3,546 research outputs found
Commissioning of the ATLAS Experiment
The ATLAS experiment based at the CERN Laboratory in Switzerland is expected to be one of the key experiments of its generation. Its results will help elucidate such fundamental questions of physics as the origin of mass and the existence of dark matter in the universe. After 15 years of design, fabrication, and installation, ATLAS is ready to collect first data from the high-energy proton collisions of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The commissioning of the ATLAS detector is a critical step in attaining these physics goals. Details are provided here on the status of the ATLAS experiment in September of 2008, just after having observed first beams in the LHC
The ATLAS experiment: from calibrations & cosmics to first beams
Presentation on the commissioning of the ATLAS detector
Nuclear Polarization of Molecular Hydrogen Recombined on a Non-metallic Surface
The nuclear polarization of molecules formed by recombination
of nuclear polarized H atoms on the surface of a storage cell initially coated
with a silicon-based polymer has been measured by using the longitudinal
double-spin asymmetry in deep-inelastic positron-proton scattering. The
molecules are found to have a substantial nuclear polarization, which is
evidence that initially polarized atoms retain their nuclear polarization when
absorbed on this type of surfac
Flavor decomposition of the sea quark helicity distributions in the nucleon from semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering
Double-spin asymmetries of semi-inclusive cross sections for the production
of identified pions and kaons have been measured in deep-inelastic scattering
of polarized positrons on a polarized deuterium target. Five helicity
distributions including those for three sea quark flavors were extracted from
these data together with re-analyzed previous data for identified pions from a
hydrogen target. These distributions are consistent with zero for all three sea
flavors. A recently predicted flavor asymmetry in the polarization of the light
quark sea appears to be disfavored by the data.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
In situ commissioning of the ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter with cosmic muons
In 2006, ATLAS entered the {\it in situ} commissioning phase. The primary goal of this phase is to verify the detector operation and performance with cosmic muons. Using a dedicated cosmic muon trigger from the hadronic Tile calorimeter, a sample of approximately events was collected in several modules of the barrel electromagnetic (EM) calorimeter between August 2006 and March 2007. As cosmic events are generally non-projective and arrive asynchronously with respect to the trigger clock, methods to improve the standard signal reconstruction for this situation are presented. Various selection criteria for projective muons and clustering algorithms have been tested, leading to preliminary results on calorimeter uniformity in and timing performance
Measurement of Angular Distributions and R= sigma_L/sigma_T in Diffractive Electroproduction of rho^0 Mesons
Production and decay angular distributions were extracted from measurements
of exclusive electroproduction of the rho^0(770) meson over a range in the
virtual photon negative four-momentum squared 0.5< Q^2 <4 GeV^2 and the
photon-nucleon invariant mass range 3.8< W <6.5 GeV. The experiment was
performed with the HERMES spectrometer, using a longitudinally polarized
positron beam and a ^3He gas target internal to the HERA e^{+-} storage ring.
The event sample combines rho^0 mesons produced incoherently off individual
nucleons and coherently off the nucleus as a whole. The distributions in one
production angle and two angles describing the rho^0 -> pi+ pi- decay yielded
measurements of eight elements of the spin-density matrix, including one that
had not been measured before. The results are consistent with the dominance of
helicity-conserving amplitudes and natural parity exchange. The improved
precision achieved at 47 GeV,
reveals evidence for an energy dependence in the ratio R of the longitudinal to
transverse cross sections at constant Q^2.Comment: 15 pages, 15 embedded figures, LaTeX for SVJour(epj) document class
Revision: Fig. 15 corrected, recent data added to Figs. 10,12,14,15; minor
changes to tex
Single-spin asymmetries in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering on a transversely polarized hydrogen target
Single-spin asymmetries for semi-inclusive electroproduction of charged pions
in deep-inelastic scattering of positrons are measured for the first time with
transverse target polarization. The asymmetry depends on the azimuthal angles
of both the pion () and the target spin axis () about the virtual
photon direction and relative to the lepton scattering plane. The extracted
Fourier component \cmpi is a signal of the previously unmeasured quark
transversity distribution, in conjunction with the so-called Collins
fragmentation function, also unknown. The Fourier component \smpi of the
asymmetry arises from a correlation between the transverse polarization of the
target nucleon and the intrinsic transverse momentum of quarks, as represented
by the previously unmeasured Sivers distribution function. Evidence for both
signals is observed, but the Sivers asymmetry may be affected by exclusive
vector meson productio
The Q^2-Dependence of Nuclear Transparency for Exclusive Production
Exclusive coherent and incoherent electroproduction of the meson
from H and N targets has been studied at the HERMES experiment as a
function of coherence length (), corresponding to the lifetime of hadronic
fluctuations of the virtual photon, and squared four-momentum of the virtual
photon (). The ratio of N to H cross sections per nucleon,
known as nuclear transparency, was found to increase (decrease) with increasing
coherence length for coherent (incoherent) electroproduction. For
fixed coherence length, a rise of nuclear transparency with is observed
for both coherent and incoherent production, which is in agreement
with theoretical calculations of color transparency.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
Search for an exotic S=-2, Q=-2 baryon resonance at a mass near 1862 MeV in quasi-real photoproduction
A search for an exotic baryon resonance with has been performed
in quasi-real photoproduction on a deuterium target through the decay channel
. No evidence for
a previously reported resonance is found in the invariant mass spectrum. An upper limit for the photoproduction cross
section of 2.1 nb is found at the 90% confidence level. The photoproduction
cross section for the is found to be between 9 and 24 nb
Evidence for Quark-Hadron Duality in the Proton Spin Asymmetry
Spin-dependent lepton-nucleon scattering data have been used to investigate
the validity of the concept of quark-hadron duality for the spin asymmetry
. Longitudinally polarised positrons were scattered off a longitudinally
polarised hydrogen target for values of between 1.2 and 12 GeV and
values of between 1 and 4 GeV. The average double-spin asymmetry in
the nucleon resonance region is found to agree with that measured in
deep-inelastic scattering at the same values of the Bjorken scaling variable
. This finding implies that the description of in terms of quark
degrees of freedom is valid also in the nucleon resonance region for values of
above 1.6 GeV.Comment: 5 pages, 1 eps figure, table added, new references added, in print in
Phys. Rev. Let
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