2 research outputs found

    Impacto de la nomofobia en la calidad del aprendizaje en adolescentes

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    The study focuses on determining the impact of nomophobia on the quality of learning in adolescents, exploring how dependence and anxiety related to mobile technology affect concentration, academic performance and other educational activities. An exploratory qualitative approach was adopted, using the systematic review to analyse recent scientific publications in relevant fields, for which the prism method was applied, obtaining as a sample 39 articles that met the proposed filters. The findings highlight the prevalence of nomophobia among adolescents and its relationship with the deterioration of mental well-being, academic performance and social skills. It is concluded that there is a negative influence of nomophobia on the quality of learning in adolescents, but more studies are considered necessary to address this emerging phenomenon; furthermore, the need for greater awareness of the negative effects of nomophobia and the importance of incorporating practices of conscious use of mobile devices within the educational context to promote effective learning and positive mental health in adolescents is observed.El estudio se enfoca en determinar el impacto de la nomofobia en la calidad del aprendizaje en adolescentes, explorando c贸mo la dependencia y ansiedad relacionadas con la tecnolog铆a m贸vil afectan la concentraci贸n, el rendimiento acad茅mico y otras actividades educativas. Se adopt贸 un enfoque cualitativo exploratorio, utilizando la revisi贸n sistem谩tica para analizar publicaciones cient铆ficas recientes en campos relevantes, para ello, se aplic贸 el m茅todo prisma, obteniendo como muestra, 39 art铆culos que cumpl铆an con los filtros planteados. Los hallazgos destacan la prevalencia de la nomofobia entre los adolescentes y su relaci贸n con el deterioro del bienestar mental, el rendimiento acad茅mico y las habilidades sociales. Se concluye que existe una influencia negativa de la nomofobia en la calidad del aprendizaje en adolescentes, pero se consideran necesarios m谩s estudios para abordar este fen贸meno emergente; adem谩s, se observa la necesidad de una mayor conciencia sobre los efectos negativos de la nomofobia y la importancia de incorporar pr谩cticas de uso consciente de dispositivos m贸viles dentro del contexto educativo para promover un aprendizaje efectivo y salud mental positiva en los adolescentes

    Scalar consistency of collaborative learning: bifactor structural equation modeling

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    The way of learning in higher education needs a revaluation, which should consider cooperation as one of the principles to improve the cognitive, procedural, and attitudinal learning of students whose training will allow them to integrate effectively into the work environment. The objective of the study was to validate the consistency of the collaborative learning scale (CLS) using the bifactor structural equation model (SEM) in university students from Jun铆n. It presented a quantitative approach, through a deductive method, of demonstrative and inferential scope and a non-experimental design. The sample was of the probabilistic type, composed of 361 students of the Faculty of Health Sciences from cycles I to VIII at Huancayo University-2023. The results verified that the use of an original bifactor SEM allows the identification of multidimensional sources present in complex psychological measures, such as the evaluation instrument under study. In conclusion, thanks to the analysis of the Chi-square differences between the second-order model and the bifactor model, it can be verified that the bifactor model has a better fit than the second-order model because it has a lower X虏, a lower root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA), a lower weighted root mean residual (WRMR), and a higher 蠅