2,212 research outputs found

    Identifying quenched jets in heavy ion collisions with machine learning

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    Measurements of jet substructure in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions suggest that the jet showering process is modified by the interaction with the quark-gluon plasma. Modifications of the hard substructure of jets can be explored with modern data-driven techniques. In this study, a machine learning approach to the identification of quenched jets is designed. Jet showering processes are simulated with a jet quenching model Jewel and a non-quenching model Pythia 8. Sequential substructure variables are extracted from the jet clustering history following an angular-ordered sequence and are used in the training of a neural network built on top of a long short-term memory network. We show that this approach successfully identifies the quenching effect in the presence of the large uncorrelated background of soft particles created in heavy-ion collisions

    Identified Hadron Spectra From pp, dA and AA collisions

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    The experimental data for identified hadron spectra from pp,d+A and AA collisions are reviewed. Three regions with different dominant production mechanisms are considered: soft region (pt <2 GeV/c) - with large degree of collectivity and thermalization, hard particle production which exhibits jet-quenching in Au+Au collisions at RHIC and intermediate region (2 < pt <5 GeV/c) with distinct baryon dynamics. Cronin effect, nuclear modification factors and jet-like correlations are studied with the goal of understanding the baryon dynamics at RHIC.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, Plenary talk at Quark Matter 2004, Oakland, Jan 11-1

    3D Multi-system Bayesian Calibration with Energy Conservation to Study Rapidity-dependent Dynamics of Nuclear Collisions

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    Considerable information about the early-stage dynamics of heavy-ion collisions is encoded in the rapidity dependence of measurements. To leverage the large amount of experimental data, we perform a systematic analysis using three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations of multiple collision systems -- large and small, symmetric and asymmetric. Specifically, we perform fully 3D multi-stage hydrodynamic simulations initialized by a parameterized model for rapidity-dependent energy deposition, which we calibrate on the hadron multiplicity and anisotropic flow coefficients. We utilize Bayesian inference to constrain properties of the early- and late- time dynamics of the system, and highlight the impact of enforcing global energy conservation in our 3D model

    Differential cross section measurements for the production of a W boson in association with jets in proton–proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV

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    Measurements are reported of differential cross sections for the production of a W boson, which decays into a muon and a neutrino, in association with jets, as a function of several variables, including the transverse momenta (pT) and pseudorapidities of the four leading jets, the scalar sum of jet transverse momenta (HT), and the difference in azimuthal angle between the directions of each jet and the muon. The data sample of pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV was collected with the CMS detector at the LHC and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 5.0 fb[superscript −1]. The measured cross sections are compared to predictions from Monte Carlo generators, MadGraph + pythia and sherpa, and to next-to-leading-order calculations from BlackHat + sherpa. The differential cross sections are found to be in agreement with the predictions, apart from the pT distributions of the leading jets at high pT values, the distributions of the HT at high-HT and low jet multiplicity, and the distribution of the difference in azimuthal angle between the leading jet and the muon at low values.United States. Dept. of EnergyNational Science Foundation (U.S.)Alfred P. Sloan Foundatio

    Optimasi Portofolio Resiko Menggunakan Model Markowitz MVO Dikaitkan dengan Keterbatasan Manusia dalam Memprediksi Masa Depan dalam Perspektif Al-Qur`an