43 research outputs found
Resistencias y adhesiones escolares: La importancia del origen social
Distintas corrientes y tradiciones han estudiado la actitud del alumnado en la escuela, y gran parte de las investigaciones se han centrado en las resistencias escolares. A partir de un diseño explicativo de métodos mixtos secuenciales, que consiste en recoger primero datos cuantitativos y después datos cualitativos para explicar o elaborar los resultados cuantitativos, se presentan resultados de la fase cualitativa a partir del análisis de entrevistas semiestructuradas. Se analizan los motivos por los que el alumnado tiene actitudes de adhesión o de resistencia al final de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) y como influye en sus itinerarios educativos posteriores. Los resultados muestran una interseccionalidad a la hora de analizar la actitud del alumnado, se observan importantes diferencias por razón de clase, origen y sexo. Se pone de manifiesto el importante papel que juega el profesorado y el centro de enseñanza, sus prácticas y el acompañamiento que hacen del alumnad
Comprehensive School and Vocational Training in Spain : a Longitudinal Approach from the Transition from Lower to Upper Secondary Education
Fitting vocational training into the Spanish education system has been challenging and problematic because two objectives are trying to be fulfilled; the first to supply skills for the productive system and the second to be an alternative option for the young people who do not follow the academic track. Moreover, the political vicissitudes of recent decades have added to the difficulties involved in balancing these requirements. In Spain, both the economic agents and the education system itself with its academic inertia have relegated vocational training to a subordinate position, able to attract mainly young people with lower academic achievement and largely rejected by families with a higher educational level. The assumption was that the introduction of a comprehensive secondary education in the 1990s would provide parity between the academic and the vocational tracks. However, the comprehensive nature of this system was not fully applied, with students in many schools separated by ability levels, and in fact having little impact on the social bias of the students choosing vocational training. The empirical contribution of this study is based on a survey carried out among 2056 students from Barcelona in their last year of compulsory secondary education in 2013-14 and who continued in full-time education, be it baccalaureate or vocational training. The main result shows that comprehensive education improves school success and decreases the vocational orientation of students from low social backgrounds
El Paper d'internet i les xarxes socials en els moviments socials. Anà lisi del moviment independentista catalÃ
Conté: treball i pòsterEn els últims anys s'ha produït un creixement social de l'independentisme a Catalunya per diversos esdeveniments polÃtics, econòmics i socials, però les idees i arguments d'aquest s'han estès, en gran part, grà cies als avenços en les noves tecnologies de la informació i comunicació que han tingut un paper considerable en la mobilització i conscienciació de la gent. És a dir, per les noves xarxes socials. En aquestes xarxes moltes persones i organitzacions han trobat una eina clau per donar a conèixer les seves idees sobre Catalunya i els seus motius i arguments a favor de l'independentisme
A atitude dos alunos em relação à escola
This article explores and analyses students' attitudes towards the school in the last year of compulsory education and the role these attitudes play in educational pathways. Firstly, the article reviews previous empirical and theoretical approaches to students' attitudes. Based on this theoretical review, we propose a typology of attitudes using data from the International Study of City Youth (ISCY), with a sample of 2056 students from 27 secondary schools in the city of Barcelona. In a second descriptive analysis, we analyzed how certain socio-demographic variables affect adherence to a specific attitude. Finally, applying logistic regression analysis, we explore the role of attitudes in students' educational pathways. The results show that attitudes do not explain much of the resulting pathway, so socio-demographic variables remain influential. Students' performance and behaviours have a significant impact, acting as a mediator to explain subsequent pathways, specifically in the choice to follow an academic pathway (or not) in the transition from compulsory to post-compulsory school. Finally, an interrelationship of attitudes, behaviours and results is observed. The results of this article provide further insight into these processes and their role in the development of students' educational trajectories.El presente artÃculo explora y analiza las actitudes de los estudiantes en el último curso de educación secundaria obligatoria (ESO) y el papel que juegan estas actitudes en los itinerarios educativos. Después de un breve recorrido por las aportaciones teóricas de diversos autores sobre la actitud del alumnado en la escuela, proponemos una tipologÃa de actitudes frente a la escuela a partir de los datos del International Study of City Youth (ISCY), con una muestra de 2056 estudiantes de 27 institutos de secundaria de la ciudad de Barcelona. En un segundo análisis descriptivo analizamos cómo ciertas variables sociodemográficas inciden en la adscripción a una actitud concreta. Finalmente, con un análisis de regresión logÃstica, exploramos el papel de las actitudes en los itinerarios formativos de los estudiantes. Los resultados muestran como las actitudes explican poco del itinerario resultante, de manera que las variables sociodemográficas se mantienen como influyentes. Los resultados académicos y los comportamientos tienen una incidencia importante, actuando como mediación para explicar los itinerarios posteriores, concretamente en la elección de seguir un itinerario académico (o no) en la transición de la escuela obligatoria a la postobligatoria. Finalmente, observamos como actitudes, comportamientos y resultados son procesos relacionados entre sÃ. Los resultados del presente artÃculo aportan una mayor comprensión sobre estos procesos y su papel en la construcción de las trayectorias educativas de los estudiantes.Este artigo explora e analisa as atitudes dos estudantes no último ano do ensino secundário obrigatório (ESO) e o papel que estas atitudes desempenham nos percursos educativos. Após uma breve panorâmica das contribuições teóricas de vários autores sobre as atitudes dos estudantes em relação à escola, propomos uma tipologia de atitudes em relação à escola baseada em dados do International Study of City Youth (ISCY), com uma amostra de 2056 alunos de 27 escolas secundárias da cidade de Barcelona. Numa segunda análise descritiva, analisamos como certas variáveis sóciodemográficas afetam a atribuição a uma atitude especÃfica. Finalmente, com uma análise de regressão logÃstica, exploramos o papel das atitudes nos percursos educativos dos estudantes. Os resultados mostram que as atitudes explicam pouco do caminho resultante, de modo que as variáveis sóciodemográficas continuam a ter influência. Os resultados acadêmicos e os comportamentos têm uma incidência importante, atuando como mediação para explicar os percursos subsequentes. Finalmente, observamos que as atitudes, comportamentos e resultados são processos inter-relacionados. Os resultados deste artigo fornecem uma melhor compreensão desses processos e seu papel na construção das trajetórias educacionais dos estudantes
Beyond the curriculum: what role do non-curricular activities play in student engagement?;
peer reviewedINTRODUCTION. This article analyses the role that non-curricular activities play in the school engagement of young people with different socio-demographic profiles, taking into account the role of schools. METHOD. A hierarchical linear analysis model has been used to measure the differences between schools, controlling the individual characteristics of the students from the data of a survey carried out among 2.056 students who were in their 10th year of schooling in 27 schools based in Barcelona. Four models are examined in the analysis: firstly, sociodemographic variables are introduced, then non-curricular activities carried out by young people both within and outside the high school, and finally centre variables. RESULTS. The results show that noncurricular activities act as mediators of the family educational level in explaining emotional and cognitive engagement —not behavioural engagement—, and sex and origin remain influential. Finally, the level of participation within centers appears to be significant only for behavioral engagement, mediating the effect of the complexity and comprehensiveness of the center. DISCUSSION. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to deepen the debate on the importance of non-curricular activities for the school engagement of young people, as well as the role that schools have in promoting the school involvement of their students. © 2020, Sociedad Espanola de Pedagogia. All rights reserved
The role of engagement and academic behavioral skills on young students’ academic performance—A validation across four countries
peer reviewedThe aim of this study is to validate an instrument measuring students’ academic behavioral skills and engagement—skills identified as vital for student achievement. We inspect the reliability and validity of the survey with respect to item fit, factorial structure, relations with academic performance, and the fairness of the items across student groups. The fairness analyses are critical to making valid comparisons between groups and across countries. Data comprising 8520 grade 10 students from four countries were analysed using item response theory. We found that both scales were multidimensional, acted fairly across students’ gender, country, immigrant-, and socio-economic background (after removing four items), and were positively and significantly correlated with self-reported and performance-based academic performance. © 2020 Elsevier Lt
Growing into participation? Influences on youth’s plans to engage socially or politically and their changes over time;
peer reviewedIn the social sciences, adolescents’ interest in social and political issues and their participation has been a subject of controversy. While there is an ongoing public debate about young people’s lack of political engagement, many social and political processes depend on participation. For this reason, we should consider whether and how young people get involved socially or politically and how important future participation is to them. In this study, we analysed whether young people in Vienna are politically or socially engaged and how different factors shape their aim of social and political participation for the future. Therefore, we used data from a five-wave panel study with young people in Vienna. At the beginning of the study period about 3000 respondents participated, the students were attending 8th grade at the Neue Mittelschule (the lower track of lower secondary school) in the 2017–2018 academic year and they were then surveyed annually over the next four years (2019–2022). For the analysis, we used cross-sectional data from the fourth wave (the survey year 2021) to explore the way in which young people considered their political and social engagement. In addition, we used longitudinal data from five waves of the panel survey (2018–2022) to determine how the subjective importance of social and political participation changes over time. Our results show that the different forms of social and political participation varied widely and, based on linear multilevel models with a repeated measurement design, we argue that while sociodemographic factors such as gender and social class are crucial for the youth’s social and political participation, engagement is also shaped by their family resources. In contrast to previous research findings, we found that the importance young people attach to engaging socially and politically decreases between the ages of 15 and 19 years. Our findings reveal new insights for achieving future social and political participation by young people. © 2023, The Author(s)
Separation of Students by Levels in 4th of Middle School and Social Complexity. Limits and Possibilities of the Comprehensive Curriculum
La agrupación o separación por niveles de rendimiento en la enseñanza secundaria es un
tema muy estudiado en la sociologÃa de la educación por su relación con el origen social
de los alumnos, y muy discutido en la polÃtica educativa. En este artÃculo se contribuye al
debate con el análisis empÃrico a partir de una muestra de 27 centros de secundaria y 1.782
alumnos de cuarto de ESO, de la ciudad de Barcelona. Con los datos de los centros se hace
un análisis tipológico sobre la comprensividad, y con los datos de los alumnos se hace un
análisis de rendimiento y de composición social de los centros. Los resultados muestran que
existe mucha variedad y complejidad en la definición de comprensividad en las prácticas y
opciones de los centros educativos, y que es mucho más difÃcil no establecer separaciones
por nivel en centros de alta complejidad social. En los centros con menor complejidad, la
comprensividad responde más a opciones de cada centro.Ability grouping according to the
achievement students in secondary schools is a topic largely investigated in Sociology
of Education, because the relationship between ability grouping and the students social
background. The topic is also really controversial in educational policy. This paper wants
to contribute to the issue with an empirical analysis based on a sample of 27 schools and
1782 tenth grade students from the city of Barcelona. The school data is used to construct
typologies about the comprehensiveness of the schools, and the students data is used to
analyze the achievement of pupils and the social composition of schools. The results show
the enormous complexity and diversity of comprehensiveness among schools, but it seems
to be more difficult not to segregate students according their achievement in schools with
high degree of complexity. The comprehensiveness in schools with low degree of complexity
could be a choice
La actitud del alumnado frente a la escuela
peer reviewedEl presente artÃculo explora y analiza las actitudes de los estudiantes en el último curso de educación secundaria obligatoria (ESO) y el papel que juegan estas actitudes en los itinerarios educativos. Después de un breve recorrido por las aportaciones teóricas de diversos autores sobre la actitud del alumnado en la escuela, proponemos una tipologÃa de actitudes frente a la escuela a partir de los datos del International Study of City Youth (ISCY), con una muestra de 2056 estudiantes de 27 institutos de secundaria de la ciudad de Barcelona. En un segundo análisis descriptivo analizamos cómo ciertas variables sociodemográficas inciden en la adscripción a una actitud concreta. Finalmente, con un análisis de regresión logÃstica, exploramos el papel de las actitudes en los itinerarios formativos de los estudiantes. Los resultados muestran como las actitudes explican poco del itinerario resultante, de manera que las variables sociodemográficas se mantienen como influyentes. Los resultados académicos y los comportamientos tienen una incidencia importante, actuando como mediación para explicar los itinerarios posteriores, concretamente en la elección de seguir un itinerario académico (o no) en la transición de la escuela obligatoria a la postobligatoria. Finalmente, observamos como actitudes, comportamientos y resultados son procesos relacionados entre sÃ. Los resultados del presente artÃculo aportan una mayor comprensión sobre estos procesos y su papel en la construcción de las trayectorias educativas de los estudiantes