268 research outputs found

    La geolingüística catalana, ahir i avui

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    After surveying a number of books on geolinguistics which have completely or partially focused on the Catalan language from the seventies, this paper points out the importance of continental atlases and linguistic research groups to the development of linguistic cartography. They have done so by means of tables of summaries and comments about dialectal data classified and presented in maps with structural, onomàstic and motivational criteria. The second part of this paper updates geolinguistic work done on the Catalan language in the last decades from a renewed geographical, thematic and social dimension

    Leuconíquia i cultura popular

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    The materials from the «Atles Lingüístic del Domini Català» related to the names of «leuconíquia», or small white spots under people's nails, a geolinguistic and anthropological study is performed of the various folk names {«mentides, regals, alegries», etc.) as compared to other languages. The origin of such names is based on the belief that they represent different signs (that someone has been telling lies, that there is a forthcoming present, etc.) mostly developed in the world of children

    La repercussió de l'obra de Lorenzo Palmireno en la Filologia Catalana

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    It is always useful to set bounds to a semantic field when attempting to discuss lexical transmission. Once our attention is phocused on the names of birds collected by Palmireno in his Vocabulario del Humanista (1569), the influence of Belon, Gesner and specially of Joan B. Agnes becomes evident. On the other hand, it is also evident that the Catalan lexicographer Pere Torra (17th century) used in a rather indiscriminate manner Palmireno's work while assimilating in his Dictionnary words which on the base of their formal and / or their semantic structure can not be considered as Catalan. Some of these words have been nevertheless accepted by 20th century lexicographers

    De re ficaria: cat. bordissots i paratjals

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    Botánica y lengua. Fitonimia, etimología y motivación léxica

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    Partint de dues fonts, els Noms de plantes. Corpus de fitonímia catalana (TERMCAT) i l’Atles Lingüístic del Domini Català (UB i IEC) es fa veure la utilitat complementària d’una i altra, es fa la distinció entre etimologia i motivació, s’examina la introducció de manlleus en català, s’esbossa una classificació lexicogenètica i s’exemplifica la renovació del lèxic a través de l’homonímia i l’etimologia popular. Es proposen dues noves etimologies (jovenal i panigroc), s’il·lustren amb nous exemples models lèxics sintagmàtics i es dóna compte de la prioritat que es dóna als fitònims introduïts al Diccionari de la llengua catalana (1995 i 2007) de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans.Based on two sources, Noms de plantes. Corpus de fitonímia catalana (TERMCAT) and Atles Lingüístic del Domini Català (UB and IEC), this article aims to show the complementary utility of both sources, to make the distinction between etymology and motivation, to study the introduction of Catalan loanwords, to make a lexical-genetic classification and to exemplify the lexical renovations using the homonomy and the popular etymology. Two new etymologies are suggested (jovenal and panigroc), lexical-syntagmatic models are illustrated with new examples and it is shown the priority that is given to the phytonoms which are introduced to the Diccionari de la llengua catalana (1995 and 2007) by Institut d’Estudis Catalans.Partiendo de dos fuentes, Noms de plantes. Corpus de fitonímia catalana (TERMCAT) y Atles Lingüístic del Domini Català (UB y IEC) se da cuenta de la utilidad complementaria de una y otra, se establece la distinción entre etimología y motivación, se examina la introducción de préstamos en catalán, se esboza una clasificación léxico-genética y se ejemplifica la renovación del léxico a través de la homonimia y la etimología popular. Se proponen dos nuevas etimologías (jovenal y panigroc), se ilustran con nuevos ejemplos modelos léxicos sintagmáticos y se establece la prioridad que se otorga a los fitónimos introducidos en el Diccionari de la llengua catalana (1995 y 2007) del Institut d’Estudis Catalans

    Els noms catalans del mosquit.

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    Cap a les arrels dels nostres noms de lloc

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    Lliçó magistral

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    Antoni Corcoll i Llobet (1947-2017)

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