22 research outputs found
Respon Mahasiswa dalam Pembelajaran Blended Learning pada Matakuliah Ilmu Gizi
Responding to developments in information and technology at this time universities are implementing blended learning in learning activities. The purpose of this study was to determine the response of students in Blended Learning learning in nutrition science courses. The research method used is descriptive qualitative through survey methods. The instrument used was a student response questionnaire to blended learning in nutrition science subjects. The subjects of this study were students of the PJKR class of 2016. Based on the results of the questionnaire survey as many as 6 question indicators, an average of 72.80% was obtained in the agreeing category and respondents who answered disagree were 27.19%. The conclusion in this study is that there is a positive response from students in learning using Blended Learning in Nutrition Science Subjec
Analisis Kesesuaian Materi dengan Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan pada Matakuliah Desain dan Strategi Pembelajaran
The ideal curriculum must have a match between learning outcomes and learning methods and teaching materials. The KKNI curriculum at the bachelor's level (S1) level begins with the preparation of profiles of higher education graduates which are then translated into Graduate Learning Outcomes. Based on this, this research was carried out with the aim of analyzing the level of suitability between the learning outcomes of graduates and the teaching materials in the Design and Learning Strategy Subject. This research is a qualitative descriptive study using document analysis method. The data collection instrument is a guidebook for the preparation of the KKNI curriculum, Semester Learning Plans for Design and Learning Strategies, Student Learning Outcomes in Design and Learning Strategy Subjects in the IKIP Budi Utomo Health and Recreation Physical Education Study Program and a rubric for assessment of the suitability of teaching materials. The data obtained were described qualitatively. The results showed that the teaching materials in the Design and Learning Strategy Subjects were in accordance with the learning outcomes of graduates as stated in the IQF with a suitability level of 84% which was in the "very appropriate" category. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the teaching materials arranged in the Learning Design and Strategy course are in accordance with the learning outcomes of graduates in the KKNI curriculum
Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah perlunya media pembelajaran inovatif yang digunakan dalam kegiatan belajar menganjar di sekolah. Penggunaan ponsel oleh siswa yang kurang optimal dalam kegiatan pembelajaran juga merupakan salah satu hal yang perlu diperhatikan. Dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran mobile learning berbasis android diharapkan dapat memberikan solusi pada guru untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dan motivasi belajar siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan menghasilkan media pembelajaran yang valid berbasis android pada mata pelajaran instalasi penerangan listrik di SMK Negeri 3 Surabaya. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga untuk menganalisis respon siswa terhadap penggunaan media pembelajaran berbasis android serta untuk menganalisis hasil belajar siswa terhadap penggunaan media pembelajaran berbasis android pada mata pelajaran instalasi penerangan listrik di SMK Negeri 3 Surabaya. Hasil dari penelitian dan pengembangan ini berupa produk media pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan pada ponsel pintar (smartphone) dan juga dikemas dalam CD untuk bahan referensi di Jurusan Teknik Elektro dengan isi materi yang pertama adalah persyaratan perencanaan dan pemasangan instalasi lampu penerangan jalan umum (PJU) dan lampu penerangan lapangan, yang kedua adalah jenis-jenis lampu penerangan jalan umum (PJU) dan lampu penerangan lapangan outdoor, serta yang ketiga adalah perhitunagn kuantitas iluminasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian pengembangan atau Research and Development (R&D) yang dimodifikasi menjadi delapan tahap yaitu: potensi dan masalah, pengumpulan data, desain produk, produk, revisi produk, validasi produk, uji coba produk, analisa dan pelaporan. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan dua kelas sebagai sampel, yaitu kelas XI TIPTL 1 sebagai kelas eksperimen yang dibelajarkan menggunakan media pembelajaran android dan kelas XI TIPTL 2 sebagai kelas kontrol yang dibelajarkan menggunakan media buku teks seperti bisaanya. Hasil penelitian berupa validasi ahli terhadap media pembelajaran instalasi penerangan listrik berbasis android dinyatakan sangat valid dengan hasil rating sebesar 85%. Dari hasil keseluruhan angket respon siswa terhadap media pembelajaran instalasi penerangan listrik berbasis android dinyatakan sangat baik dengan rating 88.98%. Hasil belajar yang didapatkan yaitu: (1) pada peningkatan hasil belajar ranah kognitif (gain) siswa yang dibelajarkan menggunakan media pembelajaran instalasi penerangan listrik berbasis android atau kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi secara signifikan (0.8) dibanding dengan siswa yang dibelajarkan menggunakan buku teks atau kelas kontrol (0.72); (2) hasil belajar ranah afektif siswa pada kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi (84.2) dibanding dengan siswa pada kelas kontrol (83.58); (3) hasil belajar ranah psikomotor siswa kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi (87.62) dibanding dengan siswa pada kelas kontrol (87.4). Penelitian menyarankan media pembelajaran instalasi penerang listrik berbasis android dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu media alternative dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar dikelas, penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk penelitian lanjutan dengan media pembelajaran yg lebih variatif dan kompleks, untuk penelitian selanjutnya media pembelajaran ini disarankan untuk menggunakan internet secara keseluruhan agar media pembelajaran ini dapat digunakan di luar kelas.
Kata Kunci: Mobile learning, media pembelajaran, android, respon siswa, hasil belajar siswa
Implementasi Media Padlet pada Pembelajaran TIK dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas IX SMPN 1 Munjungan
This research aims to increase students' learning motivation in ICT learning using Padlet media. This type of research is Classroom Action Research which consists of 2 cycles. The subjects of this research were 32 class IX students of SMPN 1 Munjungan Trenggalek. The results of the research show that there has been an increase in the implementation of padlet media in ICT materials at SMPN 1 Munjungan. The percentage in cycle 1 was 64% and increased in cycle 2 by 80.5%. Next, there are 6 indicators of learning motivation that are studied. Six indicators experienced an increase in the percentage of each indicator from cycle 1 to cycle 2. The conclusion of this research is that the implementation of Padlet media in ICT materials can increase student learning motivation
Instructional materials are supporting the success of learning. The purpose is the development of teaching materials to help facilitate the learning process so that learners drafting special requirements that must be met. One of the compulsory subjects in biology education courses are of Cell Biology, and based on the needs analysis, multimedia-assisted teaching materials is very required. This research aims to develop products Cell Biology course textbook aided interactive multimedia using the 4D model viable aspect kegrafikan (media) and language. The 4D model consists of stages define, design, develop, and disseminate. The development phase is limited to stages develop. This research generates results media and language as validation data. The tests showed that the textbook and interactive multimedia eligible for use in the real learning of Biology Cell course.Validator also put forward suggestions for the improvement of some parts of teaching materials.
Analysis of “Merdeka Belajar - Kampus Merdeka“ program research in Scopus indexed journals: A critical review
The “Merdeka Belajar - Kampus Merdeka“ (MBKM) program emphasizes learning relevant to the needs of workplace so that students can compete with their abilities. However, the lack of information regarding MBKM is an important note. The research aims to analyze and review Scopus-indexed MBKM documents critically. The research focus is research trends, crucial information, and research recommendations. The research method used is a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) supported by the VOSViewer application. SLR evaluates and analyzes documents systematically and VOSViewer visualizes relevant document results. Documents described from 2021 to 2024. The number of articles used was 29. The research results show that the number of documents related to MBKM has increased, indicating the great attention of researchers to this program. The MBKM program received a positive response from institutions and students. However, several aspects of implementing the MBKM program still require more attention. The bibliometric visualization results show that several clusters are not directly related to the MBKM program, which provides opportunities for future study. Apart from that, the quality of learning needs to be improved through various learning activities so that student's skills and abilities can be empowered more optimally, preparing them to face increasingly rapid developments
The purpose of this community service activity is to describe environmental attitudes in the community in the tofu factory area, Karangploso District, Malang Regency. The method of carrying out activities is through the survey method. Data analysis used descriptive statistics by looking at the percentage and average. The population used is residents around the tofu factory, Karangploso District, Malang Regency, with a sampling technique through accidental sampling. The instrument used is an attitude scale questionnaire, interviews. Based on the results of the description, the average environmental attitude indicator shows the following criteria: the 'High' criterion is indicated by the attitude indicator number 1,3,7,15, then the 'Medium' criterion is indicated by the attitude indicator number 5,9,14, the 'Low' criterion is found. on the attitude indicator number 2,8,10, 12,13, then the 'Very Low' criterion is indicated by the attitude indicator number 4 with an average of 1,7. The conclusion of the environmental attitude of the community wants the need for an increase in waste management in the tofu factory area in Malang Regency
The purpose of this study was to describe the public's perception of tofu waste management and its utilization in Malang Regency. The type of research used is survey research which is analyzed using descriptive statistics by looking at the percentage. The population used is residents around the Jaya Sari tofu factory, Sari Abadi, UD Lancar Jaya, and LW in Karangploso District, Malang Regency. While the instruments for data collection are interview questionnaires and documentation. Based on the description of the results of public perceptions, the highest percentage of perceptions is the question indicator no. 15 of 93.3%, which is about the need for socialization to the community about the use of water hyacinth plants and fish cultivation as an alternative to the use of tofu liquid waste
Respect Education sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Bullying pada Remaja Usia 11-13 Tahun
Bullying behavior is behavior that is carried out repeatedly by a group of students who have power over weak students and results in displeasure or hurting other students. Cases of bullying often occur in school-age children and sometimes teachers or school authorities are not aware of bullying in their schools. AL - ULUM INTEGRATED ISLAMIC SMP is an educational unit with a junior high school level in Wajak, Kec. Wajak, Kab. Malang, East Java. In the 2021/2022 school year there is 1 study group in each study class with a total of 106 students. Based on the results of interviews with the counseling teacher and the Deputy Head of Curriculum, it was found that there had never been any outreach activities related to respect education to prevent bullying in the school environment. This is one of the factors underlying the holding of respect education counseling at IT AL-ULUM Middle School. The community service method implemented is outreach and counseling with the target of school residents, especially teachers and students of SMP IT AL-ULUM Wajak. Respect education socialization and outreach activities that have been carried out can provide knowledge and understanding to students and teachers at IT AL-ULUM Wajak Middle School. The IT AL-ULUM Middle school school gave a positive response to the respect education counseling conducted by IKIP Budi Utomo. Community service activities in the form of respect education counseling can run smoothly and have a positive impact on IT AL-ULUM Wajak Middle School, especially teachers and students
Analysis of Physical Education Online Learning Implementation at Zainul Mu'in Vocational High School Sambirampak Lor-Probolinggo in the Covid-19 Pandemic
The purpose of the study was to analyze the implementation of online learning for PJOK subjects at SMK Zainul Mu'in Sambirampak Lor. The research method uses descriptive quantitative. The instrument used a questionnaire on facilities and infrastructure, the learning process, school support, and parental support. The results showed that the average factor of facilities and infrastructure was sufficient (75.4%). The average learning process factor is sufficient (79.4%). mean school support is sufficient (63%). The mean factor of parental support is sufficient (61.2%). The obstacles faced in online-based PJOK learning at Zainul Mu'in Sambirampak Lor Vocational School are the low attendance and activeness of students participating in learning, teachers have difficulty providing interesting learning, teachers have difficulty assessing affective and psychomotor aspects related to movement activities, and lack of assistance. and parental supervision of their children's learning and education. Based on the description, it can be concluded that online learning is going well but some obstacles are found, such as the teacher having difficulty assessing the psychomotor aspects of students