50 research outputs found
Excitation and propagation of spin waves in non-uniformly magnetized waveguides
The characteristics of spin waves in ferromagnetic waveguides with nonuniform
magnetization have been investigated for situations where the shape anisotropy
field of the waveguide is comparable to the external bias field. Spin-wave
generation was realized by the magnetoelastic effect by applying normal and
shear strain components, as well as by the Oersted field emitted by an
inductive antenna. The magnetoelastic excitation field has a nonuniform profile
over the width of the waveguide because of the nonuniform magnetization
orientation, whereas the Oersted field remains uniform. Using micromagnetic
simulations, we indicate that both types of excitation fields generate
quantised width modes with both odd and even mode numbers as well as tilted
phase fronts. We demonstrate that these effects originate from the average
magnetization orientation with respect to the main axes of the magnetic
waveguide. Furthermore, it is indicated that the excitation efficiency of the
second-order mode generally surpasses that of the first-order mode due to their
symmetry. The relative intensity of the excited modes can be controlled by the
strain state as well as by tuning the dimensions of the excitation area.
Finally, we demonstrate that the nonreciprocity of spin-wave radiation due to
the chirality of an Oersted field generated by an inductive antenna is absent
for magnetoelastic spin-wave excitation.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figure
Confined magnetoelastic waves in thin waveguides
The characteristics of confined magnetoelastic waves in nanoscale ferromagnetic magnetostrictive waveguides have been investigated by a combination of analytical and numerical calculations. The presence of both magnetostriction and inverse magnetostriction leads to the coupling between confined spin waves and elastic Lamb waves. Numerical simulations of the coupled system have been used to extract the dispersion relations of the magnetoelastic waves as well as their mode profiles
Confined magnetoelastic waves in thin waveguides
The characteristics of confined magnetoelastic waves in nanoscale
ferromagnetic magnetostrictive waveguides have been investigated by a
combination of analytical and numerical calculations. The presence of both
magnetostriction and inverse magnetostriction leads to the coupling between
confined spin waves and elastic Lamb waves. Numerical simulations of the
coupled system have been used to extract the dispersion relations of the
magnetoelastic waves as well as their mode profiles.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figure
Power transfer in magnetoelectric resonators
We derive an analytical model for the power transfer in a magnetoelectric
film bulk acoustic resonator consisting of a piezoelectric--magnetostrictive
bilayer. The model describes the dynamic magnetostrictive influence on the
elastodynamics via an effective frequency-dependent stiffness constant. This
allows for the calculation of both the magnetic and elastic power absorption in
the resonator as well as of its energy efficiency when such a resonator is
considered as a magnetic transducer. The model is then applied to example
systems consisting of piezoelectric ScAlN and magnetostrictive CoFeB, Ni, or
Terfenol-D layers.Comment: 39 pages, 9 figures. This project has received funding from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant
agreement No. 801055 "Spin Wave Computing for Ultimately-Scaled Hybrid
Low-Power Electronics" - CHIRO