1,137 research outputs found
Chandra Observation of a 300 kpc Hydrodynamic Instability in the Intergalactic Medium of the Merging Cluster of Galaxies A3667
We present results from the combination of two Chandra pointings of the
central region of the cluster of galaxies A3667. From the data analysis of the
first pointing Vikhlinin et al. reported the discovery of a prominent cold
front which is interpreted as the boundary of a cool gas cloud moving through
the hotter ambient gas. Vikhlinin et al. discussed the role of the magnetic
fields in maintaining the apparent dynamical stability of the cold front over a
wide sector at the forward edge of the moving cloud and suppressing transport
processes across the front. In this Letter, we identify two new features in the
X-ray image of A3667: i) a 300 kpc arc-like filamentary X-ray excess extending
from the cold gas cloud border into the hotter ambient gas; ii) a similar
arc-like filamentary X-ray depression that develops inside the gas cloud. The
temperature map suggests that the temperature of the filamentary excess is
consistent with that inside the gas cloud while the temperature of the
depression is consistent with that of the ambient gas. We suggest that the
observed features represent the first evidence for the development of a large
scale hydrodynamic instability in the cluster atmosphere resulting from a major
merger. This result confirms previous claims for the presence of a moving cold
gas cloud into the hotter ambient gas. Moreover it shows that, although the gas
mixing is suppressed at the leading edge of the subcluster due to its magnetic
structure, strong turbulent mixing occurs at larger angles to the direction of
motion. We show that this mixing process may favor the deposition of a
nonnegligible quantity of thermal energy right in the cluster center, affecting
the development of the central cooling flow.Comment: Replaced to match version accepted for publication in ApJL; some
changes on text. 4 pages, 3 color figures and 2 BW figures, emulateapj
Non-hydrostatic gas in the core of the relaxed galaxy cluster A1795
Chandra data on A1795 reveal a mild edge-shaped discontinuity in the gas
density and temperature in the southern sector of the cluster at r=60/h kpc.
The gas inside the edge is 1.3-1.5 times denser and cooler than outside, while
the pressure is continuous, indicating that this is a "cold front", the surface
of contact between two moving gases. The continuity of the pressure indicates
that the current relative velocity of the gases is near zero, making the edge
appear to be in hydrostatic equilibrium. However, a total mass profile derived
from the data in this sector under the equilibrium assumption, exhibits an
unphysical jump by a factor of 2, with the mass inside the edge being lower. We
propose that the cooler gas is "sloshing" in the cluster gravitational
potential well and is now near the point of maximum displacement, where it has
zero velocity but nonzero centripetal acceleration. The distribution of this
non-hydrostatic gas should reflect the reduced gravity force in the
accelerating reference frame, resulting in the apparent mass discontinuity.
Assuming that the gas outside the edge is hydrostatic, the acceleration of the
moving gas can be estimated from the mass jump, a ~ 800 h km/s/(10^8 yr). The
gravitational potential energy of this gas that is available for dissipation is
about half of its current thermal energy. The length of the cool filament
extending from the cD galaxy (Fabian et al.) may give the amplitude of the gas
sloshing, 30-40/h kpc. Such gas bulk motion might be caused by a disturbance of
the central gravitational potential by past subcluster infall.Comment: Minor text clarifications to correspond to published version. 5
pages, 1 figure in color, uses emulateapj.sty. ApJ Letters in pres
Model-independent X-ray mass determinations
A new method is introduced for making X-ray mass determinations of spherical
clusters of galaxies. Treating the distribution of gravitating matter as
piecewise constant and the cluster atmosphere as piecewise isothermal, X-ray
spectra of a hydrostatic atmosphere are determined up to a single overall
normalizing factor. In contrast to more conventional approaches, this method
relies on the minimum of assumptions, apart from the conditions of hydrostatic
equilibrium and spherical symmetry. The method has been implemented as an XSPEC
mixing model called CLMASS, which was used to determine masses for a sample of
nine relaxed X-ray clusters. Compared to conventional mass determinations,
CLMASS provides weak constraints on values of M_500, reflecting the quality of
current X-ray data for cluster regions beyond r_500. At smaller radii, where
there are high quality X-ray spectra inside and outside the radius of interest
to constrain the mass, CLMASS gives confidence ranges for M_2500 that are only
moderately less restrictive than those from more familiar mass determination
methods. The CLMASS model provides some advantages over other methods and
should prove useful for mass determinations in regions where there are high
quality X-ray data.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
(No) dimming of X-ray clusters beyond z~1 at fixed mass: crude redhshifts and masses from raw X-ray and SZ data
Scaling relations in the LCDM Cosmology predict that for a given mass the
clusters formed at larger redshift are hotter, denser and therefore more
luminous in X-rays than their local z~0 counterparts. This effect overturns the
decrease in the observable X-ray flux so that it does not decrease at z > 1,
similar to the SZ signal. Provided that scaling relations remain valid at
larger redshifts, X-ray surveys will not miss massive clusters at any redshift,
no matter how far they are. At the same time, the difference in scaling with
mass and distance of the observable SZ and X-ray signals from galaxy clusters
at redshifts offers a possibility to crudely estimate the
redshift and the mass of a cluster. This might be especially useful for
preselection of massive high-redshift clusters and planning of optical
follow-up for overlapping surveys in X-ray (e.g., by SRG/eRosita) and SZ (e.g.
Planck, SPT and ACT).Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, MNRAS accepte
XMM-Newton Observations of Evolution of Cluster X-Ray Scaling Relations at z=0.4-0.7
We present a spatially-resolved analysis of the temperature and gas density
profiles of galaxy clusters at z=0.4-0.7 observed with XMM-Newton. These data
are used to derive the total cluster mass within the radius r_500 without
assuming isothermality, and also to measure the average temperature and total
X-ray luminosity excluding the cooling cores. We derive the high-redshift M-T
and L-T relations and compare them with the local measurements. The
high-redshift L-T relation has low scatter and evolves as L ~ (1+z)^{1.8\pm0.3}
for a fixed T, in good agreement with several previous Chandra and XMM-Newton
studies (Vikhlinin et al., Lumb et al., Maughan et al.). The observed evolution
of the M-T relation follows M_500 = A T^{3/2} E(z)^{-alpha}, where we measure
alpha=0.88\pm0.23. This is in good agreement with predictions of the
self-similar theory, alpha=1.Comment: ApJ in press, updated to match the accepted versio
QSOS and the hard x-ray background
We calculate the contribution to the cosmic x-ray background (CXB) of a population of power law spectrum sources with spectral indices distributed over a broad range of values. The composite spectrum of this source population is significantly harder than that given by the power law having the average value of spectral indices. Starting from spectral distributions which are approximately those observed from quasars, it is possible to reproduce the CXB spectrum from ~0.5 keV to ~20 keV. If the spectra of quasars steepen at around 100 keV, the resulting composite spectrum nearly perfectly fits the CXB in the even broader energy range, up to ~100 keV. The QSO population with broadly distributed spectral parameters is also characterized by a significant discrepancy between the results of hard and soft x-ray source counts. The same population of sources yields about three times more sources at 10 keV than at the corresponding flux at 1 keV, similarly to what is found from the comparison of HEAO A-1/Ginga and Einstein/ROSAT measurements. Thus, by allowing the spectra of QSO's to span a broad range of spectral indices, it is possible to reproduce both the CXB spectrum and account for the apparent differences in number counts in different energy bands
Pressure profiles of distant galaxy clusters in the Planck catalog
Successive releases of Planck data have demonstrated the strength of the
Sunyaev--Zeldovich (SZ) effect in detecting hot baryons out to the galaxy
cluster peripheries. To infer the hot gas pressure structure from nearby galaxy
clusters to more distant objects, we developed a parametric method that models
the spectral energy distribution and spatial anisotropies of both the Galactic
thermal dust and the Cosmic Microwave Background, that are mixed-up with the
cluster SZ and dust signals. Taking advantage of the best angular resolution of
the High Frequency Instrument channels (5 arcmin) and using X-ray priors in the
innermost cluster regions that are not resolved with Planck, this modelling
allowed us to analyze a sample of 61 nearby members of the Planck catalog of SZ
sources (, ) using the full mission data, as
well as to examine a distant sample of 23 clusters (, ) that have been recently followed-up with XMM-Newton and Chandra
observations. We find that (i) the average shape of the mass-scaled pressure
profiles agrees with results obtained by the Planck collaboration in the nearby
cluster sample, and that (ii) no sign of evolution is discernible between
averaged pressure profiles of the low- and high-redshift cluster samples. In
line with theoretical predictions for these halo masses and redshift ranges,
the dispersion of individual profiles relative to a self-similar shape stays
well below 10 % inside but increases in the cluster outskirts.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure
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