6 research outputs found


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    Objective: The objective of this work was to study the molecular interactions of phytochemicals in Garcinia atroviridis with SGLT-2 protein transport. Methods: Molecular docking simulation using Autodock 4.2 was performed to explore the binding affinity of phytochemicals in Garcinia atroviridis against SGLT-2 protein transport. The structure-based pharmacophore model was derived using LigandScout 4.4 Advanced to investigate the important chemical interactions of the ligands and protein target. The evaluation was conducted based on the free energy binding and visualization in silico. Results: From this study, Myricetin is the most effective compound having similarity of interaction with the amino acid residue, 4 of 5 are hydrogen bond interactions between the amino acid; HIS80, ASN75, TRP291, and LYS321 amino acid interacted with the oxygen as the proton acceptor from benzenes of the Myricetin structure, in addition, Myricetin also has the lower binding energy and inhibition constant (-9.54 kcal/mol and 101.93 nM, respectively) as compared to other compounds. Conclusion: Hence, Myricetin could become the potential compound as an antidiabetic agent in the future with good activity and lower side effects


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    The learning model is one of the external factors that affect motivation and learning achievement. Use of learning models that are not in accordance with the material will become obstacles in achieving objectives and less effective and efficient learning. The purpose of this study is to analyze the Influence combination jigsaw method and concept mapping on learning motivation in students. The method used is quantitative method with quasi-experimental design using a crossover design of this study means to intervene in the two groups with the same treatment at a time when different. The number of study participants as many as 64 people. Research shows students in both groups learning methods learning motivation scores on the learning method was higher (

    Correlation Physical Activity, Energy Balance, and Metabolic Syndrome of Physical Fitness in Elderly Age Group

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    Fitness becomes an important benchmark for public health in every age group. Activities with poor adverse fitness are at risk of injury. Good fitness is gained from a balance in everyday physical activity with conditions that are free of metabolic syndrome. This study investigated the relationship of physical activity, energy balance, and metabolic syndrome to the fitness of 166 professors of Universitas Padjadjaran who underwent a 1-month fitness checkup at BAPELKES Bandung in the period of 2017. Based on the regression analysis, the results showed a significant relationship between physical activity, energy balance, and metabolic syndrome on the physical fitness of the elderly group (F = 25.9290> F table = 2.427) with normal data distribution (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test). The results also showed a moderate relationship (R = 0.569 and R2 = 0.324). It also partially showed significant influence between physical activity and fitness (t = 8.541> t table = 1.975), significant influence between energy balance and physical fitness (t = 2.248> t table = 1.975), and no significant partial influence between metabolic syndrome and physical fitness of the elderly group (t = -0.029 <t table = 1.975). Hence, there is a relationship between physical activity, energy balance, metabolic syndrome and physical fitness  of Professors in Universitas Padjadjaran. Key words: Energy balance, metabolic syndrome, physical fitness    Hubungan Aktivitas Fisik, Keseimbangan Energi, dan Sindrom Metabolik terhadap Kebugaran Fisik pada Kelompok Usia Lanjut Kebugaran menjadi tolak ukur penting bagi kesehatan masyarakat pada setiap kelompok usia. Aktivitas dengan kebugaran usia lanjut yang kurang baik berisiko terjadi cedera. Kebugaran yang baik diperoleh dari keseimbangan dalam aktivitas fisik sehari-hari dengan kondisi bebas dari sindrom metabolik. Penelitian ini mempelajari hubungan aktivitas fisik, keseimbangan energi, dan sindrom metabolik dengan kebugaran 166 orang Guru Besar di Universitas Padjadjaran yang dilakukan pemeriksaan kebugaran selama 1 bulan di BAPELKES Bandung periode tahun 2017. Berdasar atas analisis regresi hasil penelitian menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan antara aktivitas fisik, keseimbangan energi, dan sindrom metabolik dengan kebugaran fisik kelompok usia lanjut (F=25,9290 > Ftable=2,427) dengan distribusi data normal (tes Kolmogorov-Smirnov). Hasil juga menunjukkan hubungan yang moderat (R= 0,569 dan R2= 0,324). Secara parsial juga menunjukkan pengaruh yang signfikan aktivitas fisik dengan kebugaran (t= 8.541> t tabel= 1.975), pengaruh signifikan keseimbangan energi dengan kebugaran fisik (t= 2,248> t tabel= 1,975), dan tidak ada pengaruh signifikan secara parsial terhadap sindrom metabolik dengan kebugaran fisik kelompok usia lanjut (t= -0,029 < t tabel= 1,975). Berdasar atas hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan hubungan = aktivitas fisik, keseimbangan energi, dan sindrom metabolik dengan kebugaran fisik guru besar Universitas Padjadjaran. Kata kunci: Kebugaran, keseimbangan energi, sindrom metaboli

    Electronic Cigarette and Atherosclerosis: A Comprehensive Literature Review of Latest Evidences

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    Coronary artery diseases (CAD), also known as coronary heart disease (CHD), are the world’s leading cause of death. The basis of coronary artery disease is the narrowing of the heart coronary artery lumen due to atherosclerosis. The use of electronic cigarettes has increased significantly over the years. However, harmful effects of electronic cigarettes are still not firm. The aim of this article is to review the impact of electronic cigarette and its role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis from recent studies. The results showed that several chemical compounds, such as nicotine, propylene glycol, particulate matters, heavy metals, and flavorings, in electronic cigarette induce atherosclerosis with each molecular mechanism that lead to atherosclerosis progression by formation of ROS, endothelial dysfunction, and inflammation. Further research is still needed to determine the exact mechanism and provide more clinical evidence

    Electronic Cigarette and Atherosclerosis: A Comprehensive Literature Review of Latest Evidences

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    Abstract Coronary artery diseases (CAD), also known as coronary heart disease (CHD), are the world’s leading cause of death. The basis of coronary artery disease is the narrowing of the heart coronary artery lumen due to atherosclerosis. The use of electronic cigarettes has increased significantly over the years. However, harmful effects of electronic cigarettes are still not firm. The aim of this article is to review the impact of electronic cigarette and its role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis from recent studies. The results showed that several chemical compounds, such as nicotine, propylene glycol, particulate matters, heavy metals, and flavorings, in electronic cigarette induce atherosclerosis with each molecular mechanism that lead to atherosclerosis progression by formation of ROS, endothelial dysfunction, and inflammation. Further research is still needed to determine the exact mechanism and provide more clinical evidence