. In phase I, normalization is carried out along 6.7 kilometers, from the estuary to the Majapahit Bridge. To ensure the sustainability of the normalization of river and drainage channel management, it requires the involvement of many parties, including the participation of the people who live in them. Therefore, residents in the area need to receive education on how to maintain the sustainability of normalization of rivers and drainage channels. The residents of Pandean Lamper Village need education so that they can participate in the maintenance of rivers and drainage channels. The education provided includes an understanding of the causes and impacts of floods, flood management and maintenance of flood control infrastructure buildings. There are still many residents of Pandean Lamper Village who do not understand the flood control buildings in their surroundings. Through the education provided in the counseling, it is hoped that the residents of Pandean Lamper can understand the role that must be carried out in maintaining the sustainability of flood control buildings

    The Comparison of Institutional Model in Water Management Board - A Case Study of Management on Polder Drainage System in Semarang, Indonesia

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    Semarang is one of the cities in Indonesia which has a flood problem. Changes in land use, high rainfall intensity and erosion and sedimentation in river channels are the cause of flooding. Flood control has been attempted, such as the optimization of the drainage system. This study aims to obtain an appropriate institutional model for managing the drainage system. Research data obtained through literature and interviews with related parties in drainage management. There are three institutional models of drainage management systems that have been applied in Semarang, namely the government-based institutional model, the community-based institutional model, and the stakeholder-based institutional model. A total of 24 respondents from the elements of the city government, business people and the community were asked to assess the institutional model for drainage system management. The institutional model is analyzed in five aspects, namely technical, institutional, legal, financial, and community participation. Based on the results of the study, the most appropriate institutional model is the stakeholder-based institutional model. This institutional model has the advantage of involving many parties such as the government; communities and entrepreneurs, problems with the drainage system can be dealt with faster; have a legal umbrella that is protected by the government; and sources of funding for operational drainage systems can come from government and non-government

    Selection of Alternative Locations for Rubber Weirs to Fulfill Clean Water needs in Rembang Regency

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    Rembang Regency is one of the areas in Central Java that often faces the problem of lack of clean water, especially during the dry season. One of the innovations that can be applied to overcome the problems in Rembang Regency is to make a rubber weir. This study aims to consider and choose the location of the rubber weir which is planned to be built in the Kaliori District. There are 6 (six) criteria used in considering the selection of a rubber weir location and 3 (three) alternative location of weir. The data is then processed using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The results showed that the most important criteria started from the ease of operational access (0.260), seawater intrusion (0.197), topographic considerations (0.161), social aspects (0.136), distance from water management installations (0.129), and the importance of fishing boats (0.117). As for Location 3, which is 300 m near the Dukuh Mbancang bridge, Tambakagung Village is the best alternative to be the location for the construction of a rubber weir. This is because the location has a straight river path and easy access and does not interfere with fishing activities

    Tidal Flood Handling through Community Participation in Drainage Management System (A case study of the first water board in Indonesia)

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    Floods always occur in some cities located in coastal areas of Indonesia, including in Kemijen area of Semarang city. This study aimed to analyze the technical, institutional and community participation aspects in the management of drainage system and the influence of BPP SIMA (the first water board in Indonesia) in handling of tidal flood. Primary data in this study were obtained through observation and interviews, while secondary data obtained through the study of documents and literature review. Research results showed that technical aspects of drainage management in Kemijen Semarang, still in refinement. Some of the complementary buildings of primary drainage network are still in development. In the institutional aspect, drainage management is still less than optimal because it is handled by department with a number of personnel were very inadequate. Community participation in flood management is still in the form of measures which have not been fully coordinated with the region, such as raising floor of house, access roads and pumping water elevation. BPP SIMA as water board that is responsible for providing information, training and socialization to the community in the management of drainage, is still not optimal in forming a caring community environment.Â


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    Permasalahan pemanfaatan air untuk kawasan pertanian, penanganan permasalahan kawasan banjir rob memerlukan analisis dengan menggunakan model numerik dan validasi dengan uji model Fisik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menambahkan komponen uji aliran tertutup dan uji awal aliran dengan sampelk bendung berpori. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi inventori kondisi eksisting laboratorium, pembuatan denah eksisting, perencanaan sirkulasi aliran, penempatan alat ukur yang diperlukan, alokasi uji model bangunan air, detail perencanaan laboratorium uji hidrolika. Untuk penelitian ini diawali dengan uji bendung berpori. Penelitian ini menghasilkan perencanaan laboratorium untuk uji hidrolika, penelitian eksperimen dan perbaikan alur aliran laboratorium. Kemudian penelitian ini juga menghasilkan analisis uji awal eksperimen laboratorium untuk bendung berpori dengan tiga tipe bentuk bronjong. Hasil penelitian ini dapat diimplementasikan di kawasan pertanian yang memiliki sungai atau aliran yang relatif kecil

    Edukasi Guru SD Kaligawe Semarang sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pemeliharaan Infrastruktur Pengendali Banjir

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    Kaligawe merupakan salah satu daerah rawan banjir di Kota Semarang. Kawasan Kaligawe termasuk dalam Sub Sistem Kali Tenggang. Penanganan terhadap banjir di Kaligawe telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah berupa normalisasi sungai dan pembangunan sistem polder sebagai bagian dari sistem drainase. Untuk menjamin keberlanjutan pengelolaan sistem drainase, diperlukan keterlibatan seluruh stakeholders, termasuk partisipasi masyarakat yang bertempat tinggal di dalamnya. Di wilayah Kaligawe, ada beberapa bangunan infrastruktur pengendali banjir seperti kolam retensi, rumah pompa, pintu gerak dan saluran drainase. Bangunan infrastruktur tersebut dapat terganggu fungsinya bila masyarakat tidak peduli, seperti membuang sampah di saluran drainase, merusak kolam retensi, mengambil/mencuri peralatan di rumah pompa dan lain sebagainya. Oleh sebab itu warga di kawasan tersebut perlu mendapatkan edukasi bagaimana hidup di lingkungan sistem polder. Sekolah Dqsar (SD) Kaligawe berada di wilayah Kaligawe, dimana para guru perlu diberikan edukasi agar dapat ikut berpartisipasi dalam pemeliharaan bangunan infrastruktur pengendali banjir. Edukasi yang akan diberikan meliputi pemahaman tentang penyebab dan dampak banjir di Semarang, penanganan banjir dan bangunan infrastruktur pengendali banjir di sekitar sekolah serta mitigasi bencana dan konsep Sekolah Siaga Bencana (SSB). Hasil pre-test terhadap guru, menunjukkan bahwa guru-guru di SD Kaligawe masih banyak yang tidak memahami bangunan pengendali banjir yang ada di sekitar lingkungan kerja mereka. Melalui edukasi yang diberikan dalam penyuluhan, guru-guru bisa memahami peran yang harus dilakukan dalam menjaga keberlangsungan bangunan pengendali banjir. Hasil post-test menunjukkan tingkat pemahaman yang meningkat pada guru-guru terhadap pengendalian banjir di wilayah Kaligawe.Kaligawe is one of the flood areas in the city of Semarang. Kaligawe area is included in the Kali Tenggang Sub-System. The government has handled floods in the area in the form of river normalization and construction of a polder system as part of the drainage system. To ensure the sustainability of the drainage system management, it requires the involvement of all stakeholders, including the participation of the people who live in it. In the Kaligawe area, there are several flood control infrastructure buildings such as retention ponds, pump houses, mobile gates and drainage channels. The function of these infrastructure buildings can be disrupted if the community does not care, such as throwing garbage in the drainage channels, damaging retention ponds, taking / stealing equipment at pump houses and so on. Therefore, residents in the area need to get education on how to live in a polder system environment. SD Kaligawe is located in Kaligawe area, where teachers need education in order to participate in the maintenance of flood control infrastructure. The education that will be provided includes understanding the causes and impacts of floods in Semarang, flood management and building flood control infrastructure as well as disaster mitigation and the concept of Disaster Alert School (SSB). The results of the pre-test conducted in this study showed that many teachers at SD Kaligawe did not understand the flood control buildings that were around their school environment. Through the education provided in counseling, teachers can understand the role that must be played in maintaining the sustainability of flood control buildings. The results of the post test showed an increased level of teachers on understanding of flood control in the Kaligawe area

    Inovasi Pasar Apung sebagai Adaptasi terhadap Banjir Air Pasang Laut di Desa Randusanga, Brebes

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    Desa Randusanga Wetan merupakan salah satu wilayah di pesisir Kabupaten Brebes yang sering mengalami banjir akibat adanya pasang air laut. Dampak yang ditimbulkan sangat mengganggu kegiatan masyarakat di wilayah tersebut. Banjir juga mengakibatkan bangunan permukiman serta infrastruktur menjadi rusak. termasuk pasar. Untuk meningkatkan kegiatan ekonomi di wilayah tersebut, masyarakat Desa Randusanga Wetan mengharapkan adanya pasar apung. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk membuat desain dan prototipe pondasi bangunan apung berbahan drum bekas dengan ukuran 6x6 meter dan jembatan apung ukuran 3x1 meter, yang akan dimanfaatkan sebagai bangunan rintisan pasar apung di Desa Randusanga Wetan. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan meliputi: merencanakan layout area pasar apung di Desa Randusanga Wetan, membuat gambar detail bangunan apung, dan merealisasi contoh bangunan apung sebagai rintisan pasar apung di area yang selalu tergenang air. Rintisan pasar apung ini diharapkan akan berkembang serta dapat menjadi pusat kegiatan jual beli produk lokal wilayah tersebut, sehingga dapat membangkitkan aktivitas perekonomian masyarakat.Randusanga Wetan Village is one of the areas on the coast of Brebes Regency which often experiences flooding due to high tides. The impact is very disturbing community activities in the area. Floods also cause infrastructure buildings to be damaged. including the market. To increase economic activity in the area, the people of Randusanga Village expect a floating market. This community service activity aims to design and prototype a floating building made of used drums with a size of 6x6 meters and a floating bridge measuring 3x1 meters, which will be used as a floating market pilot building in Randusanga Wetan Village. The method of implementing the activities includes: planning the layout of the floating market area in Randusanga Wetan Village, making detailed drawings of floating buildings, and realizing examples of floating buildings as pioneering floating markets in areas that are always flooded. This floating market pilot is expected to develop and become a center for buying and selling local products in the area, so that it can generate community economic activity

    Design and selection of alternative embankments to overcome tidal flood (A case study of the construction plan of a tidal embankment at Sayung, Demak)

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    Tidal embankment project in Sayung is one of the construction planning projects of the government. There are three alternatives of embankment designs that may be applied in the construction project; (1) Parapet Wall and Corrugated Concrete Sheet Pile (CCSP) reinforcement, (2) Concrete Wall Embankment with mini pile reinforcement, and (3) Multipurpose Panel System Embankment (SPS). The research was needed to examine the designs to find the fittest. This study aimed to redesign the construction plan of the tidal embankment using Plaxis software. This software was to analyze and determine the safety factors of the three alternative embankment designs. It was stated to be safe because it exceeded the standard of 1.5. One of the three alternative embankments was implemented using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method based on predetermined criteria: (1) Aspects of function and benefits, and (2) Aspects of site conditions which include cost and construction process. From the alternative selection using the expert choice program analysis method, the concrete wall embankment with mini-pile reinforcement was the main priority, with a weight value of 45.9%. Meanwhile, the second priority was the Parapet Wall and CCSP Reinforcement with a weight value of 37.2%, and the third choice was the Multipurpose Panel System Embankment (SPS) with a weight of 17%