1,319 research outputs found
Holographic Cosmology 3.0
We present a new version of holographic cosmology, which is compatible with
present observations. A primordial phase of the universe is followed
by a brief matter dominated era and a brief period of inflation, whose
termination heats the universe. The flatness and horizon problems are solved by
the dynamics. The model is characterized by two parameters, which
should be calculable in a more fundamental approach to the theory. For a large
range in the phenomenologically allowed parameter space, the observed
fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background were generated during the
era, and are exactly scale invariant. The scale invariant spectrum
cuts off sharply at both upper and lower ends, and this may have observational
consequences. We argue that the amplitude of fluctuations is small but cannot
yet calculate it precisely.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, based on talks presented by the authors at the
Nobel Symposium, Sigtuna Stiftelsen, Sweden, June 14 -19, 2003 and at the
Conference on String Theory and Cosmology, KITP, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA,
October 20-24, 200
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