83,457 research outputs found
SU(3)-Flavor-Analysis of Nonfactorizable Contributions to Decays
We study charm D - meson decays to two pseudoscalar mesons in Cabibbo favored
mode employing SU(3)-flavor for the nonfactorizable matrix elements. Using
and to fix the reduced
matrix elements, we obtain a consistent fit for and emitting
decays of and mesons.Comment: Latex, 13 page
Don't Judge a Class by Its Title: Student Reactions to "Whiteness and the University" at UIUC
Engendering Development. Limits of Feminist theories and Justice,
Recent feminist critiques of development have questioned some fundamental assumptions of
feminist political theory; such critiques have also been successful in subverting long-held
assumptions of conventional economic development. Viewed in the context of women’s
subordination in third world countries, a redefinition of development must not only be about
economic growth, but ensure a redistribution of resources, challenge the gender-based
division of labour and also seek to provide for an egalitarian basis in social arrangements.
Further, as this article argues, any starting point for feminist critiques of development must
also seek to link the end of gender oppression to multiple theories of justice – a justice not
juridical but one that recognises the cultural membership of women in the communit
Reinterpreting Buddhism: Ambedkar on the Politics of Social Action.
B R Ambedkar’s reinterpretation of Buddhism gives us an
account of action that is based on democratic politics of
contest and resistance. It relies on a reading of the self as
a multiple creature that exceeds the constructions of
liberal autonomy. Insofar as Buddhist groups do not
jeopardise or restrict their members’ capacities and
opportunities to make any decision about their own
lives, they do not risk violating democratic principles. But
to remain socially relevant they must continue to
contribute to a practical impact on the social world
which is so neatly intertwined with the political in
present-day India
Colonialism and Liberation: Ambedkar’s Quest for Distributive Justice
Ambedkar denounced caste system for violating the respect and dignity of the individual; yet his critique
of caste-ridden society also foregrounds the limits of the theory and practice of citizenship and liberal politics
in India. Since membership of a caste group was not a voluntary choice, but determined by birth and hence
a coercive association, the liberal view of the self as a totally unencumbered and radically free subject
seemed plagued with difficulties. Though the nation state envisages a political community co-extensive with
one cultural community, it need not, Ambedkar argued, necessarily lead to abolition of discriminatory caste
practices in civil society. To restore the cultural rights of stigmatised populations, unredeemed by the nation
state, propelled Ambedkar to seek solution in
On the origin of two X-class flares in active region NOAA 12673 - Shear flows and head-on collision of new and pre-existing flux
Flare-prolific active region NOAA 12673 produced consecutive X2.2 and X9.3
flares on 06/09/2017. To scrutinize the morphological, magnetic, and horizontal
flow properties associated with these flares, a 7-hour time-series was used
consisting of continuum images, line-of-sight/vector magnetograms, and 1600
{\AA} UV images. These data were acquired with the SDO HMI and AIA. The
white-light flare emission differed for both flares, while the X2.2 flare
displayed localized, confined flare kernels, the X9.3 flare exhibited a
two-ribbon structure. In contrast, the excess UV emission exhibited a similar
structure for both flares, but with larger areal extent for the X9.3 flare.
These two flares represented a scenario, where the first confined flare acted
as precursor, setting up the stage for the more extended flare. Difference maps
for continuum and magnetograms revealed locations of significant changes, i.e.,
penumbral decay and umbral strengthening. The curved magnetic polarity
inversion line in the {\delta}-spot was the fulcrum of most changes. Horizontal
proper motions were computed using the DAVE4VM. Persistent flow features
included (1) strong shear flows along the polarity inversion line, where the
negative, parasitic polarity tried to bypass the majority, positive-polarity
part of the {\delta}-spot in the north, (2) a group of positive-polarity spots,
which moved around the {\delta}-spot in the south, moving away from the
{\delta}-spot with significant horizontal flow speeds, and (3) intense moat
flows partially surrounding the penumbra of several sunspots, which became
weaker in regions with penumbral decay. The enhanced flare activity has its
origin in the head-on collision of newly emerging flux with an already existing
regular, {\alpha}-spot.Comment: 7 pages, 6 Figures, Accepted to be published in Astronomy and
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