211 research outputs found
Reliability issues in active control of large flexible space structures
Efforts in this reporting period were centered on four research tasks: design of failure detection filters for robust performance in the presence of modeling errors, design of generalized parity relations for robust performance in the presence of modeling errors, design of failure sensitive observers using the geometric system theory of Wonham, and computational techniques for evaluation of the performance of control systems with fault tolerance and redundancy managemen
A dynamic measure of controllability and observability for the placement of actuators and sensors on large space structures
The degree of controllability of a large space structure is found by a four step procedure: (1) finding the minimum control energy for driving the system from a given initial state to the origin in the prescribed time; (2) finding the region of initial state which can be driven to the origin with constrained control energy and time using optimal control strategy; (3) scaling the axes so that a unit displacement in every direction is equally important to control; and (4) finding the linear measurement of the weighted "volume" of the ellipsoid in the equicontrol space. For observability, the error covariance must be reduced toward zero using measurements optimally, and the criterion must be standardized by the magnitude of tolerable errors. The results obtained using these methods are applied to the vibration modes of a free-free beam
Number and placement of control system components considering possible failures
A decision making methodology is presented which is intended to be useful in the early stages of system design, before a control system is designed in detail. The methodology accounts for the likelihood of failure among the sensors and actuators in a control system. A method to compute the degree of controllability and degree of observability of a system for a given set of actuators and sensors is also presented
Control of large flexible space structures
Progress in robust design of generalized parity relations, design of failure sensitive observers using the geometric system theory of Wonham, computational techniques for evaluation of the performance of control systems with fault tolerance and redundancy management features, and the design and evaluation od control systems for structures having nonlinear joints are described
Reliability issues in active control of large flexible space structures
Progress in robust failure detection and isolation, control system reconfiguration, and performance evaluation of systems having redundancy management features is briefly summarized
Component number and placement in large space structure control
Studies are carried out to assist the designer of the control system for a large flexible space structure in his choice of how many actuators and sensors to incorporate in the system, and where to locate them on the structure. The degree of controllability and minimum control energy strategy for driving the system are described
Reliability analysis of an ultra-reliable fault tolerant control system
This report analyzes the reliability of NASA's Ultra-reliable Fault Tolerant Control System (UFTCS) architecture as it is currently envisioned for helicopter control. The analysis is extended to air transport and spacecraft control using the same computational and voter modules applied within the UFTCS architecture. The system reliability is calculated for several points in the helicopter, air transport, and space flight missions when there are initially 4, 5, and 6 operating channels. Sensitivity analyses are used to explore the effects of sensor failure rates and different system configurations at the 10 hour point of the helicopter mission. These analyses show that the primary limitation to system reliability is the number of flux windings on each flux summer (4 are assumed for the baseline case). Tables of system reliability at the 10 hour point are provided to allow designers to choose a configuration to meet specified reliability goals
The dynamics of software development project management: An integrative systems dynamic perspective
Rather than continuing to focus on software development projects per se, the system dynamics modeling approach outlined is extended to investigate a broader set of issues pertaining to the software development organization. Rather than trace the life cycle(s) of one or more software projects, the focus is on the operations of a software development department as a continuous stream of software products are developed, placed into operation, and maintained. A number of research questions are ""ripe'' for investigating including: (1) the efficacy of different organizational structures in different software development environments, (2) personnel turnover, (3) impact of management approaches such as management by objectives, and (4) the organizational/environmental determinants of productivity
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Search for MSSM Higgs bosons decaying to μ+μ-in proton-proton collisions at √s=13TeV
A search is performed for neutral non-standard-model Higgs bosons decaying to two muons in the context of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM). Proton-proton collision data recorded by the CMS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider at a center-of-mass energy of 13TeVwere used, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9fb-1. The search is sensitive to neutral Higgs bosons produced via the gluon fusion process or in association with a bbquark pair. No significant deviations from the standard model expectation are observed. Upper limits at 95% confidence level are set in the context of the mmod+hand phenomenological MSSM scenarios on the parameter tanβas a function of the mass of the pseudoscalar Aboson, in the range from 130 to 600GeV. The results are also used to set a model-independent limit on the product of the branching fraction for the decay into a muon pair and the cross section for the production of a scalar neutral boson, either via gluon fusion, or in association with bquarks, in the mass range from 130 to 1000GeV
Effects of autologous bone marrow stem cell transplantation on beta-adrenoceptor density and electrical activation pattern in a rabbit model of non-ischemic heart failure
BACKGROUND: Since only little is known on stem cell therapy in non-ischemic heart failure we wanted to know whether a long-term improvement of cardiac function in non-ischemic heart failure can be achieved by stem cell transplantation. METHODS: White male New Zealand rabbits were treated with doxorubicine (3 mg/kg/week; 6 weeks) to induce dilative non-ischemic cardiomyopathy. Thereafter, we obtained autologous bone marrow stem cells (BMSC) and injected 1.5–2.0 Mio cells in 1 ml medium by infiltrating the myocardium via a left anterolateral thoracotomy in comparison to sham-operated rabbits. 4 weeks later intracardiac contractility was determined in-vivo using a Millar catheter. Thereafter, the heart was excised and processed for radioligand binding assays to detect β(1)- and β(2)-adrenoceptor density. In addition, catecholamine plasma levels were determined via HPLC. In a subgroup we investigated cardiac electrophysiology by use of 256 channel mapping. RESULTS: In doxorubicine-treated animals β-adrenoceptor density was significantly down-regulated in left ventricle and septum, but not in right ventricle, thereby indicating a typical left ventricular heart failure. Sham-operated rabbits exhibited the same down-regulation. In contrast, BMSC transplantation led to significantly less β-adrenoceptor down-regulation in septum and left ventricle. Cardiac contractility was significantly decreased in heart failure and sham-operated rabbits, but was significantly higher in BMSC-transplanted hearts. Norepinephrine and epinephrine plasma levels were enhanced in heart failure and sham-operated animals, while these were not different from normal in BMSC-transplanted animals. Electrophysiological mapping revealed unaltered electrophysiology and did not show signs of arrhythmogeneity. CONCLUSION: BMSC transplantation improves sympathoadrenal dysregualtion in non-ischemic heart failure
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