54 research outputs found
Applications to Biological Networks of Adaptive Hagen-Poiseuille Flow on Graphs
Physarum polycephalum is a single-celled, multi-nucleated slime mold whose
body constitutes a network of veins. As it explores its environment, it adapts
and optimizes its network to external stimuli. It has been shown to exhibit
complex behavior, like solving mazes, finding the shortest path, and creating
cost-efficient and robust networks. Several models have been developed to
attempt to mimic its network's adaptation in order to try to understand the
mechanisms behind its behavior as well as to be able to create efficient
networks. This thesis aims to study a recently developed, physically-consistent
model based on adaptive Hagen-Poiseuille flows on graphs, determining the
properties of the trees it creates and probing them to understand if they are
realistic and consistent with experiment. It also intends to use said model to
produce short and efficient networks, applying it to a real-life transport
network example. We have found that the model is able to create networks that
are consistent with biological networks: they follow Murray's law at steady
state, exhibit structures similar to Physarum's networks, and even present
peristalsis (oscillations of the vein radii) and shuttle streaming (the
back-and-forth movement of cytoplasm inside Physarum's veins) in some parts of
the networks. We have also used the model paired with different stochastic
algorithms to produce efficient, short, and cost-efficient networks; when
compared to a real transport network, mainland Portugal's railway system, all
algorithms proved to be more efficient and some proved to be more
cost-efficient.Comment: 106 pages, 59 figure
Elaboração de um manual de fabrico de gelado
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em
Tecnologia e Segurança Alimentar – perfil Qualidade AlimentarO gelado é um dos produtos alimentares mais consumidos em todo o mundo. Está
intrinsecamente associado a uma sensação de satisfação, doçura e felicidade que o transformam num produto de sucesso mundial.
O gelado é uma mistura de ingredientes (leite, açúcares, estabilizantes, emulsionantes entre outros), que é homogeneizada, pasteurizada e maturada antes de ser congelada. O processo de
cristalização ocorre por batimento com incorporação de ar e só depois se dá o processo de enchimento, endurecimento e embalamento. O gelado está disponível em várias formas, tamanhos, sabores e embalagens.
O desenvolvimento de novos produtos competitivos e a garantia da qualidade dos produtos é de extrema importância neste tipo de indústria. Torna-se relevante então o estudo aprofundado de todos os mecanismos de fabrico de um gelado e dos parâmetros de controlo relevantes para o consumidor com o objectivo de compreender todas as vertentes necessárias à produção de um gelado. O principal objectivo desta dissertação é o estudo e avaliação de todas as vertentes
necessárias à produção de um gelado como produto final. Para a elaboração deste manual de fabrico abordaram-se não só as áreas específicas de produção e tecnologia, mas também as áreas de desenvolvimento, gestão, qualidade e segurança alimentar. Este estudo incide em dois novos produtos, lançados no mercado Italiano, com a marca Unilever.
Todos os parâmetros de controlo de qualidade e segurança analisados, para os dois gelados
estudados, certificam que são seguros do ponto de vista alimentar e mantêm o grau de exigência de qualidade esperado pelo consumidor. Foram estudadas também formas de garantir a manutenção da qualidade, mediante recurso à utilização de ferramentas de Total Productive Maintenance
O recurso ao jogo na aprendizagem escolar do português e do espanhol: uma análise contextual na sala de aula
Uma das áreas de interesse fulcral nas sociedades é o ensino. Este assume um papel
central e mediador, debate-se, reforma-se, isto é, assistimos continuamente a uma tentativa, a um esforço, pelo menos, de mudança. O ensino-aprendizagem não pode ser encarado restritamente, não pode ser nem estar “encarcerado” na instituição escolar. A sua amplitude atinge todo o meio que nos rodeia, nomeadamente a família.
No dia a dia das crianças, são inúmeras as situações em que estas se confrontam com
o jogo. Este estimula o desejo de aprender e, apesar de impor regras, não tem um carácter
de “obrigatoriedade” (só joga quem quer) e flexibiliza a aquisição de conhecimentos. A
criança é vista como um ser, um ator social geracional que brinca, que joga, que sonha e, os profissionais da educação, nomeadamente, apercebem-se da importância do jogo para a
criança e reconhecem, ou deveriam reconhecer, o valor desta atividade. Este proporciona um
maior desenvolvimento e dá curso à potencialidade, não só da criança, mas também do ensino.
A matéria a lecionar nem sempre é “apetecível”. Primeiramente, recai sobre ela o peso da obrigatoriedade e, algo que é obrigatório perde, em grande parte, a sua carga motivadora. O uso de estratégias, de ferramentas de ensino, tal como o jogo, poderão aliciar e estimular os alunos em diferentes contextos de aprendizagem.
O presente trabalho alicerça-se na ligação, no estreitamento de relações entre jogo e
ensino. O uso do jogo em contexto de aprendizagem possibilita uma manipulação e aquisição de conhecimentos, de certa forma, mais acessível, aprazível e “inesquecível”, no sentido de poder permanecer, por um maior período de tempo, na memória e no saber da criança. Este projeto parte de uma abordagem à “profissionalidade”, aos métodos de ensino utilizados pelos docentes, mediante “ferramentas” de ensino baseadas no instrumento de trabalho que é o jogo. Mas serão realmente exploradas as atividades lúdico-didáticas em contexto escolar
na sala de aula?
A segunda parte do trabalho focar-se-á nas manifestações concretas do jogo, na
exploração das atividades lúdicas e didáticas nas aulas, tendo por base os conteúdos dos
manuais escolares de Português e de Espanhol e os materiais criados, adaptados para a
matéria a ser lecionada.
A última parte do trabalho será dedicada à caracterização do estágio pedagógico
realizado na Escola Secundária Campos Melo, na Covilhã, em articulação com a Universidade
da Beira Interior. Neste capítulo, focar-nos-emos na caracterização da escola e das turmas, refletiremos sobre as aulas assistidas de Português e de Espanhol, e destacaremos a pertinência e importância das atividades dinamizadas.One of the most important study’s areas is education. This assumes a central and
fulcra meaning, because it is always changing and adapting to this world. In our days, we can
see the effort, at least, to changing of it. Teaching and learning should not be seen just as
“closed” by the educational system. Its range reaches all the way around us, including family.
In children’s daily life there are several situations in which they are confronting with
the game. This one stimulates the desire of learning and, though commands rules, it doesn’t
have a meaning of “obligation” (just plays who wants to) and it makes easier the knowledge
acquisition. Children are seen as beings, generational social actors who play and dream.
Professional educational, in particular, realizes the importance of the game for children and
recognizes, or should recognize the value of this activity. The game allows a strong
developing and gives way to the potential, not only to children but also to education.
The teaching’ subject is not always “desirable”. On the first part, it rests on the
weight of obligation and something that is required loses, largely its motivating issue. The use
of strategies, teaching tools, such as the game, may attract and stimulate different kinds of
students in different learning contexts.
The purpose of the present study is based on the connecting, on the closest
relationships between game and teaching. The use of the game in context learning allows
manipulation and knowledge acquisition, in some way, easier, more pleasant and
“unforgettable”, in the sense of keeping, for a long period of time, in children’s memory and
learning. This project begins of an approach to the “professionalism”, to teaching ‘methods
used by teacher’s trough “tools” of teaching based on working, which is the game. However,
are all the game activities explored in school and in classroom?
The second part of the present study will focus on the concrete manifestations of the
game in the exploration of play activities on classrooms, adapting Portuguese and Spanish
textbooks as well as tools to learning.
The last part of the present work will be devoted to the practice’ characterization
conducted on Escola Secundária Campos Melo, in Covilhã, in conjunction with Universidade da
Beira Interior. In this chapter we will focus on the school’s characterization, and classes. We
also pretend to reflecting about Portuguese and Spanish assisted lessons and the relevance
and importance of streamlined activities
Can the five repetition sit-to-stand test discriminate inpatients and outpatients with acute exacerbations of COPD?
The five repetition sit-to-stand test (5STS) is a simple and validated functional test, suitable to be performed in different settings, that has been related with mortality in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Yet, its relationship with the need for hospitalisation is unknown. This study explored the 5STS ability to discriminate between hospitalised and non-hospitalised patients at the onset of an acute exacerbation of COPD (AECOPD).
Patients with AECOPD visiting the urgency ward of 2 hospitals were recruited. Clinicians defined the need for hospitalisation based on their best judgment. The 5STS was completed within 48h of the AECOPD onset. Receiver operating characteristic analysis was performed and the area under the curve (AUC) was calculated.
47 patients (92% male, 69±7yrs, FEV150±20%predicted) participated. Age, gender, FEV1, body mass index and quadriceps muscle strength were not different between inpatients and outpatients. 5STS showed good ability to discriminate between inpatients and outpatients (AUC=0.73; 95%CI 0.59-0.88), with a sensitivity of 75% and specificity of 53% for a cut-off of 13.7s (Fig. 1).
5STS can accurately discriminate between inpatients and outpatients with AECOPD. A cut-off of 13.7s may be used to differentiate these patients. Results also emphasise the need to improve patients’ functionality during hospitalisation. Studies with larger samples are needed.publishe
The benefits of family on visiting the person in critical condition
O presente Relatório de Estágio, inscrito no plano de estudos do 13º Curso de Mestrado em Enfermagem de Natureza Profissional, na área de Especialização em Enfermagem Médico-Cirúrgica, do Instituto de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, tem como objetivo dar visibilidade à aprendizagem desenvolvida nos vários estágios. Enunciam-se os objetivos planeados, as atividades cumpridas, as situações e/ou problemas vividos e as estratégias de resolução encontradas que, no seu conjunto, patenteiam as competências especializadas em enfermagem que foram desenvolvidas ou aprimoradas. Realizei estágio em três contextos diferentes, permitindo aquisição de competências especializadas. Relativamente aos campos de estágio foram possíveis concretizar numa
UCIN, num GCL-PPCIRA e num Serviço de Urgência, perfazendo um total de 360 horas. Os cuidados foram prestados à pessoa adulta e idosa, maioritariamente em situação crítica, tendo por base os princípios Éticos e Deontológicos da profissão de Enfermagem e as competências do Enfermeiro Especialista e Enfermeiro Especialista em Enfermagem Médico–Cirúrgica. No decorrer deste percurso foi realizada uma scoping review, que visa salientar os benefícios da visita da família à pessoa em situação crítica, em contexto de internamento. A relação entre a formação teórica e o exercício prático proporcionado pelos campos de estágio foi imprescindível, permitindo o aperfeiçoamento de oportunidades de análise e de reflexão, quer na consolidação de competências, que foram desenvolvidas na área de especialização em Enfermagem Médico-Cirúrgica. Considero que este Curso de Mestrado contribuiu para a expansão de conhecimento e desenvolvimento de melhores competências profissionais, que afiançam o cuidado de enfermagem de qualidade e permitem crescentes ganhos em saúde para a população.The present Internship Report, enrolled in the study plan of the 13th Master´s Course in Professional Nursing, Nursing Medical-Surgical Speciality area, in the Institute of Ciências Médicas of Universidade Católica Portuguesa, aims to give visibility to the learning developed in the various stages. The planned objectives, the accomplished activities, the situation or problems experienced and the resolution strategies found, take as a whole, representing specialized nursing skills that have been developed or improved. I took part of an internship in there different contexts, allowing the acquisition of diversified practices. Regards to the internship itself, the clinical practice took place at UCIN, in a GCL-PPCIRA and in an Emergency Service, completing a total of 360 hours. The nursing care was provided to the adult and elderly person, mostly in need of Critical Care, based on Ethical and Deontological principles of the profession of Nursing, using skills of the Specialist Nurse and Specialist Nurse in Medical-Surgical Nursing. During this course, a scooping review was carried out, aiming to highlight the benefits of family on visiting the person in critical condition. The correlation between the theoretical training and the practical exercise provided by the Internship experiences was indispensable, allowing the improvement of opportunities for analysis and reflection, providing consolidation of knowledge and competences, which were developed in the area of specialization in Nursing Medical-Surgical. I believe this Masters Course has contributed to the expansion of knowledge and development of the better professional competences, which guarantee quality in nursing care and allow an increasing health gains for the population
Saliva’s Microbiota as a biomarker of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Sem resumo disponível.publishe
Airway Microbiota diversity and composition correlates with severity of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
COPD occurrence is mediated by immune response, environmental factors and microbial dysbiosis. Airway microbiota has been found to be different between healthy people and patients with COPD and these differences could influence disease severity. But, its clinical implications are still unclear. Here, we have explored the airway microbiota of patients with COPD as well as its relations with specific clinical parameters.
40 patients (35?, 67±9y, FEV1pp 33±7, GOLD III-26, IV-14) and 40 healthy controls (34?, 67±12y, FEV1pp 101±19) were recruited and sociodemographic, anthropometric and clinical data were collected. Saliva microbiota was characterised by 16S rRNA sequencing and analysed using Qiime2 pipeline.
Significant differences in airway microbiota composition between patients and healthy people were observed (Fig 1). The microbiota of patients with worse clinical parameters, like lower FEV1pp and SpO2, or with higher number of exacerbations and hospitalisations, clustered separately from less severe. Loss of microbiota diversity correlated with age in patients, but not in healthy people, raising the hypothesis of the cumulative use of antibiotics (by patients) contributing to dysbiosis.The association between microbiota composition and clinical parameters supports its contribution to COPD trajectory. Future studies should focus on remodelling patients’ dysbiotic microbiotas towards healthier ensembles aiming at preventing disease decline.publishe
Educação para o consumo alimentar no 1º CEB com orientação CTS
Este artigo relata um projeto de intervenção-investigação, desenvolvido numa turma de 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (CEB) sobre a educação para o consumo alimentar, que consistiu na conceção, implementação e avaliação de uma sequência didática com orientação CTS (Ciência, Sociedade e Tecnologia) sobre a mencionada temática. Os resultados revelaram que as crianças envolvidas no projeto desenvolveram aprendizagens ao nível dos conhecimentos, das capacidades, das atitudes e dos valores fundamentais no processo de construção de cidadãos-consumidores mais conscientes, responsáveis e críticos.This article reports on a research-intervention project, developed in a class of primary education about education for food consumption, which consisted on the design, implementation and evaluation of a teaching sequence with orientation STS (Science, Technology and Society) on the previously mentioned subject. The results revealed that the children involved in the project developed learning in terms of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values, in the process of building citizen-consumers more conscious, responsible and critical citizen-consumers
Partitioning of potentially toxic elements among two colloidal fractions and relevance for their mobility in different water types
Potentially toxic elements are mobilized in aquatic systems in solution or bounded to colloids of different sizes, which may include nanometer particles. The present work studies the distribution of elements (Al, Fe, Zn, Mn, Co, Cd, Ni, Cu, and As) between small (<0.20 mu m) and larger (0.45-0.20 mu m) colloids in different waters sources in a world class metallogenic province (Iberian Pyrite Belt), including the acid mine waters. Syringe filters with pore-size ratings of 0.20 mu m and 0.45 mu m have been used to assess the transport and fate of these potentially toxic elements. The results show the contribution of colloids for mobility of arsenic and most metals, evidencing the role of the small ones in acid mine drainage.This work was co-funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, based on COMPETE 2020 - project ICT (UID/GEO/04683/2013) with reference POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007690 and project Nano-MINENV number 029259. Patricia Gomes wishes to acknowledge FCT by the research fellowship under the POCH supported by the European Social Fund and National Funds of MCTES with reference SFRH/BD/108887/2015
Hydrogeochemistry and distribution of potentially toxic elements in a metallogenic province – The Iberian Pyrite Belt, Portugal
Contamination by acid drainage is an environmental problem in mineralized regions, especially in the surroundings of sulphide mines. The water rock interaction process involves the oxidative dissolution of sulphides, naturally or by mining activity, that generates acidity which, in turn, produces sulfate, and water pollution by sulphide-hosted metals. The particular geology of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB) in the southwestern Iberian Peninsula creates the ideal conditions for such water contamination. Different water types were sampled at 28 locations across the entire IBP metallogenetic province. Anions, metals, and arsenic were analysed to assess the influence of acid drainage. The results demonstrate the sulfate nature of waters in the vicinity of mines. Other types of water in the IPB region are mainly mixed chloride and bicarbonate (river and groundwater) and mixed and sodium-bicarbonate (lakes) types. Water quality assessment indicated strong contamination of surface waters that are directly influenced by mine wastes. There is the additional concern that some lakes and groundwaters exhibit concentrations of potentially toxic elements (e.g. Al, As) that are above the regulatory limits established by the European Commission Water Framework Directive.This work was co-funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, based on COMPETE 2020 - project ICT (UID/GEO/04683/2013) with reference POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007690 and project Nano-MINENV number 029259
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