20 research outputs found

    A numerical study of a two-layer model for the growth of granular matter in a silo

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    The problem of filling a silo of given bounded cross-section with granular matter can be described by the two-layer model of Hadeler and Kuttler [8]. In this paper we discuss how similarity quasi-static solutions for this model can be numerically characterized by the direct finite element solution of a semidefinite elliptic Neumann problem. We also discuss a finite difference scheme for the dynamical model through which we can show that the growing profiles of the heaps in the silo evolve in finite time towards such similarity solutions.Comment: Submitted to Proceedings of the MASCOT2015 - IMACS/ISGG Workshop, Rome, Ital

    A numerical study of a two-layer model for the growth of granular matter in a silo

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    The problem of filling a silo of given bounded cross-section with granular matter can be described by the two-layer model of Hadeler and Kuttler. In this paper we discuss how similarity quasi-static solutions for this model can be numerically characterized by the direct finite element solution of a semidefinite elliptic Neumann problem. We also discuss a finite difference scheme for the dynamical model through which we can show that the growing profiles of the heaps in the silo evolve in finite time towards such similarity solutions

    Pile di sabbia, dune, valanghe: modelli matematici per la materia granulare

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    Lo studio della materia granulare è un problema alquanto complesso per la varietà dei materiali coinvolti e dei fenomeni che si vorrebbero comprendere, oltre che di grande interesse per le numerose applicazioni pratiche. Per questo sono stati proposti modelli differenziali piuttosto raffinati in grado di riprodurre le proprietà principali di questi materiali. In questo articolo, dopo aver illustrato alcune di queste proprietà caratteristiche, viene analizzato in dettaglio un modello differenziale per la crescita delle pile di sabbia su di un supporto piano, e le informazioni che si possono trarre dalla sua analisi teorica e dalle relative simulazioni numeriche

    A numerical study for growing sandpiles on flat tables with walls

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    We continue our study on the approximation of a system of partial differential equations recently proposed by Hadeler and Kuttler to model the dynamics of growing sandpiles on a flat bounded table. The novelty here is the introduction of (infinite) walls on the boundary of the domain and the corresponding modification of boundary conditions for the standing and for the rolling layers. An explicit finite difference scheme is introduced and new boundary conditions are analyzed. We show experiments in ID and 2D which characterize the steady-state solutions. © 2006 International Federation for Information Processing