15 research outputs found
Number of differentially expressed genes found with increasing sequencing depth in comparisons of the sting gland and digestive tract.
<p>Nurse sting gland is compared to nurse digestive tract in part A, and forager sting gland is compared to forager digestive tract in part B.</p
Mean expression levels for all genes and all expressed transcription factors in the sting gland and digestive tract of nurses and foragers.
<p>Values are from the 12 million read depth NOISeq analysis.</p
Relationship between fold difference (M) and raw expression difference (D) for all expressed genes in the sting gland in nurses versus the sting gland in foragers (part A) and the digestive tract in nurses versus the digestive tract in foragers (part B).
<p>Relationship between fold difference (M) and raw expression difference (D) for all expressed genes in the sting gland in nurses versus the sting gland in foragers (part A) and the digestive tract in nurses versus the digestive tract in foragers (part B).</p
Number of differentially expressed transcription factors found with increasing sequencing depth in the sting gland versus digestive tract comparisons.
<p>Number of differentially expressed transcription factors found with increasing sequencing depth in the sting gland versus digestive tract comparisons.</p
Number of differentially expressed transcription factors found with increasing sequencing depth in the developmental phase comparisons between nurses and foragers.
<p>Number of differentially expressed transcription factors found with increasing sequencing depth in the developmental phase comparisons between nurses and foragers.</p
Gene ontology analysis of differentially expressed genes between nurse and forager digestive tracts.
<p>Top panel shows the distribution of GO functional categories for all DEGs found (565 in total), while the bottom panel shows the same for the genes with the 50 highest probabilities of being differentially expressed (the 50 genes with the most robust patterns of differential expression).</p
Effect of increasing read depth on the strength of the difference between differentially expressed transcription factors.
<p>Effect of increasing read depth on the strength of the difference between differentially expressed transcription factors.</p
Effect of increasing read depth on the strength of the difference between DEGs measured as M (absolute value of the fold difference in expression) and D (the raw difference in expression).
<p>Effect of increasing read depth on the strength of the difference between DEGs measured as M (absolute value of the fold difference in expression) and D (the raw difference in expression).</p
Number of differentially expressed genes found with increasing sequencing depth in comparisons of (A) the sting gland between nurses and foragers, and (B) the whole digestive tract between nurses and foragers.
<p>Two different normalization techniques were used in the NOISeq package: upper quartile normalization (UQ), and RPKM. </p
Sequences of adaptors and primers used in ms-AFLP analyses.
<p>Sequences of adaptors and primers used in ms-AFLP analyses.</p