2 research outputs found
Dialogical prose discourse in the 16th century Renaissance literature
Dijaloški prozni diskurs, poznat još iz antičkih filozofskih rasprava, doživljava svoj preporod kao samostalni književni žanr u humanističkoj književnosti uklapajući se savršeno u pedagoški program epohe i didaktičku namjenu većine djela iz pera humanističkih autora. Iako se inspiriraju klasičnom formom i njenim retoričkim aparatom, humanisti, a posebno renesansni pisci 16. stoljeća, interpretirali su nanovo književnu formu i podvrgli njenu unutrašnju strukturu promjenama da bi na najbolji način odrazile i izrazile poučan karakter djela, olakšavajući čitaocu na taj način recepciju didaktičke poruke. Razgovorna komunikacija na nivou likova u djelu, čiju vjerodostojnost autor nastoji postići nizanjem toposa ili kompliciranim insceniranjem, dopunjuje se komunikacijom u širem smislu između autora i čitatelja, a na tom su nivou forma i njena unutrašnja struktura ravnopravni činitelji dijaloškog komunikacijskog koda.The dialogical prose discourse, known from the ancient philosophical discussions, experiences in humanistic literature its revival as an autonomous literary genre, fitting perfectly in the pedagogical programme of the epoch and the didactical purpose of most of the works written by the humanistic authors. Although inspired by the classical form and its rhetorical apparatus, the humanists, especially the Renaissance writers of the 16th century, have reinterpreted the literary form and exposed its inner structure to changes in order to reflect and express the didactical character of the work in the best possible way, making the reception of the didactical message easier for the reader. The dialogical communication on the character level in the work, the credibility of which the author tries to achieve by listing topoi or by complicated staging, is supplemented by communication in a wider sense between the author and the reader, and at that level the form and its inner structure are equal factors of the dialogical communication code
Greetings to the Unforgettable City, the Stone Gate, and the Strossmayer Promenade. The Correspondence between Camilla Lucerna and Julius Franz Schütz (1928–1962)
Der im vorliegenden Beitrag präsentierte Briefwechsel zwischen Camila Lucerna und Franz Schütz setzt sich aus insgesamt 258 Schriftstücken in deutscher Sprache zusammen, beherbergt in zwei Bibliotheken in Graz: der Universitätsbibliothek und der Steiermärkischen Landesbibliothek. Den Briefen ist eine enge freundschaftliche Beziehung der Autoren zu entnehmen. Sie dienten nicht der bloßen Mitteilung der Nachrichten an abwesende Person, sondern transportieren die Meinung der Autoren zu Kunstrichtungen, philosophischen Ideen, gesellschaftsspezifischen oder staatspolitischen Fragen ihrer Zeit. Der Briefwechsel ist Ausdruck eines vielfältigen kulturellen Dialogs in historisch denkwürdigen Zeiten.The correspondence between Camila Lucerna and Julius Franz Schütz presented in this paper consists of 258 pieces of writing in German, preserved in two libraries in Graz: the University of Graz Library and State Library Styria. The correspondence reveals a deep friendship between the authors. The letters did not serve as mere communication of news to a person who is absent but convey the authors’ opinions on artistic trends and philosophical ideas as well as social and matters of state politics of their time. The correspondence is an expression of a multifaceted dialogue in historically memorable times