545 research outputs found

    \u3ci\u3eHomocopris\u3c/i\u3e Burmeister, 1846 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae): Lectotype Designation for \u3ci\u3eCopris torulosus\u3c/i\u3e Eschscholtz, 1822, and Correction on the Geographic Distribution of the Two Chilean Species

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    Homocopris Burmeister, 1846 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) is a small genus of South American dung beetles composed of four species distributed in Argentina, Brazil, and Chile. Recently, a neotype was designated for Copris torulosus Eschscholtz, 1822 (currently H. torulosus) based on the assumption that the original type series had been lost. However, this designation is invalid for failing to comply with articles 75.2, 75.3, 75.3.1, and 75.3.4. of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Furthermore, even if it had been nomenclaturally valid, the neotype now loses its type status because we found a syntype in the material of the Johann Friedrich Eschscholtz collection, preserved in the collection of Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University, Moscow, Russia. We present evidence supporting the recognition of this specimen as a syntype and newly designate it as the lectotype. Photographs of the lectotype and its labels are provided. Additionally, the geographic distributions of H. punctatissimus (Curtis, 1844) and H. torulosus (Eschscholtz, 1822) in Chile are corrected

    The genus Xenaclopus Arrow (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae): redescription and removal from the Aclopinae, with systematic notes

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    The monotypic genus Xenaclopus Arrow is redescribed and illustrated, based in its lectotype and paralectotypes. Characters examined indicate that this genus should be removed from the Aclopinae and placed into the subfamily Melolonthinae as insertae sedis at the tribal level.Fil: Ocampo, Federico Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas; ArgentinaFil: Vaz-de-mello, Fernando Z.. Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul; Brasi

    A new species of Pelidnota MacLeay (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae, Rutelini) from Southeast Brazil

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    Pelidnota MacLeay, 1819 is one of the most diverse genus in Rutelina (Rutelini) and, even after broad and recent revisions, fieldwork has revealed a diversity of species yet to be known to science. Here, we describe Pelidnota silveiranetoi sp. nov. with illustrations and a map for the type locality, as well as its inclusion in a previously published identification key for the Pelidnota species. The new species is diagnosable by its color pattern (body with metallic green reflections, except on the elytra, which lack black spots), mouthpart features (galea bearing three teeth and the anterior part of the labium with an excavated surface, straight proximal margin, and the posterior part with a rounded lateral margin), and parameres (concave distal margin gradually acute and slightly divergent at the apex; straight lateral margin that is slightly sinuous at the middle; slightly corrugated proximal margin)

    Organização de comunidades de besouros rola-bosta (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) em áreas de re-estabelecimento de vegetação em Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brasil

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    The present work refers to the study of colonization of four vegetation physiognomies considered as succession stages by Scarabaeidae beetles in Feira de Santana, Brazil. The four environments present structures of 1) herbs, 2) herbs and bushes, 3) bushes, and 4) bushes and trees. The last one has similar vegetation elements to the original vegetation of the area (Caatinga, in transition with deciduous forest). Beetles’ richness was not statistically different in the three structurally simpler habitats, the composition, as well as the abundance structure of the communities of the four sites were very similar. Guild structure changed in number and proportion of specimens, with an increase in the number of tunnelers as the vegetation grew in complexity. The positive/negatives effects on the composition and beetles’s community structure were related to the interference with the dissemination of odor plumes or maintenance of sources of resources (vertebrates). The organization of the functional structure in the beetles’ community should be related to the time needed for the establishment of complex ecological connections.O presente trabalho refere-se ao estudo de colonização de quatro fisionomias de vegetação consideradas como estágios sucessionais, em Feira de Santana, Brasil, por besouros Scarabaeidae. Os quatro ambientes possuem estruturas: 1) herbácea, 2) herbácea/arbustiva, 3) arbustivo/arbórea e 4) arbórea. Esta última com elementos de vegetação similares à vegetação original da área (Caatinga, em transição com floresta decídua). A riqueza de besouros não foi estatisticamente diferente nos três ambientes estruturalmente mais simples, e tanto a composição quanto a estrutura de abundância das comunidades dos quatro sítios foram muito semelhantes. A estrutura de guildas mudou em número e proporção de espécies, com aumento no número de “escavadores” com o aumento na complexidade estrutural da vegetação, cujos efeitos positivos / negativos sobre a composição e estrutura da comunidade de besouros foi relacionado à interferência sobre a disseminação de plumas de odor ou manutenção de fontes de recursos (vertebrados). A organização da estrutura funcional da comunidade de besouros deve ser relacionada ao tempo necessário para o estabelecimento de conexões ecológicas complexas.O presente trabalho refere-se ao estudo de colonização de quatro fisionomias de vegetação consideradas como estágios sucessionais, em Feira de Santana, Brasil, por besouros Scarabaeidae. Os quatro ambientes possuem estruturas: 1) herbácea, 2) herbácea/arbustiva, 3) arbustivo/arbórea e 4) arbórea. Esta última com elementos de vegetação similares à vegetação original da área (Caatinga, em transição com floresta decídua). A riqueza de besouros não foi estatisticamente diferente nos três ambientes estruturalmente mais simples, e tanto a composição quanto a estrutura de abundância das comunidades dos quatro sítios foram muito semelhantes. A estrutura de guildas mudou em número e proporção de espécies, com aumento no número de “escavadores” com o aumento na complexidade estrutural da vegetação, cujos efeitos positivos / negativos sobre a composição e estrutura da comunidade de besouros foi relacionado à interferência sobre a disseminação de plumas de odor ou manutenção de fontes de recursos (vertebrados). A organização da estrutura funcional da comunidade de besouros deve ser relacionada ao tempo necessário para o estabelecimento de conexões ecológicas complexas

    Scarabaeidae (coleoptera, scarabaeoidea) atraídos por ovos em decomposição em viçosa Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    Os insetos da família Scarabaeidae sao detritívoros e sua eficiencia na remoção de matéria orgánica em decomposição tem grande influencia na manutenção dos ecossistemas terrestres (Halffter and amp; Matthews 1966, Hanski and amp; Cambefort 1991). A maioria das espécies da família tem hábitos coprófagos, alimentandose principalmente de excrementos de mamíferos

    Dichotomius ribeiroi (pereira, 1954) (coleoptera: scarabaeidae: scarabaeinae): redescripción y anotaciones taxonómicas de la especie

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    Se realiza la redescripción de Dichotomius ribeiroi (Pereira, 1954), en donde sedescribe por primera vez a la hembra de esta especie hasta ahora desconocida. Sepresentan datos sobre la distribución geográfica de la especie, ilustraciones del habitus,el órgano genital y escleritos del saco interno del macho así como las diferencias en lamorfología externa de las hembras. Al realizar la comparación de la morfología externay el órgano genital masculino de D. ribeiroi con las especies del grupo “cotopaxi”, sepropone la reubicación de esta especie dentro de este grupo, el cual es redefinid

    Quantifying responses of dung beetles to fire disturbance in tropical forests:the importance of trapping method and seasonality

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    Understanding how biodiversity responds to environmental changes is essential to provide the evidence-base that underpins conservation initiatives. The present study provides a standardized comparison between unbaited flight intercept traps (FIT) and baited pitfall traps (BPT) for sampling dung beetles. We examine the effectiveness of the two to assess fire disturbance effects and how trap performance is affected by seasonality. The study was carried out in a transitional forest between Cerrado (Brazilian Savanna) and Amazon Forest. Dung beetles were collected during one wet and one dry sampling season. The two methods sampled different portions of the local beetle assemblage. Both FIT and BPT were sensitive to fire disturbance during the wet season, but only BPT detected community differences during the dry season. Both traps showed similar correlation with environmental factors. Our results indicate that seasonality had a stronger effect than trap type, with BPT more effective and robust under low population numbers, and FIT more sensitive to fine scale heterogeneity patterns. This study shows the strengths and weaknesses of two commonly used methodologies for sampling dung beetles in tropical forests, as well as highlighting the importance of seasonality in shaping the results obtained by both sampling strategies

    A multilingual key to the genera and subgenera of the subfamily Scarabaeinae of the New World (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)

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    Presented is a multilingual (English, Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch and French) key to the 119 currently recognized genera and subgenera of scarabaeine dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) occurring in the New World. Also included are illustrations of representative species of all taxa included in the key as well as supplementary references to studies at the species level.Fil: Vaz de Mello, Fernando Z.. Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso; BrasilFil: Edmonds, W. D.. No especifica;Fil: Ocampo, Federico Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas. Provincia de Mendoza. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto Argentino de Investigaciones de las Zonas Áridas; ArgentinaFil: Schoolmeesters, Paul. No especifica

    A new species of the genus Canthon Hoffmannsegg (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Scarabaeinae, Deltochilini) from central Brazil

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    A new species of Canthon is described, illustrated and the morphological similarities with related species are discussed. The species Canthon cleidecostae was named after Dr. Cleide Costa a great beetles specialist. The subgeneric category of species is considered incertae sedis until the taxonomic revision of the genus Canthon is fully addressed. Also, we provide a key for genera, subgenera and isolated species-groups that can be confused with the genus Canthon