390 research outputs found

    La defensa i valorització del dialecte a Bolonya. Exemple d’activisme ecolingüista sobre el terreny

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    Sobre la base del bolonyès, es mostra com els dialectes septentrionals d’Itàlia constitueixen una llengua diferenciada de l’italià en el panorama romànic. Tanmateix, aquesta llengua –que està desapareixent ràpidament– no té una norma unificada i ni tan sols nom, en no existir en la consciència de la majoria dels parlants. L’article descriu la presa de consciència de l’autor sobre l’estat del dialecte i la seva evolució personal en el seu estudi. Com a conseqüència d’una sèrie de factors s’ha creat una proposta ortogràfica que ha substituït intents de codificació anteriors. L’evolució dels fets i de les sensibilitats, associats a l’eclosió d’Internet, ha portat a l’organització de cursos on persones de tots els orígens aprenen la llengua. L’autor hipotetitza el sorgiment d’una “mundialització inclusiva” que afavoreix la sensibilitat per les llengües i parles locals.Surbaze de la bolonja, montriĝas kiel la nordaj dialektoj de Italio apartan lingvon en la latinida panoramo. Tamen, tiu lingvo, kiu estas rapide malaperanta, ne havas unuecigitan normon kaj eĉ ne havas nomon, ne ekzistante en la konscio de la pli multaj parolantoj. La artikolo priskribas la konsciiĝon de la aŭtoro pri la stato de la dialekto kaj lian personan evoluon en ĝia studado. Kiel konsekvenco de sinsekvo de faktoroj estis kreita ortografia propono, kiu anstataŭis antaŭajn provojn de kodigo. La evoluo de la okazaĵoj kaj la sentemoj, aldone al la burĝoniĝo de Interreto, portis al la organizado de kursoj, kie homoj el plej diversaj devenoj lernas la lingvon. La aŭtoro hipotezas la aperon de “inkluziva tutmondiĝo” favoranta la sentemon por la lokaj lingvoj kaj dialektoj

    an innovative wind solar hybrid street light development and early testing of a prototype

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    An innovative renewable hybrid microgeneration unit has been designed to be fully embedded into a dedicated LED street lighting system. The key feature of this new concept is the arrangement of a multiple Savonius vertical axis wind turbine into the structure itself of the post. A photovoltaic panel is integrated to contribute to power generation. The energy is collected by a power conversion equipment along with a storage device which ensures the lighting also during windless nights. The main application of this project is the standalone street lighting, but also a grid connected option is feasible, making the system compatible with microgrid concepts. Different Savonius rotors have been designed and characterized by wind tunnel tests. The adopted cylindrical geometry has shown a maximum power factor of 0.21. A dedicated safety equipment has been designed to prevent turbine over-speed by automatic stop in extreme wind condition. A full-scale prototype of the generator/lighting system has been installed. The experimental data acquisition is currently in progress to analyse on site performance and to allow energy simulations

    Environmental Analysis of Different End of Life Scenarios of Tires Textile Fibers

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    Abstract End-of-Life Tires (ELT) are one of the main source of waste in End of Life Vehicles (ELVs). Textile fibers represent about 10% in weight of the ELT and every year, in Europe, about 320,000 tons of dirty fibrous material must be disposed as special waste. Studies show that the fibrous material can be used in second life applications, reducing the environmental impacts of tires disposal, but none of these researches quantitatively evaluate the achievable benefits. This study presents a comparative evaluation of the environmental impacts of the tires considering different scenarios for the end of life of the textile fibers material

    A influência do espaço na sobrevivência dos estabelecimentos em Portugal

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    Lejars Thierry, Verger Stéphane, Vitali Daniele. Monterenzio (prov. de Bologne) : la nécropole celto-étrusque de Monterenzio Vecchio. In: Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, tome 114, n°1. 2002. Antiquité. pp. 517-530

    Endoscopic nasal versus open approach for the management of sinonasal adenocarcinoma: a pooled-analysis of 1826 patients

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    Surgical resection represents the gold standard for the treatment of sinonasal malignancies. This study reviewed the published outcomes on endoscopic surgery or endoscopic-assisted surgery versus open approach for the management of sinonasal adenocarcinomas

    A retrospective study after 10 years (2010–2019) of meat inspection activity in a domestic swine abattoir in tuscany: The slaughterhouse as an epidemiological observatory

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    Veterinarians belonging to the Health Authorities are responsible for the safety of food of animal origin. The control activities performed at the slaughterhouse comprise inspections before and after slaughtering to verify the health and welfare of the animals and the wholesomeness of the animal products. In this study, data deriving from ten years (2010-2019) of meat inspection activity in a pig slaughterhouse in Tuscany (Italy) were analyzed to investigate the frequencies of death during transport of whole carcass and partial condemnations and their causes. In total 1,246,309 pigs from 8 different regions of Central and Northern Italy were slaughtered. The mortality rate was found to be lower than the threshold internationally recommended to ensure animal welfare and in line with the mortality values reported at the European level. Overalls 372 carcasses were condemned mainly due to erysipelas, generalized jaundice, lipomatous pseudohypertrophy, generalized abscesses, acute or generalized enteritis, and peritonitis. As regards partial condemnations, liver, lungs, and kidney were the most frequently condemned organs. The results of this study describe a non-worrying situation as regards to the investigated aspects and confirm the slaughterhouse as a privileged observation point for monitoring the trend of the main diseases over time, the results of the efforts for their control, and also the compliance with animal welfare standards

    Immunological pattern alteration in shoe, hide, and leather industry workers exposed to exavalent chromium

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    The aim of this work was to assess the effects of hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] on shoe, leather, and hide industry workers, based on the assumption that Cr(VI) can behave as an environmental immunological "stressor." The immunological patterns of 84 male subjects were studied in relation to Cr(VI) hematic and urinary levels. Cr(VI) was measured through atomic absorption. Lymphocyte subsets, mitogen-mediated lymphocyte-proliferation, cytokine levels, and natural killer (NK) cytotoxic activity were also assayed. RESULTS: The urinary levels of the total amount of Cr(VI) were significantly higher in a subgroup of exposed subjects (group B) than in the control or in the lower exposed (group A). In group B, Cr(VI) caused a decrease in the density of glucocorticoid receptors (GR) on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and a increase of IL-6. Cr(VI) did not modify NK-mediated cytotoxicity, the plasmatic levels of inflammatory cytokines and related soluble receptors, and prostaglandin levels, while it tended to increase lymphocyte sensitivity to mitogens and the production of immunomodulant cytokines (IFN-gamma, IL-4, and IL-2). The experimental addition of Cr(VI) to the in vitro lymphocyte culture determined a significant inhibition of phagocytosis percentage, index, and killing percentage. These effects were neutralized by exogenous IFN-gamma. Cr(VI) could represent an environmental immunological stressor whose effects can be evaluated through laboratory surveys. The lymphocyte mitogen-induced proliferation, GR receptor on PBMC, and IL-6 plasma levels may represent a discriminating element between Cr(VI)-induced stress and other kinds of stress