144 research outputs found
Light Weight Alloys: Processing, Properties and Their Applications
There is growing interest in light metallic alloys for a wide number of applications owing to their processing efficiency, processability, long service life, and environmental sustainability. Aluminum, magnesium, and titanium alloys are addressed in this Special Issue, however, the predominant role played by aluminum. The collection of papers published here covers a wide range of topics that generally characterize the performance of the alloys after manufacturing by conventional and innovative processing routes
Effect of annealing temperature on microstructure and high-temperature tensile behaviour of Ti-6242S alloy produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
This work is focussed at investigating the properties of additive manufactured Ti-6242S, a Ti alloy with excellent mechanical strength and stability up to 550 °C. Special attention is given to the effect of different heat treatment routes on microstructure and high-temperature mechanical behaviour of the Ti-6242S alloy produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion. Annealing was performed in the α/β field (at 940 °C, 960 °C, 980 °C) or above the β transus (at 1050 °C). Annealing step was followed by Ar gas cooling and ageing at 595 °C. The as-built material exhibits high strength and anisotropic behaviour, showing lower fracture elongation in the direction parallel to the build platform. Heat treatments are responsible for a reduction of material strength but an increase in fracture elongation. Tensile tests at high temperature show that the best heat treatment for applications up to 300 °C is the annealing at 940 °C followed by Ar cooling and ageing. For applications at higher temperatures (namely 550 °C, 750 °C) the annealing step should be performed above the β transus temperature, at 1050 °C, to achieve the best tensile properties
Additive Manufacturing of Pure Copper: Technologies and Applications
The opportunity to process pure copper through additive manufacturing has been widely explored in recent years, both in academic research and for industrial uses. Compared to well-established fabrication routes, the inherent absence of severe design constraints in additive manufacturing enables the creation of sophisticated copper components for applications where excellent electrical and thermal conductivity is paramount. These include electric motor components, heat management systems, heat-treating inductors, and electromagnetic devices. This chapter discusses the main additive manufacturing technologies used to fabricate pure copper products and their achievable properties, drawing attention to the advantages and the challenges they have to face considering the peculiar physical properties of copper. An insight on the topic of recycling of copper powders used in additive manufacturing is also provided. Finally, an overview of the potential areas of application of additively manufactured pure copper components is presented, highlighting the current technological gaps that could be filled by the implementation of additive manufacturing solutions
Metal Matrix Composites Reinforced by Nano-Particles—A Review
Metal matrix composites reinforced by nano-particles are very promising
materials, suitable for a large number of applications. These composites consist of a metal
matrix filled with nano-particles featuring physical and mechanical properties very
different from those of the matrix. The nano-particles can improve the base material in
terms of wear resistance, damping properties and mechanical strength. Different kinds of
metals, predominantly Al, Mg and Cu, have been employed for the production of
composites reinforced by nano-ceramic particles such as carbides, nitrides, oxides as well
as carbon nanotubes. The main issue of concern for the synthesis of these materials
consists in the low wettability of the reinforcement phase by the molten metal, which does
not allow the synthesis by conventional casting methods. Several alternative routes have
been presented in literature for the production of nano-composites. This work is aimed at
reviewing the most important manufacturing techniques used for the synthesis of bulk
metal matrix nanocomposites. Moreover, the strengthening mechanisms responsible for the
improvement of mechanical properties of nano-reinforced metal matrix composites have
been reviewed and the main potential applications of this new class of materials
are envisaged
designing for metal additive manufacturing a case study in the professional sports equipment field
Abstract In this paper, we discuss the possibilities available as well as the challenge to be faced when designing for metal additive manufacturing through the description of an application of the Selective Laser Melting technology within the professional sports equipment field. We describe the redesign activity performed on the cam system of a compound bow, starting from the analysis of the functional, manufacturing and assembly constraints till the strategies applied to guarantee the printability of the object. This activity has thus provided the opportunity to analyse the difficulties currently encountered by practitioners when designing for additive manufacturing due to the lack of integrated design approaches and the high number of aspects that need to be simultaneously taken into account when performing design choices
Tungsten Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
AbstractAdditive Manufacturing (AM) is the process that allows the production of complex geometry and lightweight components. Thanks to the high density of refractory metals, AM could be a possible solution for their application in the aerospace field and for biomedical or future nuclear fusion devices. Yet, Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) of refractory metals as Ta, Mo, and W faces some challenges due to their main properties: high melting point, heat conductivity, and susceptibility to cracks.The purpose of this study is to optimize the process parameters in order to produce high-density Tungsten parts by LPBF on an EOS M100 (maximum power of 170 W). The characterization is performed through physical properties measurements and microstructural analysis. Single Scan Tracks (SSTs) are produced on the top surfaces of Tungsten blocks to evaluate the process parameters that give regular-shape and continuous melt-pools. Both analytical and experimental optimizations of process parameters were performed. Micro-hardness measurements were done for dense bulk specimens. Finally, a description of susceptibility to cracks of additively manufactured Tungsten was performed
On the preparation and characterization of thin NiTi shape memory alloy wires for MEMS
Shape memory alloy (SMA) wires are employed as actuators in small devices for consumer electronics, valves and automotive applications. Because of the continued miniaturization of all the industrial products, nowadays the tendency is to produce MEMS (micro electromechanical systems). Among the most promising functional MEMS materials, the thin SMA wires that are offering a rapid actuating response with high power/weigh ratio of the material, are attracting a world wide interest. This paper is aimed at showing the production process and the characterizations of thin NiTi shape memory wires. The activity was focused on drawing procedure and on functional and TEM characterizations of the final products. In particular, it was evaluated the performance of the SMA wires for actuators in terms of functional fatigue and thermo-mechanical properties by means of an experimental apparatus design ad hoc for these specific test
On the preparation and characterization of thin NiTi shape memory alloy wires for MEMS
Shape memory alloy (SMA) wires are employed as actuators in small devices for consumerelectronics, valves and automotive applications. Because of the continued miniaturization of all the industrialproducts, nowadays the tendency is to produce MEMS (micro electromechanical systems). Among the mostpromising functional MEMS materials, the thin SMA wires that are offering a rapid actuating response withhigh power/weigh ratio of the material, are attracting a world wide interest. This paper is aimed at showing theproduction process and the characterizations of thin NiTi shape memory wires. The activity was focused ondrawing procedure and on functional and TEM characterizations of the final products. In particular, it wasevaluated the performance of the SMA wires for actuators in terms of functional fatigue and thermo-mechanicalproperties by means of an experimental apparatus design ad hoc for these specific test
Effects of Sinter-HIP Temperature on Microstructure and Properties of WC–12Co Produced Using Binder Jetting
High performance shape memory effect (HP-SME): un innovativo percorso termo-meccanico per lo sviluppo di attuatori SMA ad alte prestazioni
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