1,253 research outputs found

    Growth factors and experimental arterial grafts

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    Background: The production of growth factors from several experimental arterial conduits was determined. Methods: We implanted 105 experimental arterial grafts that were 1 cm long in the abdominal aorta of Lewis rats (average weight, 250 g). Five different types of grafts were analyzed: arterial isografts, vein grafts, arterial allografts, and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) grafts with normal or decreased compliance. Animals were killed humanely 4 weeks after surgery and the production of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), transforming growth factor-b, tumor necrosis factor-a, and interleukin-1 was analyzed. Results: Myointimal hyperplasia (MH) was evident in vein grafts, arterial allografts, and PTFE grafts, but not in arterial isografts. Growth factor production was increased for grafts prone to develop MH like vein, PTFE grafts, and arterial allografts. PDGF and bFGF were increased significantly for PTFE and vein grafts, but not for arterial allografts. The importance of bFGF and PGDF was confirmed by the capability of antibody to PDGF and to bFGF to reduce the mitogenic activity of smooth muscle cells, in vivo and in vitro, for PTFE and vein grafts, but not for arterial allografts, in which a predominant role was played by interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor-a. Conclusions: Agents able to neutralize this increased production of growth factors, either directly or by competition with their receptors, can prevent MH formation. (J Vasc Surg 2016;64:1444-9.) Clinical Relevance: Arterial grafts release growth factors, which can lead to myointimal hyperplasia formation and atherosclerosis progression in the arterial tree. Both phenomena can cause graft occlusion. Inhibition of growth factor release by arterial grafts can improve their clinical effectiveness

    A geografia do flúor nos sistemas de abastecimento de água de Santa Catarina: uma questão de saúde pública

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas. GeografiaO Ministério da Saúde trata da obrigação do uso do flúor somente no risco sanitário pelo índice de fluoreto acima da norma, isso desde 1977. Em Santa Catarina foi publicada a Portaria N. 421/2016/SES estabelecendo os índices mínimo, ideal e máximo de acordo com a média de temperatura do nosso Estado, estabelecendo também a prevenção da cárie. Foram coletadas e analisadas amostras em todas as regiões do Estado de Santa Catarina pelas vigilâncias sanitárias municipais (heterocontrole - fiscalização) e pelas empresas prestadoras de serviço de abastecimento de água para consumo humano (controle), em atendimento ao Programa Nacional VIGIÁGUA. O período selecionado para o estudo compreendeu janeiro de 2017 a junho de 2020 do Sistema de Abastecimento de Água (SAA). A maioria das amostras analisadas para o teor de fluoreto (80% das amostras) proveniente de SAA analisadas pelas prestadoras de serviço manteve-se de acordo com a Portaria Estadual N° 421/2016, ou seja, dentro dos limites estabelecidos entre 1,0 mg/L e 0,7 mg/L de fluoreto, por outro lado, entre os dados observados do heterocontrole (vigilância sanitária), o percentual de análises reportando teores de fluoreto dentro dos limites estabelecidos pela norma estadual ao longo da série histórica avaliada foi de 50,71% (2017), 49,20% (2018), 59,31% (2019), 60,96% (2020). Diferente dos dados reportados para o controle realizado pelo prestador de serviço de abastecimento, os percentuais de amostras apresentando teores de fluoreto abaixo de 0,7 mg/L ao longo do período avaliado foram superiores nas amostras do heterocontrole, sendo eles de 35,44% (2017), 39,59% (2018), 27,18% (2019) e 23,87% (2020). A mesma tendência foi observada para os valores detectados acima da norma Estadual estabelecida (>1,0 mg/L), variando de 13,85% (2017), 11,20% (2018), 13,51% (2019) e 15,18% (2020) ao longo do período estudado. Essa pesquisa procurou retratar a geografia da saúde no estudo da fluoretação nos SAA de Santa Catarina, utilizando mapas para identificar os municípios que estão fora dos parâmetros legais do Estado, inclusive com mapas da população atingida, com o objetivo claro de instigar outros setores do governo (intrassetorial, extrassetorial, educação e até mesmo a sociedade organizada). Tratando-se de saúde pública, o uso da geografia em saúde qualifica a identificação das regularidades nos modos de propagação de doenças com base na distribuição espacial de situações de risco e dos problemas de saúde.ABSTRACT Since 1977, the Ministry of Health deals with the obligation to use fluorine only in the health risk due to the fluoride index above the standard. An Ordinance N. 421/2016/SES was published in Santa Catarina, establishing the minimum, ideal and maximum indices according to the average temperature of our State, also establishing the prevention of caries. Samples were collected and analyzed in all regions of the State of Santa Catarina by municipal health surveillance (heterocontrol - inspection) and by companies providing water supply services for human consumption (control), in compliance with the VIGIÁGUA National Program. The period selected for the study was from January 2017 to June 2020 of the SAA systems. Most of the analyzed samples for fluoride content (80% of samples) from SAA analyzed by service providers remained in accordance with State Ordinance No. 421/2016, that is, within the limits established between 1.0 mg/L and 0.7 mg/L of fluoride. On the other hand, among the observed data from the heterocontrol (sanitary surveillance), the percentage of analyzes reporting fluoride levels within the limits established by the state standard over the evaluated historical series was 50.71% (2017), 49.20% (2018), 59.31% (2019), 60.96% (2020). Unlike the reported data for the control performed by the supply service provider, the percentages of samples showing fluoride levels below 0.7 mg/L over the evaluated period were higher in heterocontrol samples, 35.44% (2017), 39.59% (2018), 27.18% (2019), and 23.87% (2020). The same tendency was observed for values detected above the established State norm (>1.0 mg/L), ranging from 13.85% (2017), 11.20% (2018), 13.51% (2019), and 15.18% (2020) over the studied period. This research sought to portray the geography of health in the study of water fluoridation in the SAA of Santa Catarina, using maps to identify the municipalities that are outside the legal parameters of the State, including maps of the affected population, with the clear objective of instigating other sectors of the government. (intrasectoral, extrasectoral, education, and even organized society). In the case of public health, the use of geography in health qualifies the identification of regularities in the modes of propagation of diseases based on the spatial distribution of risk situations and health problems. Keywords: Public Health. The geography of the health. Fluorine

    PCI Express Over Optical Links for Data Acquisition and Control

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    PCI Express is a new I/O technology for desktop, mobile, server and communications platforms designed to allow increasing levels of computer system performance. The serial nature of its links and the packet based protocols allows an easy geographical decoupling of a peripheral device. We have investigated the possibility of using an optical physical layer for the PCI Express, and we have built a bus adapter which can bridge remote busses (> 100m) to a single host computer without even the need of a specialized driver, given the legacy PCI compatibility of the PCI Express hardware. This adapter has been made tolerant to harsh environmental conditions, like strong magnetic fields or radiation fluxes, as the data acquisition needs of high energy physics experiments often require

    Daedalus: A hardware signal analyser for Icarus

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    Icarus detector [1] is a large-volume (400 cm) liquid Argon TPC that requires continuous high rate sampling signal recording on each channel (about 50 000) to produce event images quite similar to the ones from bubble chambers. In order to optimize the memory usage, a signal feature extractor, that commands memory writing only upon signal detection, has been designed in VLSI CMOS. ( 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Diseño de un sistema eléctrico para minimizar los riesgos eléctricos en el mercado Manco Cápac – Distrito San Antonio – Moquegua

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    La problemática en el mercado Manco Cápac es que las instalaciones eléctricas fueron diseñadas/instaladas empíricamente y de manera irreglamentada, generando riesgos y multas por parte de la Municipalidad. El estudio busca solucionar el deterioro de instalaciones y minimizar los riesgos eléctricos. El objetivo es diseñar un sistema eléctrico con especificaciones optimas que minimicen los riesgos eléctricos. De tipo de investigación aplicada-cuantitativa, de diseño no experimental-descriptivo. El diagnóstico demuestra la condición de las instalaciones a un 37%, siendo 50% el mínimo, referido al Código Nacional de Electricidad tiene instalaciones irreglamentada. Es importante realizar auditorías. Las entrevistas mostraron preocupación alta, sucedieron 11 incidentes/accidentes, cantidad alarmante. En base a normativa las instalaciones son inaptas para su uso. Por ello la entrevista fue para identificar los riesgos. El diseño eléctrico nos indica la demanda al 100% para ser eficaz, al estar alineado a la norma 0.50 el diseño reduce los riesgos. Es importante usar la normativa. En el análisis beneficio-costo halló el valor 3.7 positivo además se encontró una recuperación en 2.27 años, por lo tanto, es aceptable. Concluyendo que la auditoria correcta demostró la necesidad del óptimo rediseño eléctrico acorde a normas, este minimiza riesgos y posee relación beneficio-costo optimo, adecuado para inversión

    Thyroid dysfunction in pregnancy : a retrospective observational analysis of a Maltese cohort

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    Background: Thyroid dysfunction is known to adversely affect pregnancy. This study evaluates the prevalence of thyroid disorders and explores their association with pregnancy complications/comorbidities and modes of delivery in the Maltese pregnant population over a ten year period. Design: A population based observational study. Method: We analysed data from the National Obstetrics Information Service of the Department of Health Informations and Research (NOIS) for all births delivered in Malta between 2006 and 2016. Cases identified and recorded by NOIS to have had some form of thyroid dysfunction during pregnancy were confirmed by cross-referencing with lab‑ oratory results found in patients’ medical records and/or iSOFT® database system. Using the Statistical Package for the Social sciences (SPSS®) demographic data, past obstetric and medical history and obstetric outcomes were analysed for pregnancies with thyroid dysfunction and compared to data pertaining to pregnancies in euthyroid patients, that is those with no recorded thyroid dysfunction on NOIS. Chi square/Fisher’s exact test were used to compare categorical variables while ANOVA/Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare continuous variables. Statistical significance was defined by a two-sided p value <0.05. Results: Data was available for 46,283 women (mean [SD] age = 29.2 [5.4] years).587 pregnancies (1.3%) suffered from thyroid dysfunction. Of these, 67.3% were hypothyroid, 3.2% had hyperthyroidism, 28.3% had isolated hypothyroxinaemia(IHT) while 1.2% had a history of thyroid carcinoma. Patients with IHT and hypothyroidism were older than euthyroid patients (p < 0.001). IHT and hypothyroid patients had a statistically significant higher body mass index (BMI) than euthyroid women(p=0.001 for hypothyroid women, p = 0.035 for IHT). Hypothyroid and IHT women were more likely to have had a previous lower segment caesarean section(p=0.043, and 0.006respectively). Type 1 diabetes and gestational diabetes p = 0.012) were more common associated comorbidities in hypothyroid pregnancies. Of spring of patients with IHT had a higher birth weight than those born to euthyroid patients (p=0.009). Patients with hyperthyroidism were found to have a significantly increased risk of early preterm delivery before 34 weeks of gestation and were also more likely to have suspected intrauterine growth restriction and low mean birth weight. We report no significant differences in past history of obstetric loss, antenatal complications, mode of delivery, gestational age at delivery and postpartum haemorrhage rates across thyroid categories. Conclusions: Available evidence suggests that thyroid dysfunction is more likely in the setting of older age, and higher body mass index. Moreover, it impacts on neo natal birth weight, rates of early preterm delivery and intrauterine growth restriction.peer-reviewe

    Development and first tests of GEM-like detectors with resistive electrodes

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    We have developed and tested several prototypes of GEM-like detectors with electrodes coated with resistive layers or completely made of resistive materials. These detectors can operate stably at gains close to 105. The resistive layers limit the energy of discharges appearing at higher gains thus making the detectors very robust. We demonstrated that the cathodes of some of these detectors could be coated by CsI or SbCs layers to enhance the detection efficiency for the UV and visible photons. We also discovered that such detectors can operate stably in the cascade mode and high overall gains ( 106~10^{6}) are reachable. Applications in several areas, for example in RICH or in noble liquid TPCs are therefore possible. The first results from the detection of UV photons at room and cryogenic temperatures will be given


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    The Olympics of Scientific Knowledge have been an important tool for dissemination of science among students. This research consists of evaluating the social profile of students awarded in the Chemistry Olympiad of Rio Grande do Norte (OQRN) from the years 2015 to 2019 with the aim of ascertaining the existence of a pattern. The OQRN awardees considered in this study were those who obtained gold, silver, bronze medals, and honorable mention. The social profile of the OQRN award winners was studied considering two characteristics of this population: the type of school (public or private) and place of residence (capital or countryside). A pattern was observed, where the largest number of winners are students from private schools and in the metropolitan region of the state. Thus, the data reveal that measures are needed to encourage greater participation of students from public schools and students from the interior of the state.Las Olimpiadas del Conocimiento Científico han sido una importante herramienta de divulgación científica entre los estudiantes. Esta investigación consiste en evaluar el perfil social de los estudiantes premiados en la Olimpiada de Química de Rio Grande do Norte (OQRN) de 2015 a 2019 con el fin de verificar la existencia de un patrón en los premiados. Los premiados de la OQRN considerados en este estudio fueron aquellos que obtuvieron medallas de oro, plata, bronce y mención honorífica. El relevamiento del perfil social de los premiados de la OQRN se realizó considerando dos características de esta población: el tipo de colegio (público o privado) y el lugar de residencia (capital o rural). Se observó un patrón, donde la mayor cantidad de ganadores son estudiantes de colegios privados y de la región metropolitana. Así, los datos revelan que se necesitan medidas para incentivar una mayor participación de estudiantes de escuelas públicas y estudiantes del interior del estado.As Olimpíadas de Conhecimento Científico têm sido uma importante ferramenta de divulgação científica entre estudantes. Esta pesquisa consiste em avaliar o perfil social dos alunos premiados na Olimpíada de Química do Rio Grande do Norte (OQRN) dos anos 2015 a 2019, com o objetivo de averiguar a existência de um padrão nos premiados. Os premiados da OQRN considerados neste estudo foram aqueles que obtiveram medalhas de ouro, prata, bronze e menção honrosa. O levantamento do perfil social dos premiados da OQRN foi feito considerando duas características dessa população: o tipo da escola (pública ou privada) e o local de residência (capital ou interior). Foi observado um padrão, onde o maior número de premiados são alunos das escolas privadas e da região metropolitana. Dessa forma, os dados revelam que são necessárias medidas que incentivem uma maior participação dos alunos das escolas públicas e alunos do interior do estado.As Olimpíadas de Conhecimento Científico têm sido uma importante ferramenta de divulgação científica entre estudantes. Esta pesquisa consiste em avaliar o perfil social dos alunos premiados na Olimpíada de Química do Rio Grande do Norte (OQRN) dos anos 2015 a 2019, com o objetivo de averiguar a existência de um padrão nos premiados. Os premiados da OQRN considerados neste estudo foram aqueles que obtiveram medalhas de ouro, prata, bronze e menção honrosa. O levantamento do perfil social dos premiados da OQRN foi feito considerando duas características dessa população: o tipo da escola (pública ou privada) e o local de residência (capital ou interior). Foi observado um padrão, onde o maior número de premiados são alunos das escolas privadas e da região metropolitana. Dessa forma, os dados revelam que são necessárias medidas que incentivem uma maior participação dos alunos das escolas públicas e alunos do interior do estado


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    A pesquisa trata do estudo de indicadores de riscos ambientais da sub-bacia hidrográfica do ribeirão do Carmo, no município de Porto Nacional, estado do Tocantins/Brasil, visa caracterizar os aspectos físicos, através de parâmetros morfométricos (comprimento dos rios, índice de circularidade da bacia, hierarquização da drenagem, densidade de rios, densidade de drenagem, coeficiente de manutenção), e contribui para novos estudos que venham ao encontro de propostas de conservação dessa sub-bacia. Para sua concretização, obedeceu-se a uma metodologia de execução baseada em levantamento bibliográfico e cartográfico, seguido de trabalho de campo para reconhecimento da área e entrevista com os moradores de Porto Nacional, com vista à percepção dos mesmos sobre a instalação da UHE do Lajeado. O material cartográfico foi digitalizado e vetorizado para obtenção dos dados morfométricos, através de softwares específicos de geoprocessamento. Os resultados indicam que naturalmente, a sub-bacia do ribeirão do Carmo não apresenta riscos ambientais significativos. Entretanto, as atividades implementadas exercem expressivas modificações na mesma, que implicam em perdas no que se refere ao capital natural e moral(ético) e cultural. Palavras-chave: Bacia Hidrográfica. Risco Ambiental. Morfometria. Study of indicators of environmental risks of the hydrographic sub-basin of the Carmo Stream – Porto Nacional (TO) The research deals with the study of indicators of environmental risks of sub-basin of the stream of Carmo, in the city of Porto Nacional, Tocantins State / Brazil, to characterize the physical aspects, through morphometric parameters (the length of the rivers, the index of the basin circularity, hierarchy of drainage, the density of rivers, the coefficient of maintenance), and it contributes to new studies that meet the proposed conservation goals of this sub-basin. For its realization, it obeys an implementation methodology based on literature and mapping survey, followed by field work for recognition of the area and interviewing the residents of Porto Nacional, overlooking the perception about the installation of paved UHE. The map material was scanned and vectorized to obtain the morphometric data, using specific software of geoprocessing. The results indicate that, naturally, the sub-basin of the stream of Carmo does not present significant environmental risks. However, the activities implemented exert significant modifications to it, involving losses in relation to natural capital and moral (ethical) and cultural. Key words: Watershed. Environmental Risk. Morphometry