11,966 research outputs found
On the cancellation of 4-derivative terms in the Volkov-Akulov action
Recently Kuzenko and McCarty observed the cancellation of 4-derivative terms
in the Volkov-Akulov supersymmetric action for the fermionic
Nambu-Goldstone field. Here is presented a simple algebraic proof of the
cancellation based on using the Majorana bispinors and Fiertz identities. The
cancellation shows a difference between the Volkov-Akulov action and the
effective superfield action recently studied by Komargodski and Seiberg and
containing one 4-derivative term. We find out that the cancellation effect
takes place in coupling of the Nambu-Goldstone fermion with the Dirac field.
Equivalence between the KS and the VA Lagrangians is proved up to the first
order in the interaction constant of the NG fermions.Comment: 18 pages; the version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D; new
section regarding the proof of the equivalence between the
Komargodski-Seiberg and the Volkov-Akulov actions is added: some comments and
new references are include
The Tomonaga-Luttinger Model and the Chern-Simons Theory for the Edges of Multi-layer Fractional Quantum Hall Systems
Wen's chiral Tomonaga-Luttinger model for the edge of an m-layer quantum Hall
system of total filling factor nu=m/(pm +- 1) with even p, is derived as a
random-phase approximation of the Chern-Simons theory for these states. The
theory allows for a description of edges both in and out of equilibrium,
including their collective excitation spectrum and the tunneling exponent into
the edge. While the tunneling exponent is insensitive to the details of a
nu=m/(pm + 1) edge, it tends to decrease when a nu=m/(pm - 1) edge is taken out
of equilibrium. The applicability of the theory to fractional quantum Hall
states in a single layer is discussed.Comment: 15 page
Study of narrow baryon resonance decaying into in -interactions at with SVD-2
The inclusive reaction was studied at IHEP accelerator
with proton beam using SVD-2 detector. Two different samples of
, statistically independent and belonging to different phase space
regions were used in the analyses and a narrow baryon resonance with the mass
was observed in both samples of the
dataComment: 3 pages, 6 figures, to be published in the Proceedings of the XXXIII
International Conference of High Energy Physics (ICHEP'06), Moscow, 200
Pion Polarizability in the NJL model and Possibilities of its Experimental Studies in Coulomb Nuclear Scattering
The charge pion polarizability is calculated in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model,
where the quark loops (in the mean field approximation) and the meson loops (in
the approximation) are taken into account. We show that quark loop
contribution dominates, because the meson loops strongly conceal each other.
The sigma-pole contribution plays the main role and
contains strong t-dependence of the effective pion polarizability at the region
. Possibilities of experimental test of this sigma-pole
effect in the reaction of Coulomb Nuclear Scattering are estimated for the
COMPASS experiment.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure
Even and odd symplectic and K\"ahlerian structures on projective superspaces
Supergeneralization of \DC P(N) provided by even and odd K\"ahlerian
structures from Hamiltonian reduction are construct.Operator which
used in Batalin-- Vilkovisky quantization formalism and mechanics which are
bi-Hamiltonian under corresponding even and odd Poisson brackets are
considered.Comment: 19 page
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