603 research outputs found
How to deal with the arrow of time in quantum field theory
The formalism of Quantum Mechanics is based by definition on conserving
probabilities and thus there is no room for the description of dissipative
systems in Quantum Mechanics. The treatment of time-irreversible evolution (the
arrow of time) is therefore ruled out by definition in Quantum Mechanics. In
Quantum Field Theory it is, however, possible to describe time-irreversible
evolution by resorting to the existence of infinitely many unitarily
inequivalent representations of the canonical commutation relations (ccr). In
this paper I review such a result by discussing the canonical quantization of
the damped harmonic oscillator (dho), a prototype of dissipative systems. The
irreversibility of time evolution is expressed as tunneling among the unitarily
inequivalent representations. The exact action for the dho is derived in the
path integral formalism of the quantum Brownian motion developed by Schwinger
and by Feynman and Vernon. The doubling of the phase-space degrees of freedom
for dissipative systems is related to quantum noise effects. Finally, the role
of dissipation in the quantum model of the brain and the occurrence that the
cosmological arrow of time, the thermodynamical one and the biological one
point into the same direction are shortly mentioned.Comment: 16 pages, Latex, Talk delivered at the XXIV International Workshop on
Fundamental Problems of High Energy Physics and Field Theory, Protvino, June
2001 Proceeding available at http://dbserv.ihep.su/~pub
Fractals, coherent states and self-similarity induced noncommutative geometry
The self-similarity properties of fractals are studied in the framework of
the theory of entire analytical functions and the -deformed algebra of
coherent states. Self-similar structures are related to dissipation and to
noncommutative geometry in the plane. The examples of the Koch curve and
logarithmic spiral are considered in detail. It is suggested that the dynamical
formation of fractals originates from the coherent boson condensation induced
by the generators of the squeezed coherent states, whose (fractal) geometrical
properties thus become manifest. The macroscopic nature of fractals appears to
emerge from microscopic coherent local deformation processes.Comment: 2 figure
Quantum dissipation and neural net dynamics
Inspired by the dissipative quantum model of brain, we model the states of
neural nets in terms of collective modes by the help of the formalism of
Quantum Field Theory. We exhibit an explicit neural net model which allows to
memorize a sequence of several informations without reciprocal destructive
interference, namely we solve the overprinting problem in such a way last
registered information does not destroy the ones previously registered.
Moreover, the net is able to recall not only the last registered information in
the sequence, but also anyone of those previously registered.Comment: latex file Published: Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics,
48:339-342, 199
We discuss the r\^ole of quantum deformation of Weyl-Heisenberg algebra in
dissipative systems and finite temperature systems. We express the time
evolution generator of the damped harmonic oscillator and the generator of
thermal Bogolubov transformations in terms of operators of the quantum
Weyl-Heisenberg algebra. The quantum parameter acts as a label for the
unitarily inequivalent representations of the canonical commutation relations
in which the space of the states splits in the infinite volume limit.Comment: to appear in Annals of Physics (N.Y.
Spontaneous supersymmetry breaking probed by geometric invariants
The presence of the Aharonov-Anandan invariant in phenomena in which vacuum
condensates are physically relevant can help to reveal the spontaneous
supersymmetry breaking induced by condensates. The analysis is presented in the
case of the Wess--Zumino model. The manifestation of the Aharonov-Anandan
invariant of atoms and their superpartners, generated at non-zero temperature,
could reveal the signature of SUSY violation in a recently proposed
experimental setup based on an optical lattice in which SUSY is broken at
non-zero temperature.Comment: 5 page
Geometric invariants as detector of Hawking and Unruh effects and quantum field theory in curved space
We report on the recent results revealing the presence of geometric
invariants in all the phenomena in which vacuum condensates appear and we show
that Aharonov--Anandan phase can be used to provide the evidence of phenomena
like Hawking and Unruh effects and to test some behavior of quantum field
theory in curved space. A very precise quantum thermometer can be also built by
using geometric invariants.Comment: 7 pags. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with
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