115 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic properties of viscous charged fluids

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    We provide a general theoretical framework to describe the electromagnetic properties of viscous charged fluids, consisting for example of electrons in certain solids or plasmas. We confirm that finite viscosity leads to multiple modes of evanescent electromagnetic waves at a given frequency, one of which is characterized by a negative index of refraction, as previously discussed in a simplified model by one of the authors. In particular we explain how optical spectroscopy can be used to probe the viscosity. We concentrate on the impact of this on the coefficients of refraction and reflection at the sample-vacuum interface. Analytical expressions are obtained relating the viscosity parameter to the reflection and transmission coefficients of light. We demonstrate that finite viscosity has the effect to decrease the reflectivity of a metallic surface, while the electromagnetic field penetrates more deeply. While on a phenomenological level there are similarities to the anomalous skin effect, the model presented here requires no particular assumptions regarding the corpuscular nature of the charge liquid. A striking consequence of the branching phenomenon into two degenerate modes is the occurrence in a half-infinite sample of oscillations of the electromagnetic field intensity as a function of distance from the interface.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Can dd excitations mediate pairing ?

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    The Cu-3d3d states in the high-TcT_c cuprates are often described as a single band of 3dx2−y23d_{x^2-y^2} states, with the other four 3d3d states having about 2 to 3 eV higher energy due to the lower-than-octahedral crystal field at the copper sites. However, excitations to these higher energy states observed with RIXS show indications of strong coupling to doped holes in the 3dx2−y23d_{x^2-y^2} band. This relaunches a decades-old question of the possible role of the orbital degrees of freedom that once motivated Bednorz and M\"uller to search for superconductivity in these systems. Here we explore a direction different from the Jahn-Teller electron-phonon coupling considered by Bednorz and M\"uller, namely the interaction between holes mediated by dddd excitations.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Magnetoplasmon resonances in polycrystalline bismuth as seen via terahertz spectroscopy

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    We report the magnetic field-dependent far-infrared reflectivity of polycrystalline bismuth. We observe four distinct absorptions that we attribute to magnetoplasmon resonances, which are collective modes of an electron-hole liquid in magnetic field and become optical and acoustic resonances of the electron-hole system in the small-field limit. The acoustic mode is expected only when the masses of distinct components are very different, which is the case in bismuth. In a polycrystal, where the translational symmetry is broken, a big shift of spectral weight to acoustic plasmon is possible. This enables us to detect an associated plasma edge. Although the polycrystal sample has grains of randomly distributed orientations, our reflectivity results can be explained by invoking only two, clearly distinct, series of resonances. In the limit of zero field, the optical modes of these two series converge onto plasma frequencies measured in monocrystal along the main optical axes.Comment: Accepted in PR

    Non-Drude universal scaling laws for the optical response of local Fermi liquids

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    We investigate the frequency and temperature dependence of the low-energy electron dynamics in a Landau Fermi liquid with a local self-energy. We show that the frequency and temperature dependencies of the optical conductivity obey universal scaling forms, for which explicit analytical expressions are obtained. For the optical conductivity and the associated memory function, we obtain a number of surprising features that differ qualitatively from the Drude model and are universal characteristics of a Fermi liquid. Different physical regimes of scaling are identified, with marked non-Drude features in the regime where hbar omega ~ kB T. These analytical results for the optical conductivity are compared to numerical calculations for the doped Hubbard model within dynamical mean-field theory. For the "universal" low-energy electrodynamics, we obtain perfect agreement between numerical calculations and analytical scaling laws. Both results show that the optical conductivity displays a non-Drude "foot", which could be easily mistaken as a signature of breakdown of the Fermi liquid, while it actually is a striking signature of its applicability. The aforementioned scaling laws provide a quantitative tool for the experimental identification and analysis of the Fermi-liquid state using optical spectroscopy, and a powerful method for the identification of alternative states of matter, when applicable.Comment: Published versio

    Optical properties of Bi2Te2Se at ambient and high pressure

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    The temperature dependence of the complex optical properties of the three-dimensional topological insulator Bi2Te2Se is reported for light polarized in the a-b planes at ambient pressure, as well as the effects of pressure at room temperature. This material displays a semiconducting character with a bulk optical gap of 300 meV at 295 K. In addition to the two expected infrared-active vibrations observed in the planes, there is additional fine structure that is attributed to either the removal of degeneracy or the activation of Raman modes due to disorder. A strong impurity band located at 200 cm^{-1} is also observed. At and just above the optical gap, several interband absorptions are found to show a strong temperature and pressure dependence. As the temperature is lowered these features increase in strength and harden. The application of pressure leads to a very abrupt closing of the gap above 8 GPa, and strongly modifies the interband absorptions in the mid-infrared spectral range. While ab initio calculations fail to predict the collapse of the gap, they do successfully describe the size of the band gap at ambient pressure, and the magnitude and shape of the optical conductivity.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    High sensitivity variable-temperature infrared nanoscopy of conducting oxide interfaces

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    Probing the local transport properties of two-dimensional electron systems (2DES) confined at buried interfaces requires a non-invasive technique with a high spatial resolution operating in a broad temperature range. In this paper, we investigate the scattering-type scanning near field optical microscopy as a tool for studying the conducting LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface from room temperature down to 6 K. We show that the near-field optical signal, in particular its phase component, is highly sensitive to the transport properties of the electron system present at the interface. Our modelling reveals that such sensitivity originates from the interaction of the AFM tip with coupled plasmon-phonon modes with a small penetration depth. The model allows us to quantitatively correlate changes in the optical signal with the variation of the 2DES transport properties induced by cooling and by electrostatic gating. To probe the spatial resolution of the technique, we image conducting nano-channels written in insulating heterostructures with a voltage-biased tip of an atomic force microscope.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure
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