27 research outputs found

    Regular Model Checking Using Inference of Regular Languages

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    Regular model checking is a method for verifying infinite-state systems based on coding their configurations as words over a finite alphabet, sets of configurations as finite automata, and transitions as finite transducers. We introduce a new general approach to regular model checking based on inference of regular languages. The method builds upon the observation that for infinite-state systems whose behaviour can be modelled using length-preserving transducers, there is a finite computation for obtaining all reachable configurations up to a certain length n. These configurations are a (positive) sample of the reachable configurations of the given system, whereas all other words up to length n are a negative sample. Then, methods of inference of regular languages can be used to generalize the sample to the full reachability set (or an overapproximation of it). We have implemented our method in a prototype tool which shows that our approach is competitive on a number of concrete examples. Furthermore, in contrast to all other existing regular model checking methods, termination is guaranteed in general for all systems with regular sets of reachable configurations. The method can be applied in a similar way to dealing with reachability relations instead of reachability sets too

    Hijacking the Linux Kernel

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    In this paper, a new method of hijacking the Linux kernel is presented. It is based on analysing the Linux system call handler, where a proper set of instructions is subsequently replaced by a jump to a different function. The ability to change the execution flow in the middle of an existing function represents a unique approach in Linux kernel hacking. The attack is applicable to all kernels from the 2.6 series on the Intel architecture. Due to this, rootkits based on this kind of technique represent a high risk for Linux administrators

    Abstract Regular Model Checking

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    International audienceWe propose abstract regular model checking as a new generic technique for verification of parametric and infinite-state systems. The technique combines the two approaches of regular model checking and verification by abstraction. We propose a general framework of the method as well as several concrete ways of abstracting automata or transducers, which we use for modelling systems and encoding sets of their states as usual in regular model checking. The abstraction is based on collapsing states of automata (or transducers) and its precision is being incrementally adjusted by analysing spurious counterexamples. We illustrate the technique on verification of a wide range of systems including a novel application of automata-based techniques to an example of systems with dynamic linked data structure

    Verification of Parametric Concurrent Systems with Prioritized FIFO Resource Management

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    International audienceThis paper addresses the problem of parametric verification for a class of concurrent systems with resource sharing. The systems are composed of a parametric number of finite-state processes that are competing for exclusive access to a finite number of resources. Their access to resources is managed by a locker according to a FIFO policy distinguishing low-priority and high-priority resource requests. For such systems, we define a model based on automata with queues recording for each resource the identities of the waiting processes. Then, we address the parametric verification problem for the proposed model and the temporal logic LTL\X with global process quantification. We consider two different interpretation domains for the logic, namely the sets of finite and fair behaviours. In addition, we consider parametric verification of process deadlockability too. We establish several decidability results for different classes of the considered systems and properties by reducing their parametric verification problems to (finite-state) model-checking problems with finite numbers of processes

    Abstract Regular Tree Model Checking

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    International audienceRegular (tree) model checking (RMC) is a promising generic method for formal verification of infinite-state systems. It encodes configurations of systems as words or trees over a suitable alphabet, possibly infinite sets of configurations as finite word or tree automata, and operations of the systems being examined as finite word or tree transducers. The reachability set is then computed by a repeated application of the transducers on the automata representing the currently known set of reachable configurations. In order to facilitate termination of RMC, various acceleration schemas have been proposed. One of them is a combination of RMC with the abstract-check-refine paradigm yielding the so-called abstract regular model checking (ARMC). ARMC has originally been proposed for word automata and transducers only and thus for dealing with systems with linear (or easily linearisable) structure. In this paper, we propose a generalisation of ARMC to the case of dealing with trees which arise naturally in a lot of modelling and verification contexts. In particular, we first propose abstractions of tree automata based on collapsing their states having an equal language of trees up to some bounded height. Then, we propose an abstraction based on collapsing states having a non-empty intersection (and thus "satisfying") the same bottom-up tree "predicate" languages. Finally, we show on several examples that the methods we propose give us very encouraging verification results

    Template-based verification of heap-manipulating programs

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    We propose a shape analysis suitable for analysis engines that perform automatic invariant inference using an SMT solver. The proposed solution includes an abstract template domain that encodes the shape of a program heap based on logical formulae over bit-vectors. It is based on a points-to relation between pointers and symbolic addresses of abstract memory objects. Our abstract heap domain can be combined with value domains in a straight-forward manner, which particularly allows us to reason about shapes and contents of heap structures at the same time. The information obtained from the analysis can be used to prove reachability and memory safety properties of programs manipulating dynamic data structures, mainly linked lists. The solution has been implemented in 2LS and compared against state-of-the-art tools that perform the best in heap-related categories of the well-known Software Verification Competition (SV-COMP). Results show that 2LS outperforms these tools on benchmarks requiring combined reasoning about unbounded data structures and their numerical contents