15 research outputs found
Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process to Evaluate Ten Years of Mutual Fund Performance in Indonesia
Background β Mutual funds are one of the investment instruments whose popularity is increasing every year. Throughout August 2020 all types of mutual funds showed positive performance and equity funds became the mutual funds that had the highest performance among other types of mutual funds. Investors must be observant and careful in choosing which mutual funds are worth buying and have the best performance so that the risk of loss can be minimized. The decision-making process is not easy, so a decision-making tool called the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is needed.
Purpose β This study aims to analyze the performance of equity funds as a consideration for investors in choosing the best mutual funds with the Risk Adjusted Return (RAR) method, Sharpe Ratio, Treynor Ratio, and Jensen Alpha.
Design / Methodology / Approach β This research approach is quantitative. The population in this study are all equity funds which are then sampled with criteria of more than 10 years having the largest Asset Under Management (AUM) as of December 2020 and one mutual fund product representing an investment manager. The data analyzed are primary data and secondary data. The data analysis method in this study uses the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) as a decision-making tool for 10 alternative mutual funds.
Result and Discussion β Based on the results of the analysis, it shows that the RAR method is the criterion that shows the most consistency in assessing the performance of mutual funds. This result is also supported by the opinions of several competent investment managers regarding mutual fund investment as respondents in this study. The overall results of selecting the best mutual fund performance in terms of the 4 criteria used show that the FWD Asset Dividend Yield Equity Fund is the best alternative choice with an overall inconsistency shown of less than ten percent, which means that the data comparison in this study is valid and consistent.
Conclusion β Based on the AHP method, it shows that the FWD Asset Dividend Yield Equity Fund has superior performance compared to the other eight mutual funds with the largest final weight of 0.155.
Research Implication β This research can be used as a basis for making investment decisions in mutual funds so that investors know the best performance information on mutual funds using the 4 criteria.
Research Limitations β This study has limitations related to the criteria, namely Risk Adjusted Return (RAR), Sharpe Ratio, Treynor Ratio, and Jensen Alpha and the alternative used is only 10 equity mutual funds, so that it can be developed using other criteria or adding sub-sub-criteria, and can use other mutual fund alternatives
Pengembangan Karir Dosen Melalui Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah Bojonegoro
University Education Education and teaching, research and development, and community service make up the three pillars of Tri Dharma. Typically, each college simply concentrates on education and teaching in order to make the other two elements slightly better. Bojonegoro Regency is home to the Muhammadiyah College of Tarbiyah (STIT) Muhammadiyah Bojonegoro. The tri dharma is still not being implemented to its full potential, particularly in terms of research and community service. It is intended that by providing this service, the number and quality of research and service will both rise. The mentorship and workshop strategy is employed in this service. This exercise starts with recognizing the issues that partners are facing, which is followed by sharing sessions. To ensure that agency activities adhere to the guidelines set forth by the Ministry of Education and Culture, agencies must encourage all lecturers to practice the tri dharma properly. To transform the culture, nevertheless, considerable effort must be put into encouraging all levels of the existing human resources to abide by the regulations established in accordance with SN DIKTI
Pendampingan Penyusunan Rencana Anggaran Belanja (RAB) dan Laporan Keuangan Pada Amal Usaha Muhammadiyah Lamongan
Based on Law no. 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education, the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) process should be carried out at least once a year. Currently, the quality and managerial system at one of the charities of Muhamamdiyah Lamongan is still not very good. Organizational management is already running but not in accordance with the desired national university standards. Many things are still done manually and have not been synergized properly. This service aims to help partners become quality universities and can compete with other universities. This service activity is also expected to bring changes to the management system, especially in the financial sector so that it is arranged according to university standard rules. The service team will provide explanations regarding national university standards and ways to achieve perfect quality so that they can get excellent or even superior accreditation scores. The method used in this service is to provide assistance and workshops related to the management of the financial system. The results of the training provide benefits, namely the creation of a good financial system in accordance with National Higher Education Standards and improving the quality of higher education as a whole
This research aims to analyze the accounts receivable turnover at PT. XXY, a manufacturing company in Gresik. The study focuses on the efficiency of the company's receivables management in measuring how quickly the company converts trade receivables into cash. The analytical method involves collecting historical data on receivables, financial statements, and the company's receivables management policies. The research results will provide in-depth insights into the effectiveness of the company's receivables policies and offer recommendations to enhance accounts receivable turnover. This study has strategic implications for improving the company's liquidity, optimizing financial resources, and supporting sustainable growth. Thus, the research makes a significant contribution to both practical and academic understanding of financial management in manufacturing companies
Dalam proses pembelajaran sudah sangat dianjurkan guna membantu menumbuhkan pemikiran yang teratur dan sistematis terhadap peserta didik. Pada pembelajaran Matematika penggunaan alat peraga sangatlah penting terutama dimasa Kurikulum Merdeka. Dalam pelaksanaan program kerja KKN, mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika diberi kesempatan untuk melakukan implementasi alat peraga dengan nama LuBarMat (Ludo Aljabar Matematika) Salah satu ciri Matematika adalah objek pengajarannya bersifat abstrak. Penggunaan alat peraga pada SMP Muhammadiyah 7 Paciran yang terletak di Kelurahan Blimbing, Kecamatan Paciran, Kabupaten Lamongan. Pada pembelajaran Matematika, peserta didik SMP Muhammadiyah 7 Paciran memiliki minat belajar yang kurang dikarenakan terdapat kesulitan dalam memahami materi yang telah disampaikan dan pembelajaran Matematika dianggap membosankan. Media pembelajaran LuBarMat yang mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Matematika rancang adalah media pembelajaran yang digunakan untuk memahamkan peserta didik mengenai materi Aljabar serta untuk meningkatkan minat belajar peserta didik terhadap pembelajaran Matematika dengan mengimplementasikan media pembelajaran Matematika berupa alat peraga yang telah dibuat
Performance Allowance Factors on the Performance of ASN Employees at Health CenterX in Gresik
This study aims to analyze the performance allowance factor on employee performance, especially at ASN Helath Center X in Gresik. The health center has provided performance allowances, but employees work not optimally seen from work productivity and work discipline which have not experienced significant changes and tend to remain. The approach used is quantitative descriptive analysis with explanatory research. The population is all employees of the Helath Center, totaling 60 people, then sample selection using purposive sampling is carried out so that 36 people are obtained. The data used is primary data obtained directly collected by questionnaire. This study uses a Likert scale of 1 to 5 for the measurement of research variables. Data analysis used instrument test and simple linear regression. The results showed that the performance allowance had a positive and significant effect on the performance of ASN employees at Helath Center X in Gresik. The existence of performance allowances causes employees to be motivated to work optimally so that it affects the performance of employees at the agency
Kelurahan Blimbing merupakan salah satu wilayah dengan penduduk terpadat diKabupaten Lamongan, dimana luas wilayahnya sendiri mencapai 93,430 ha dengan jumlah penduduk 23.000 jiwa sehingga membuat Kelurahan Blimbing kekurangan lahan untuk melakukan berbagai kegiatan. Masyarakat Kelurahan Blimbing yang mayoritas merupakan nelayan dan komoditas unggulannya yaitu perikanan laut sehingga masyarakat jarang mengonsumsi perikanan air tawar. Budikdamber merupakan gabungan antara budidaya ikan dan budidaya sayuran dalam satu wadah, dan juga merupakan salah satu solusi pemanfaatan lahan sempit, menghemat biaya dan tenaga. Budikdamber ini bertujuan sebagai ketahanan pangan masa depan, agar perikanan air tawar tidak terlupakan oleh masyarakat Blimbing
Kegiatan sosialisasi dan pelatihan budidaya microgreens telah menjadi inisiatif yang penting dan bermanfaat bagi Ibu-Ibu PKK di Kelurahan Blimbing. Wilayah yang padat penduduk sering kali memiliki kendala dalam memanfaatkan lahan sempit untuk keperluan pertanian. Dalam rangka mengatasi masalah ini, program kerja pelatihan ini didesain untuk memberikan pengenalan dan pemahaman dalam menanam dan merawat microgreens. Kegiatan sosialisasi melibatkan interaksi komunitas dan penyuluhan tentang manfaat budidaya microgreens sebagai solusi cerdas dalam memaksimalkan lahan sempit. Selanjutnya, pelatihan prakti s memberikan panduan langkah demi langkah tentang teknik penanaman, perawatan, dan pemanenan microgreens. Selama pelatihan, para peserta juga diajak untuk berpartisipasi aktif, mempraktikkan konsep yang diajarkan. Hasil evaluasi awal menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan ini telah memberikan manfaat yang signifikan bagi Ibu-Ibu PKK di Kelurahan Blimbing. Mereka telah meningkatkan pemahaman mereka tentang potensi lahan sempit dalam budidaya microgreens. Selain itu, pelatihan ini juga mendorong kolaborasi komunitas dala m menciptakan lahan pertanian bersama, meningkatkan asupan gizi keluarga, serta memberikan peluang tambahan melalui penjualan hasil panen microgreens. Kegiatan sosialisasi dan pelatihan budidaya microgreens ini memiliki potensi untuk meningkatkan ketahanan pangan, kemandirian ekonomi, dan kesejahteraan keluarga di Kelurahan Blimbing. Program ini juga menciptakan lingkungan yang mendukung pertanian perkotaan berkelanjutan dan berkontribusi pada pengelolaan lahan yang lebih efisien dalam wilayah yang padat penduduk