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    Flamingo Vol. III N 8

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    Schmitz, E. Cover. Picture. 0. Awgwan. TIME TO EAT, SEE? Prose. 1. Purple Parrot. Untitled. Prose. 4. Purple Cow. Untitled. Prose. 4. Purple Cow. Untitled. Prose. 4. Mink. Untitled. Prose. 4. Royal Gabbon. AMERICAN GAMES FAIL IN ZULU LAND. Prose. 4. Goblin. Untitled. Prose. 4. Juggler. Untitled. Prose. 4. Gargoyle. Untitled. Prose. 4. Lehigh Burr. Very Simple. Prose. 4. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 4. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 5. C.K. Untitled. Picture. 6. D.K. Untitled. Poem. 6. Vogel, W.A. The Outcast. Prose. 7. E.T. Owed To A Dog. Poem. 8. Anonymous. DISSATISFACTION. Poem. 9. C.K. Reaction to Rain. Poem. 9. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 9. OH. Untitled. Poem. 9. C.O. WHO WON THE WAR? Poem. 9. Et tu. CONFESSIONS OF A COLLEGE CYNIC. Prose. 10. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 10. Anonymous. MATRON— WHAT TIME DID HE LEAVE LAST NIGHT? MAID— TEN O\u27CLOCK. MATRON— DON\u27T LIE TO ME! I HEARD HIM SAY AS HE LEFT, \u27JUST ONE!\u27 Picture. 10. Schmitz. THERE AIN\u27T NO GIRL LIKE MY GIRL, BUT IT SURE DO GET MY GOAT, \u27CAUSE THE GIRL THAT I CALL MY GIRL AIN\u27T GOT NO BIG FUR COAT. Picture. 10. Anonymous. TOOT! TOOT! Prose. 10. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 10. Anonymous. A FROSH TO HIS MAMA. Prose. 10. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 10. Anonymous. THE NIGHT HAS A THOUSAND EYES, THEY SAY, THE DAY HAS ONLY ONE. BUT WHO WOULD CONSIDER SUGAR LOAF AT NOON FOR GETTING FUN? Picture. 10. L.A.H. HOW CAN IT WAS. Poem. 11. L.W. AND IN CLOSING, BRETHERN, LET US PRAY. I WILL ASK DEACON BROWN TO LEAD. (JUST COMING OUT OF A NAP)- ER-R-R BUT IT\u27S NOT MY LEAD, I DEALT. Picture. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Uber. SHE (POUTING)— YOU HAD NO BUSINESS TO KISS ME.\u27 HE— BUT IT WASN\u27T BUSINESS, IT WAS PLEASURE. Picture. 11. Salmagundi. The Light That Fails. Poem. 11. Anonymous. NOW HE\u27S MOULDING! Prose. 11. E.T. MORE DEADLY THAN. Prose. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 12. La Vie Parisienne. CONSEILS AUX JEUNES GENS. Prose. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 12. L.W. IT SAYS HERE IN THE PAPER ABOUT A \u27STOIC,\u27 WHAT\u27S THEM THINGS? GEE, KID, YER DUMB! A STOIC IS DE BOID WHAT BRINGS DE BABIES. Picture. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 12. H.L.V. RESOLUTIONS FOR 1923. Prose. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 12. Bannister, T.C. MOVIE OF A COLLEGE STUDENT ANSWERING THE LAST QUESTION OF AN EXAM. Picture. 13. L.D.L. WHAT JUDGE MEANT. Prose. 14. Anonymous. THE HONORABLE SYSTEM. Prose. 15. Anonymous. BREATHES THERE. Prose. 15. H.K. Poverty. Prose. 16. Anonymous. Fish. Prose. 16. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 16. H.K.M. A CONDENSED NOVEL. Poem. 16. Anonymous. ANNOUNCEMENTS YOU WILL NEVER SEE. Prose. 16 Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 16. Anonymous. CONCERNING FEATS. Prose. 17. Anonymous. Say It. Prose. 17. C.K. AND FOREVER SHALT BE. Picture and Poem. 17. Anonymous. A Proverb. Prose. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18. Anonymous. I WISH I KNEW OF SOMETHING TO KEEP THE CHAP OFF MY LIPS! EVER TRY ONIONS? Picture. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18. E.B. ABOUT THIS TIME OF THE YEAR. Picture. 19. J.H. A QUALM OF LIFE. Poem. 20. Anonymous. ONE OF THE GREEK SYMBOLS FOR FEBRUARY. Picture. 20. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 20. T.K. IF I MIGHT HOLD YOUR HAND, MY LOVE, \u27TWOULD BE ENOUGH TO GIVE ME JOY. NO MORE I\u27D ENVY YOUR WEE GLOVE, IF I MIGHT HOLD YOUR HAND, MY LOVE TO GLOOM I\u27D GIVE A MIGHTY SHOVE AND MAKE AN END OF THAT DULL BOY; IF I MIGHT HOLD YOUR HAND, MY LOVE, \u27TWOULD BE ENOUGH TO GIVE ME JOY. Picture. 20. Anonymous. Just for Tonight. Poem. 21. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 21. Goblin. Now Stop. Prose. 21. Wag Jag. IF THE SHOE FITS! Prose. 21. Mugwump. NOT THE KIND SHOT FROM GUNS. Prose. 21. Stone Mill. BLAME IT ON THE CAT! Prose. 21. Anonymous. LA DANSE . Picture. 22. Boston Beanpot. Brother! Prose. 22. Life. WELL, —? Prose. 22. Chaparral. ITINERANT. Prose. 22. Black and Blue Jay. MAYBE IT DRINKS. Prose. 22. Cracker. DARE WE PRINT THIS? Prose. 22. Panther. EXCEPT THE KITTEE. Poem. 22. Phoenix. AND GAS, TOO! Prose. 22. Awgwan. Of Course. Prose. 22. Tattler. TRANSMUTATION OF MATTER. Prose. 22. Wasp. HOW TO WASH SOCKS. Prose. 22. Washington Dirge. Untitled. Prose. 22. Showme. IT IS PIE FOR THEM ANYHOW. Prose. 25. Lehigh Burr. Untitled. Prose. 25. Yellow Jacket. BALLY WELL HINGLISH. Prose. 25. Pelican. Untitled. Prose. 25. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 26. Tiger. Untitled. Prose. 27. Squib. Untitled. Prose. 27. Tiger. Untitled. Prose. 27. London Opinion. Untitled. Prose. 28. Banter Untitled. Prose. 28. Widow. Untitled. Prose. 28. Phoenix. Untitled. Prose. 30. Octopus. Untitled. Poem. 30. Panther. Untitled. Prose. 30. Squib. Untitled. Prose. 30. Green Goat. WATSON, THE AXE. Poem. 31

    Flamingo Vol. III N 7

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    Clyde. Cover. Picture. 0. Beanpot. Untitled. Prose. 1. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 5. C.O. Untitled. Poem. 5. Anonymous. DEEDS FIELD, NOVEMBER 25, 1922. Picture. 6. Anonymous. THE LAYING OF THE CORNER STONE OF SWASEY CHAPEL HOME-COMING DAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1922. Picture. 6. Anonymous. For Denison. Prose. 6. Vogel, W.A. The Outcast. Prose. 7. Anonymous. Some Views on Ethics. Prose. 8. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 8. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 8. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 8. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 8. C.O. Untitled. Poem. 8. K.K.H. Canyon Cascade. Poem. 9. C.O. The Moon. Poem. 9. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 9. Bill. Dear Editor. Poem. 9. K.K.H. REVERIE. Poem. 9. L.A.H. A Night Before Classes. Poem. 10. C.K. and K.H. I KNEAD THEE EVERY HOUR. Picture. 10. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 10. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 10. Anonymous. Honest Horace. Poem. 10. Anonymous. LINES BY A SEA-GOING COLLEGE BOY. Poem. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. B.P. Forsaken. Poem. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Anonymous. A Run on the Bank. Picture. 11. Anonymous. The Man Who\u27s Never Late. Poem. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Pyroler. FATHER (SUSPICIOUSLY)— TOMMY, DID YOU TAKE A BATH? TOMMY— NO, PA, I DIDN\u27T, HONEST. IS ONE MISSING? Picture. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 11. H.F. THE BARISTON CASE. Prose. 12. Uber. WHAT MISS \u27LL TOE THIS MARK FOR MB? Picture. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. A Sure Hit. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous, MONEY TO BUY THIS COAT, DARLING. DOUGHLESS— HOW DID YOU MANAGE IT, PRECIOUS? MRS. D. — I BOUGHT IT WITH THE MONEY YOU GAVE ME FOR A NEW HAT AND HAD THE HAT CHARGED TO YOUR ACCOUNT. Picture. 13. L.A.H. EARLY IN JANUARY. Poem. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 13. Anonymous. A SKIN YOU LOVE TO TOUCH. Picture. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Multiple Authors. Hey Listen. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Merry Christmas. Prose. 14. Anonymous. Welcome. Prose. 15. Anonymous. Judge Not. Prose. 15. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 15. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 16. Uber. SHE WEARS HER HEART UPON HER SLEEVE, ONE OFTEN HEARS IT SAID. YET HOW SHE DOES, WE CAN\u27T CONCEIVE, WHEN ON HER ARMS SHE\u27S GARBED AS EVE WITHOUT A SINGLE THREAD. SO WE SUGGEST, (WITH FASHION\u27S LEAVE) THAT HEARTS BE WORN—NOT ON THE SLEEVEBUT ON THE BELT INSTEAD. Picture. 16. Anonymous. WOULDN\u27T IT BE WONDERFUL IF. Prose. 16. N.J.P. Untitled. Poem 16. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 16. E.B. JUST BEFORE THAT CHRISTMAS DANCE. Picture. 17. Anonymous. SOME LOCAL CHRISTMAS COLOR IN CASE NATURE FAILS TO FUNCTION. Picture. 18. L.A.H. In Regard to D Notices. Poem. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18. Anonymous. The Seven Wonders of Denison. Prose. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18. K. AUNTY, DID YOU EVER RECEIVE ANY PROPOSALS OF MARRIAGE ? YES, DEAR, ONCE—OVER THE TELEPHONE. BUT HE HAD THE WRONG NUMBER. Picture. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18. H.F. Untitled. Poem. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18. Anonymous. HE— THE FAMILY IS PROUD OF THAT MEDAL FOR ORATORY MY GRANDFATHER WON. SHE— A SORT OF HOT HEIRLOOM, ISN\u27T IT? Picture. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. H.K. The Girls of Today. Picture. 19. K.H. The Girls of Today. Poem. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 19. Anonymous. EUCLID— *!*!!*?!*?!, I DIDN\u27T GET A LINE TODAY. DESCARTES— HUH, YOU\u27RE LUCKY, DID. Picture. 19. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 20. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 20. Anonymous. The Rover Boys\u27 Big Year. Prose. 20. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 21. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 21. Uber. Is it true that statistics show that women live to be older than men? They ought to. Paint\u27s a great preservative, you know. Picture. 22. Goblin. Untitled. Prose. 22. Life. Untitled. Prose. 22. Brown Bull. Send \u27Er Here. Prose. 22. Cougar\u27s Paw. Untitled. Prose. 22. Scalper. Untitled. Prose. 22. Anonymous. BALLAD OF AN ANNUAL DIFFICULTY. Poem. 22. Ted Robinson in Life. L\u27Envoi. Poem. 22. E.B. This young pair will show you If you don\u27t already know The only proper thing to do Beneath the mistletoe! Picture. 22. Purple Cow. Untitled. Prose. 25. Widow. Untitled. Prose. 25. Goblin. Untitled. Prose. 25. Widow. RUBBING IT IN. Prose. 25. Georgia Cracker. Untitled. Prose. 25. London Opinion. AND WRENCHES AIN\u27T ALL. Prose. 25. Cougar\u27s Paw. Untitled. Prose. 26. Tiger. Untitled. Prose. 26. Siren. YES, YES, WHAT? Prose. 26. Chaparral. Untitled. Prose. 27. Cougar\u27s Paw. A Hot Remark. Prose. 27. Chaparral. Untitled. Prose. 27. Beanpot. Untitled. Prose. 30. Frivol. Untitled. Prose. 30. Beanpot. Untitled. Prose. 30. Yale Record. Untitled. Prose. 30. Goblin. Untitled. Prose. 30. Burr. Untitled. Prose. 30

    Flamingo Vol. III N 1

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    E.B. Cover. Picture. 0. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 5. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 5. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 5. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 5. Chaparral. Show This to the Livy. Prose. 5. Lemon Punch. Show This to the Livy. Prose. 5. Burr, Leigh. Fair and Warmer. Prose. 5. Judge. Fair and Warmer. Prose. 5. Record. Fair and Warmer. Prose. 5. Anonymous. Cutting, Isn\u27t It?. Picture. 6. Vogel, W.A. Twentieth Century Romance. Prose. 7. Q. Meditation. Poem. 8. M.I.D. Morning, The Seventeenth. Poem. 8. Anonymous. The Engagement. Poem. 8. Rine, Russell. On Rolling Pins. Poem. 9. G.M.C. Evening Star. Poem. 9. G.M.C. An Orison. Poem. 9. Schmitz. Denison Ding Dongs. Poem/Picture. 10. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 11. Deluber. Untitled. Picture. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 12. Anonymous. The Circus. Poem. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 12. Anonymous. The Deuce You Say. Prose. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 12. Anonymous. WHERE ARE YOU GOING MY PRETTY MAID? I\u27M GOING OUT FOR CHOW, SHE SAID. Picture. 12. Anonymous. E.E. Mongomery, M.D. Prose. 13. Anonymous. One Gone. Prose. 14. Anonymous. You\u27re Out. Prose. 15. W.G.M. Spring, B\u27gosh. Prose. 15. Bridge. Denison Folies. Picture. 16. W.M.P. New Fiction. Prose. 18. Schmitz. WHAT\u27S THE FARE TO KALAMAZOO? STANDARD RATES, $20.50. HOW MUCH FOR A SEAT? . Picture. 18. E.T. HE— WHAT\u27S THAT PRETTY THING YOU\u27RE WEARING UNDER YOUR \u27DOFUNNY?\u27 SHE— OH, THAT\u27S A SLIP. HE— I BEG YOUR PARDON. . Picture. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 20. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 20. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 20. Anonymous. The Flapper\u27s Standard. Prose. 20. George. Y\u27OTTA SEE MY NEW GIRL. I CALL HER MY LITTLE SHYLOCK. JEWESS? NO, BOBBED HAIR. . Picture. 20. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 21. Anonymous. Read Aloud. Prose. 21. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 21. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 21. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 21. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 21. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 21. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 21. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 21. Whiz Bang. Untitled. Prose. 21. Awgwan. And Close It As You Go Out. Prose. 22. Wasp. Untitled. Prose. 22. Octopus. Untitled. Prose. 22. Anonymous. S. STORY THE ORIGINAL DAYLIGHT SAVER. Picture. 23. Wag Jag. Two Cokes, Garcon. Prose. 23. Boston Transcript. Untitled. Prose. 24. Siren. Untitled. Prose. 24. Widow. You Noah. Prose. 24. Anonymous. Deep Stuff. Prose. 27. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 27. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 27. Garber, Jock. Our Questionable Department. 29. Chaparral. Dayton?. Prose. 29. Banter. Untitled. Prose. 29. Burr. Untitled. Prose. 29. Anonymous. Untitled. Poem. 29. Octopus. Untitled. Poem. 29. B.N.E. Untitled. Poem. 30. Reel, Virginia. Untitled. Prose. 30. Octopus. Untitled. Prose. 31. Octopus. Untitled. Prose. 31. Ghost. Untitled. Prose. 31. Phoenix. Untitled. Prose. 31. Chaparral. Untitled. Prose. 31. Goblin. Untitled. Prose. 31. Banter. Untitled. Prose. 31. Jester. Untitled. Prose. 31. Scalper. Untitled. Prose. 32. Punch Bowl. A Pressing Matter. Prose. 32. Lyre. Untitled. Prose. 32. Punch Bowl. Y.W.C.A. Wanted. Prose. 32. Awgwan. Untitled. Prose. 32. Octopus. Politics. Prose. 32

    NuSTAR Observations of the Magnetar 1E 2259+586

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    We report on new broad band spectral and temporal observations of the magnetar 1E 2259+586, which is located in the supernova remnant CTB 109. Our data were obtained simultaneously with the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) and Swift, and cover the energy range from 0.5-79 keV. We present pulse profiles in various energy bands and compare them to previous RXTE results. The NuSTAR data show pulsations above 20 keV for the first time and we report evidence that one of the pulses in the double-peaked pulse profile shifts position with energy. The pulsed fraction of the magnetar is shown to increase strongly with energy. Our spectral analysis reveals that the soft X-ray spectrum is well characterized by an absorbed double-blackbody or blackbody plus power-law model in agreement with previous reports. Our new hard X-ray data, however, suggests that an additional component, such as a power-law, is needed to describe the NuSTAR and Swift spectrum. We also fit the data with the recently developed coronal outflow model by Beloborodov for hard X-ray emission from magnetars. The outflow from a ring on the magnetar surface is statistically preferred over outflow from a polar cap.Comment: 37 pages, 9 figures, corresponding author, [email protected]

    Flamingo Vol. II N 6

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    Keeler, Clyde. Cover. Picture. 0. Wasp. Untitled. Prose. 1. Sun Dial. Wisdom . Prose. 1. Phoenix. Untitled. Prose. 1. Anonymous. Ham and Yeggs . Picture. 6. Leet, L. Don. The Watch . Prose. 7. R. The Musician . Poem. 8. G.C. Evolution . Poem. 8. W.A.V. Roaming . Poem. 8. F. The Miracle . Poem. 8. R.N.E. Evening, The Sixteenth . Poem. 8. Bogardus, Ethel. Graft . Prose. 9. J.M.P. Theseus Up-To-Date or The Modern Minotaur . Prose. 10. Mather, W.G. The Denison Masquers Club . Prose. 11. Vogel, W.A. \u27Twas Always Thus . Poem. 12. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 12. C.I. Stuck, By Gum . Picture. 12. Anonymous. Deliver Me From . Prose. 12. Anonymous. At The Tryouts . Prose. 12. Anonymous. A Popular Air . Picture. 12. Anonymous. Stage Staggers . Prose. 13. Anonymous. Now We Know Where The Flapper Got Her Name . Picture. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 13. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 14. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 18. Potter, W.M. Wana . Prose. 18. Anonymous. Benny Says . Prose. 18. George. Untitled. Picture. 18. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 18. Bridge, Edgar. Our Own Stage Terms . Cartoon. 18. Anonymous. Comme Ci- A Dialogue . Prose. 20. Anonymous. Let Him Rave . Prose. 20. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 20. Anonymous. Untitled. Picture. 20. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 22. Lord Jeff. Untitled. Prose. 22. Williams, Grace. Untitled. Picture. 22. Orange Peel. Rah! Rah! Rah! . Prose. 22. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 23. Goblin. Untitled. Prose. 23. Scalper Untitled. Prose. 23. Mercury. Untitled. Prose. 23. Judge. Untitled. Prose. 24. Octopus. Untitled. Prose. 24. Gargoyle. It\u27s A Gift . Prose. 24. Sun Dodger. Untitled. Prose. 24. Octopus. Untitled. Prose. 25. Panther. Untitled. Prose. 25. Lord Jeff. Untitled. Prose. 25. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 25. Green Gander. Untitled. Prose. 25. Froth. Untitled. Prose. 25. Purple Parrot. Untitled. Prose. 25. Bean Pot. Untitled. Prose. 25. Purple Cow. Untitled. Prose. 26. Wasp. Untitled. Prose. 26. Siren. Doity Work . Prose. 26. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 26. Yale Record. Untitled. Prose. 26. Voo-Doo. Untitled. Prose. 26. Jay. Untitled. Prose. 26. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 26. Anonymous. Ad In! . Prose. 26. Orange Peel. Untitled. Prose. 29. Sun Dial. Fancy . Prose. 29. Reel, Virginia. Same Method . Prose. 29. Bear Skin. A Tight Show . Prose. 29. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 29. Goblin. Untitled. Prose. 29. Cracker. Untitled. Prose. 29. Octopus. Untitled. Prose. 29. Anonymous. Untitled. Prose. 32. Dirge. For The Worse . Prose. 32. Octopus. Daily Reminder . Prose. 32. Voo-Doo. Untitled. Prose. 32. Lord Jeff. Untitled. Prose. 32

    The Conservation Reserve Program: Economic Implications for Rural America

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    This report estimates the impact that high levels of enrollment in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) have had on economic trends in rural counties since the program's inception in 1985 until today. The results of a growth model and quasi-experimental control group analysis indicate no discernible impact by the CRP on aggregate county population trends. Aggregate employment growth may have slowed in some high-CRP counties, but only temporarily. High levels of CRP enrollment appear to have affected farm-related businesses over the long run, but growth in the number of other nonfarm businesses moderated CRP's impact on total employment. If CRP contracts had ended in 2001, simulation models suggest that roughly 51 percent of CRP land would have returned to crop production, and that spending on outdoor recreation would decrease by as much as $300 million per year in rural areas. The resulting impacts on employment and income vary widely among regions having similar CRP enrollments, depending upon local economic conditions.Community/Rural/Urban Development, Land Economics/Use,

    Foreign direct investment and investment environment in Dongguan Municipality of southern China

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    Based on 26 case studies, this paper investigates the socio-economic causes of the inflow of FDI and its policy implications in Dongguan. The favourable factors for foreign investors in Dongguan can be categorised under the Dunning's OLI (ownership, locational and internalisation advantages) framework. This paper argues that factors other than policy incentive, such as sub-contractual and pseudo integration, are playing more important roles in attracting the inflow of FDI and maintaining the high level of economic growth in Dongguan. This finding questions the effectiveness of policy incentives, such as tax-breaks, implemented by the Government as a means to attract FDI in Dongguan. The existence of 'Chinese crony capitalism' calls for further improvement in the implementation of laws and regulations in Dongguan and the reduction of bureaucratic red-tape by the central and local governments

    Convergence of Agriculture and Energy: II. Producing Cellulosic Biomass for Biofuels

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    Global energy demand is increasing as known global petroleum supplies are decreas¬ing. Calls to supplement or replace the current fossil-based energy system with new, envi¬ronmentally and economically sustainable strategies continue to increase, especially in light of more expensive traditional energy sources. Various governmental agencies and working groups have set aggressive targets and timelines for decreasing fossil fuel consumption by substituting bio-based energy (Bush 2007; Foust et al. 2007; Perlack et al. 2005; Smith et al. 2004). The alignment and continuity of these goals is illustrated in Figure 1. Current biofuel production in the United States relies primarily on corn grain conver¬sion to ethanol, but future systems are expected to depend more intensively on plant biomass than on grain as a feedstock for production of ethanol and other biofuels. In addition, current cropping systems generally are designed to optimize grain production and are not designed to harvest all the aboveground portion of the plant for cellulose-containing biomass. Significant, immediate national investments are needed, along with changes in policy, to address chal¬lenges limiting the sustainable production and efficient use of cellulosic biomass as a fuel feedstock to meet anticipated U.S. demand. The Bush Administration outlined a portfolio of recommended technologies, pro¬cesses, and practices for bio-based energy production that targets improved rates of feedstock conversion and greater efficiency in energy use. The plan also states that a significant portion of the nation’s 2017 energy supply, especially transportation fuel, will come from conversion of biomass feedstock to liquid fuels. Considering just the biomass-derived fuels contribution, roughly 250 million tons or more of grain and cellulosic biomass per year will be needed to reach the 10-year goal, and 650 to 700 million tons per year of biomass to reach the 2025 goal (Figure 1)
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