6 research outputs found
Data_Sheet_1_Determination of traits responding to iron toxicity stress at different stages and genome-wide association analysis for iron toxicity tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.).zip
Rice is the staple food for more than half of the world’s population. Iron toxicity limits rice production in several regions of the world. Breeding Fe-tolerant rice varieties is an excellent approach to address the problem of Fe toxicity. Rice responds differently to Fe toxicity at different stages. Most QTLs associated with Fe toxicity have been identified at the seedling stage, and there are very few studies on Fe toxicity across different stages. In this study, we investigated agro-morphological and physiological traits in response to Fe toxicity in a rice diversity panel at seedling, vegetative, and reproductive stages and applied GWAS to identify QTLs/genes associated with these traits. Among agro-morphological and physiological parameters, leaf bronzing score (LBS) is a key parameter for determining Fe toxicity response at all stages, and SDW could be a promising parameter at the seedling stage. A total of 29 QTLs were identified on ten chromosomes. Among them, three colocalized QTLs were identified on chromosome 5, 6, and 11. Several QTLs identified in this study overlapped with previously identified QTLs from bi-parental QTL mapping and association mapping. Two genes previously reported to be associated with iron homeostasis were identified, i.e., LOC_Os01g72370 (OsIRO2, OsbHLH056) and LOC_Os04g38570 (OsABCB14). In addition, based on gene-based haplotype analysis, LOC_Os05g16670 was identified as a candidate gene for the colocalized QTL on chromosome 5 and LOC_Os11g18320 was identified as a candidate gene for the colocalized QTL on chromosome 11. The QTLs and candidate genes identified in this study could be useful for rice breeding programs for Fe toxicity tolerance.</p
DataSheet_3_Accelerating haploid induction rate and haploid validation through marker-assisted selection for qhir1 and qhir8 in maize.pdf
Doubled haploid (DH) technology becomes more routinely applied in maize hybrid breeding. However, some issues in haploid induction and identification persist, requiring resolution to optimize DH production. Our objective was to implement simultaneous marker-assisted selection (MAS) for qhir1 (MTL/ZmPLA1/NLD) and qhir8 (ZmDMP) using TaqMan assay in F2 generation of four BHI306-derived tropical × temperate inducer families. We also aimed to assess their haploid induction rate (HIR) in the F3 generation as a phenotypic response to MAS. We highlighted remarkable increases in HIR of each inducer family. Genotypes carrying qhir1 and qhir8 exhibited 1 – 3-fold higher haploid frequency than those carrying only qhir1. Additionally, the qhir1 marker was employed for verifying putative haploid seedlings at 7 days after planting. Flow cytometric analysis served as the gold standard test to assess the accuracy of the R1-nj and the qhir1 marker. The qhir1 marker showed high accuracy and may be integrated in multiple haploid identifications at early seedling stage succeeding pre-haploid sorting via R1-nj marker.</p
DataSheet_2_Accelerating haploid induction rate and haploid validation through marker-assisted selection for qhir1 and qhir8 in maize.pdf
Doubled haploid (DH) technology becomes more routinely applied in maize hybrid breeding. However, some issues in haploid induction and identification persist, requiring resolution to optimize DH production. Our objective was to implement simultaneous marker-assisted selection (MAS) for qhir1 (MTL/ZmPLA1/NLD) and qhir8 (ZmDMP) using TaqMan assay in F2 generation of four BHI306-derived tropical × temperate inducer families. We also aimed to assess their haploid induction rate (HIR) in the F3 generation as a phenotypic response to MAS. We highlighted remarkable increases in HIR of each inducer family. Genotypes carrying qhir1 and qhir8 exhibited 1 – 3-fold higher haploid frequency than those carrying only qhir1. Additionally, the qhir1 marker was employed for verifying putative haploid seedlings at 7 days after planting. Flow cytometric analysis served as the gold standard test to assess the accuracy of the R1-nj and the qhir1 marker. The qhir1 marker showed high accuracy and may be integrated in multiple haploid identifications at early seedling stage succeeding pre-haploid sorting via R1-nj marker.</p
DataSheet_5_Accelerating haploid induction rate and haploid validation through marker-assisted selection for qhir1 and qhir8 in maize.pdf
Doubled haploid (DH) technology becomes more routinely applied in maize hybrid breeding. However, some issues in haploid induction and identification persist, requiring resolution to optimize DH production. Our objective was to implement simultaneous marker-assisted selection (MAS) for qhir1 (MTL/ZmPLA1/NLD) and qhir8 (ZmDMP) using TaqMan assay in F2 generation of four BHI306-derived tropical × temperate inducer families. We also aimed to assess their haploid induction rate (HIR) in the F3 generation as a phenotypic response to MAS. We highlighted remarkable increases in HIR of each inducer family. Genotypes carrying qhir1 and qhir8 exhibited 1 – 3-fold higher haploid frequency than those carrying only qhir1. Additionally, the qhir1 marker was employed for verifying putative haploid seedlings at 7 days after planting. Flow cytometric analysis served as the gold standard test to assess the accuracy of the R1-nj and the qhir1 marker. The qhir1 marker showed high accuracy and may be integrated in multiple haploid identifications at early seedling stage succeeding pre-haploid sorting via R1-nj marker.</p
DataSheet_1_Accelerating haploid induction rate and haploid validation through marker-assisted selection for qhir1 and qhir8 in maize.pdf
Doubled haploid (DH) technology becomes more routinely applied in maize hybrid breeding. However, some issues in haploid induction and identification persist, requiring resolution to optimize DH production. Our objective was to implement simultaneous marker-assisted selection (MAS) for qhir1 (MTL/ZmPLA1/NLD) and qhir8 (ZmDMP) using TaqMan assay in F2 generation of four BHI306-derived tropical × temperate inducer families. We also aimed to assess their haploid induction rate (HIR) in the F3 generation as a phenotypic response to MAS. We highlighted remarkable increases in HIR of each inducer family. Genotypes carrying qhir1 and qhir8 exhibited 1 – 3-fold higher haploid frequency than those carrying only qhir1. Additionally, the qhir1 marker was employed for verifying putative haploid seedlings at 7 days after planting. Flow cytometric analysis served as the gold standard test to assess the accuracy of the R1-nj and the qhir1 marker. The qhir1 marker showed high accuracy and may be integrated in multiple haploid identifications at early seedling stage succeeding pre-haploid sorting via R1-nj marker.</p
DataSheet_4_Accelerating haploid induction rate and haploid validation through marker-assisted selection for qhir1 and qhir8 in maize.pdf
Doubled haploid (DH) technology becomes more routinely applied in maize hybrid breeding. However, some issues in haploid induction and identification persist, requiring resolution to optimize DH production. Our objective was to implement simultaneous marker-assisted selection (MAS) for qhir1 (MTL/ZmPLA1/NLD) and qhir8 (ZmDMP) using TaqMan assay in F2 generation of four BHI306-derived tropical × temperate inducer families. We also aimed to assess their haploid induction rate (HIR) in the F3 generation as a phenotypic response to MAS. We highlighted remarkable increases in HIR of each inducer family. Genotypes carrying qhir1 and qhir8 exhibited 1 – 3-fold higher haploid frequency than those carrying only qhir1. Additionally, the qhir1 marker was employed for verifying putative haploid seedlings at 7 days after planting. Flow cytometric analysis served as the gold standard test to assess the accuracy of the R1-nj and the qhir1 marker. The qhir1 marker showed high accuracy and may be integrated in multiple haploid identifications at early seedling stage succeeding pre-haploid sorting via R1-nj marker.</p