2,822 research outputs found

    High Mass Resonances at ATLAS

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    A brief overview of searches for high mass resonances using a subset of data collected by the ATLAS experiment during the 2011 LHC run is presented. Various final states are explored including dilepton, diphoton, lepton with missing transverse energy, dijet, photon with a jet, top anti-top pairs, and Z boson pairs. No new resonance has been found and limits on several new physics models are set.Comment: Presented at the 2011 Hadron Collider Physics symposium (HCP-2011), Paris, France, November 14-18 2011, 4 pages, 9 figure

    The Machine Learning Landscape of Top Taggers

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    Based on the established task of identifying boosted, hadronically decaying top quarks, we compare a wide range of modern machine learning approaches. Unlike most established methods they rely on low-level input, for instance calorimeter output. While their network architectures are vastly different, their performance is comparatively similar. In general, we find that these new approaches are extremely powerful and great fun.Comment: Yet another tagger included

    Surgical treatment of symptomatic pineal cysts without hydrocephalus-meta-analysis of the published literature

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    Background To examine published data and assess evidence relating to safety and efficacy of surgical management of symptomatic pineal cysts without hydrocephalus (nhSPC), we performed a systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis. Methods Following the PRISMA guidelines, we searched Pubmed and SCOPUS for all reports with the query 'Pineal Cyst' AND 'Surgery' as of March 2021, without constraints on study design, publication year or status (PROSPERO_CRD:42,021,242,517). Assessment of 1537 hits identified 26 reports that met inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results All 26 input studies were either case reports or single-centre retrospective cohorts. The majority of outcome data were derived from routine physician-recorded notes. A total of 294 patients with surgically managed nhSPC were identified. Demographics: Mean age was 29 (range: 4-63) with 77% females. Mean cyst size was 15 mm (5-35). Supracerebellar-infratentorial approach was adopted in 90% of cases, occipital-transtentorial in 9%, and was not reported in 1%. Most patients were managed by cyst resection (96%), and the remainder by fenestration. Mean post-operative follow-up was 35 months (0-228). Presentation: Headache was the commonest symptom (87%), followed by visual (54%), nausea/vomit (34%) and vertigo/dizziness (31%). Other symptoms included focal neurology (25%), sleep disturbance (17%), cognitive impairment (16%), loss of consciousness (11%), gait disturbance (11%), fatigue (10%), 'psychiatric' (2%) and seizures (1%). Mean number of symptoms reported at presentation was 3 (0-9). Outcomes: Improvement rate was 93% (to minimise reporting bias only consecutive cases from cohort studies were considered, N= 280) and was independent of presentation. Predictors of better outcomes were large cyst size (OR= 5.76; 95% CI: 1.74-19.02) and resection over fenestration (OR= 12.64; 3.07-52.01). Age predicted worse outcomes (OR= 0.95; 0.91-0.99). Overall complication rate was 17% and this was independent of any patient characteristics. Complications with long-term consequences occurred in 10 cases (3.6%): visual disturbance (3), chronic incisional pain (2), sensory disturbance (1), fatigue (1), cervicalgia (1), cerebellar stroke (1) and mortality due to myocardial infarction (1). Conclusions Although the results support the role of surgery in the management of nhSPCs, they have to be interpreted with a great deal of caution as the current evidence is limited, consisting only of case reports and retrospective surgical series. Inherent to such studies are inhomogeneity and incompleteness of data, selection bias and bias related to assessment of outcome carried out by the treating surgeon in the majority of cases. Prospective studies with patient-reported and objective outcome assessment are needed to provide higher level of evidence.Peer reviewe

    Evidence for the exclusive decay Bc+- to J/psi pi+- and measurement of the mass of the Bc meson

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    We report first evidence for a fully reconstructed decay mode of the B_c^{\pm} meson in the channel B_c^{\pm} \to J/psi \pi^{\pm}, with J/psi \to mu^+mu^-. The analysis is based on an integrated luminosity of 360 pb$^{-1} in p\bar{p} collisions at 1.96 TeV center of mass energy collected by the Collider Detector at Fermilab. We observe 14.6 \pm 4.6 signal events with a background of 7.1 \pm 0.9 events, and a fit to the J/psi pi^{\pm} mass spectrum yields a B_c^{\pm} mass of 6285.7 \pm 5.3(stat) \pm 1.2(syst) MeV/c^2. The probability of a peak of this magnitude occurring by random fluctuation in the search region is estimated as 0.012%.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. Version 3, accepted by PR

    Observation and Mass Measurement of the Baryon Ξb−\Xi^-_b

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    We report the observation and measurement of the mass of the bottom, strange baryon Ξb−\Xi^-_b through the decay chain Ξb−→J/ψΞ−\Xi^-_b \to J/\psi \Xi^-, where J/ψ→μ+μ−J/\psi \to \mu^+ \mu^-, Ξ−→Λπ−\Xi^- \to \Lambda \pi^-, and Λ→pπ−\Lambda \to p \pi^-. Evidence for observation is based on a signal whose probability of arising from the estimated background is 6.6 x 10^{-15}, or 7.7 Gaussian standard deviations. The Ξb−\Xi^-_b mass is measured to be 5792.9±2.55792.9\pm 2.5 (stat.) ±1.7\pm 1.7 (syst.) MeV/c2c^2.Comment: Minor text changes for the second version. Accepted by Phys. Rev. Let

    Measurement of the ttbar Production Cross Section in ppbar Collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV

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    We present a measurement of the top quark pair production cross section in ppbar collisions at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV using 318 pb^{-1} of data collected with the Collider Detector at Fermilab. We select ttbar decays into the final states e nu + jets and mu nu + jets, in which at least one b quark from the t-quark decays is identified using a secondary vertex-finding algorithm. Assuming a top quark mass of 178 GeV/c^2, we measure a cross section of 8.7 +-0.9 (stat) +1.1-0.9 (syst) pb. We also report the first observation of ttbar with significance greater than 5 sigma in the subsample in which both b quarks are identified, corresponding to a cross section of 10.1 +1.6-1.4(stat)+2.0-1.3 (syst) pb.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physics Review Letters, 7 page

    Polarizations of J/psi and psi(2S) Mesons Produced in ppbar Collisions at 1.96 TeV

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    We have measured the polarizations of \jpsi and \psiprime mesons as functions of their transverse momentum \pt when they are produced promptly in the rapidity range ∣y∣<0.6|y|<0.6 with \pt \geq 5 \pgev. The analysis is performed using a data sample with an integrated luminosity of about 800 \ipb collected by the CDF II detector. For both vector mesons, we find that the polarizations become increasingly longitudinal as \pt increases from 5 to 30 \pgev. These results are compared to the predictions of nonrelativistic quantum chromodynamics and other contemporary models. The effective polarizations of \jpsi and \psiprime mesons from BB-hadron decays are also reported.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, published in Physical Review Letter

    Top quark mass measurement using the template method at CDF

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    We present a measurement of the top quark mass in the lepton+jets and dilepton channels of ttˉt\bar{t} decays using the template method. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 5.6 fb−1^{-1} of ppˉp\bar{p} collisions at Tevatron with s=1.96\sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV, collected with the CDF II detector. The measurement is performed by constructing templates of three kinematic variables in the lepton+jets and two kinematic variables in the dilepton channel. The variables are two reconstructed top quark masses from different jets-to-quarks combinations and the invariant mass of two jets from the WW decay in the lepton+jets channel, and a reconstructed top quark mass and mT2m_{T2}, a variable related to the transverse mass in events with two missing particles, in the dilepton channel. The simultaneous fit of the templates from signal and background events in the lepton+jets and dilepton channels to the data yields a measured top quark mass of Mtop=172.1±1.1(stat)±0.9(syst).M_{top} = 172.1 \pm 1.1(stat) \pm 0.9(syst).Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Precise measurement of the top quark mass in the lepton+jets topology at CDF II