1,639 research outputs found


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    We calculate cross sections for elastic scattering and electronic excitation of BF3 molecules by low energy electrons. The R-Matrix code Quantemol-N has been used for calculations. The cross sections indicate the presence of a shape resonance of symmetry B-1 (A(2)'' in D-3h) at around 4.5 eV

    Modelling radiation emission in the transition from the classical to the quantum regime

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    An emissivity formula is derived using the generalised Fermi-Weizacker-Williams method of virtual photons which accounts for the recoil the charged particle experiences as it emits radiation. It is found that through this derivation the formula obtained by Sokolov et al using QED perturbation theory is recovered. The corrected emissivity formula is applied to nonlinear Thomson scattering scenarios in the transition from the classical to the quantum regime, for small values of the nonlinear quantum parameter \chi. Good agreement is found between this method and a QED probabilistic approach for scenarios where both are valid. In addition, signatures of the quantum corrections are identified and explored.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Direct laser acceleration in underdense plasmas with multi-PW lasers: a path to high-charge, GeV-class electron bunches

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    The direct laser acceleration (DLA) of electrons in underdense plasmas can provide 100s of nC of electrons accelerated to near-GeV energies using currently available lasers. Here we demonstrate the key role of electron transverse displacement in the acceleration and use it to analytically predict the expected maximum electron energies. The energy scaling is shown to be in agreement with full-scale quasi-3D particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations of a laser pulse propagating through a preformed guiding channel and can be directly used for optimizing DLA in near-future laser facilities. The strategy towards optimizing DLA through matched laser focusing is presented for a wide range of plasma densities paired with current and near-future laser technology. Electron energies in excess of 10 GeV are accessible for lasers at I∼1021 W/cm2I\sim 10^{21}~\mathrm{W/cm^2}.Comment: Accepted for publication in PR

    Table-top laser-based proton acceleration in nanostructured targets

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    The interaction of ultrashort, high intensity laser pulses with thin foil targets leads to ion acceleration on the target rear surface. To make this ion source useful for applications, it is important to optimize the transfer of energy from the laser into the accelerated ions. One of the most promising ways to achieve this consists in engineering the target front by introducing periodic nanostructures. In this paper, the effect of these structures on ion acceleration is studied analytically and with multidimensional particle-in-cell simulations.Weassessed the role of the structure shape, size, and the angle of laser incidence for obtaining the efficient energy transfer. Local control of electron trajectories is exploited to maximize the energy delivered into the target. Based on our numerical simulations, we propose a precise range of parameters for fabrication of nanostructured targets, which can increase the energy of the accelerated ions without requiring a higher laser intensity.This work has been partially supported by the Xunta de Galicia/FEDER under contract Agrup2015/11 (PC034) and by MINECO under contracts MAT2015-71119-R and FIS2015-71933-REDT. The authors would like to acknowledge the OSIRIS Consortium, consisting of UCLA and IST (Lisbon, Portugal) for the use of OSIRIS, for providing access to the OSIRIS framework. M Blanco also thanks the Ministry of Education of the Spanish government for the FPU fellowship. Camilo Ruiz also thanks MINECO project FIS2016-75652-P M Vranic acknowledges the support of ERC-2010-AdG Grant 267841 and LASERLAB-EUROPE IV—GA No. 654148. Simulations were performed at the Accelerates cluster (Lisbon, Portugal)S

    Phase Control of Nonlinear Breit-Wheeler Pair Creation

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    Electron-positron pair creation occurs throughout the universe in the environments of extreme astrophysical objects, such as pulsar magnetospheres and black hole accretion disks. The difficulty of emulating these environments in the laboratory has motivated the use of ultrahigh-intensity laser pulses for pair creation. Here we show that the phase offset between a laser pulse and its second harmonic can be used to control the relative transverse motion of electrons and positrons created in the nonlinear Breit-Wheeler process. Analytic theory and particle-in-cell simulations of a head-on collision between a two-color laser pulse and electron beam predict that with an appropriate phase offset, the electrons will drift in one direction and the positrons in the other. The resulting current may provide a collective signature of nonlinear Breit-Wheeler, while the spatial separation resulting from the relative motion may facilitate isolation of positrons for subsequent applications or detection.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Direct laser acceleration: A model for the electron injection from the walls of a cylindrical guiding structure

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    We use analytical methods and particle-in-cell simulation to investigate the origin of electrons accelerated by the process of direct laser acceleration driven by high-power laser pulses in preformed narrow cylindrical plasma channels. The simulation shows that the majority of accelerated electrons are originally located along the interface between the channel wall and the channel interior. The analytical model based on the electron hydrodynamics illustrates the underlying physical mechanism of the release of electrons from the channel wall when irradiated by an intense laser, the subsequent electron dynamics, and the corresponding evolution of the channel density profile. The quantitative predictions of the total charge of released electrons and the average electron density inside the channel are validated by comparison with the simulation results.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Laser absorption via quantum electrodynamics cascades in counter propagating laser pulses

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    A model for laser light absorption in electron–positron plasmas self-consistently created via QED cascades is described. The laser energy is mainly absorbed due to hard photon emission via nonlinear Compton scattering. The degree of absorption depends on the laser intensity and the pulse duration. The QED cascades are studied with multi-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations complemented by a QED module and a macro-particle merging algorithm that allows to handle the exponential growth of the number of particles. Results range from moderate-intensity regimes (~ 10 PW) where the laser absorption is negligible to extreme intensities (>100 PW) where the degree of absorption reaches 80%. Our study demonstrates good agreement between the analytical model and simulations. The expected properties of the hard photon emission and the generated pair-plasma are investigated, and the experimental signatures for near-future laser facilities are discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Seeded QED cascades in counterpropagating laser pulses

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    The growth rates of seeded QED cascades in counterpropagating lasers are calculated with first-principles two-and three-dimensional QED-PIC (particle-in-cell) simulations. The dependence of the growth rate on the laser polarization and intensity is compared with analytical models that support the findings of the simulations. The models provide insight regarding the qualitative trend of the cascade growth when the intensity of the laser field is varied. A discussion about the cascade's threshold is included, based on the analytical and numerical results. These results show that relativistic pair plasmas and efficient conversion from laser photons to. rays can be observed with the typical intensities planned to operate on future ultraintense laser facilities such as ELI or Vulcan.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio
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