407 research outputs found
Superbalance of holographic entropy inequalities
The domain of allowed von Neumann entropies of a holographic field theory carves out a polyhedral cone — the holographic entropy cone — in entropy space. Such polyhedral cones are characterized by their extreme rays. For an arbitrary number of parties, it is known that the so-called perfect tensors are extreme rays. In this work, we constrain the form of the remaining extreme rays by showing that they correspond to geometries with vanishing mutual information between any two parties, ensuring the absence of Bell pair type entanglement between them. This is tantamount to proving that besides subadditivity, all non-redundant holographic entropy inequalities are superbalanced, i.e. not only do UV divergences cancel in the inequality itself (assuming smooth entangling surfaces), but also in the purification thereof
Acceleration-Induced Deconfinement Transitions in de Sitter Spacetime
In this note, we consider confining gauge theories in defined by
or compactification of higher-dimensional conformal field theories
with gravity duals. We investigate the behavior of these theories on de Sitter
spacetime as a function of the Hubble parameter. We find that in each case, the
de Sitter vacuum state of the field theory (defined by Euclidian continuation
from a sphere) undergoes a deconfinement transition as the Hubble parameter is
increased past a critical value. In each case, the corresponding critical de
Sitter temperature is smaller than the corresponding Minkowski-space
deconfinement temperature by a factor nearly equal to the dimension of the de
Sitter spacetime. The behavior is qualitatively and quantitatively similar to
that for confining theories defined by compactification of CFTs, studied
recently in arXiv:1007.3996.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure
Time evolution of entanglement entropy from a pulse
We calculate the time evolution of the entanglement entropy in a 1+1 CFT with
a holographic dual when there is a localized left-moving packet of energy
density. We find the gravity result agrees with a field theory result derived
from the transformation properties of R\'enyi entropy. We are able to reproduce
behavior which qualitatively agrees with CFT results of entanglement entropy of
a system subjected to a local quench. In doing so we construct a finite
diffeomorphism which tales three-dimensional anti-de Sitter space in the
Poincar\'e patch to a general solution, generalizing the diffeomorphism that
takes the Poincar\'e patch a BTZ black hole. We briefly discuss the calculation
of correlation functions in these backgrounds and give results at large
operator dimension.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure
Extracting Spacetimes using the AdS/CFT Conjecture: Part II
Motivated by the holographic principle, within the context of the AdS/CFT
Correspondence in the large t'Hooft limit, we investigate how the geometry of
certain highly symmetric bulk spacetimes can be recovered given information of
physical quantities in the dual boundary CFT. In particular, we use holographic
entanglement entropy proposal (relating the entanglement entropy of certain
subsystems on the boundary to the area of static minimal surfaces) to recover
the bulk metric using higher dimensional minimal surface probes within a class
of static, planar symmetric, asymptotically AdS spacetimes. We find analytic
and perturbative expressions for the metric function in terms of the
entanglement entropy of straight belt and circular disk subsystems of the
boundary theory respectively. Finally, we discuss how such extractions can be
Geometry of Schroedinger Space-Times II: Particle and Field Probes of the Causal Structure
We continue our study of the global properties of the z=2 Schroedinger
space-time. In particular, we provide a codimension 2 isometric embedding which
naturally gives rise to the previously introduced global coordinates.
Furthermore, we study the causal structure by probing the space-time with point
particles as well as with scalar fields. We show that, even though there is no
global time function in the technical sense (Schroedinger space-time being
non-distinguishing), the time coordinate of the global Schroedinger coordinate
system is, in a precise way, the closest one can get to having such a time
function. In spite of this and the corresponding strongly Galilean and almost
pathological causal structure of this space-time, it is nevertheless possible
to define a Hilbert space of normalisable scalar modes with a well-defined
time-evolution. We also discuss how the Galilean causal structure is reflected
and encoded in the scalar Wightman functions and the bulk-to-bulk propagator.Comment: 32 page
Universal scaling properties of extremal cohesive holographic phases
We show that strongly-coupled, translation-invariant holographic IR phases at
finite density can be classified according to the scaling behaviour of the
metric, the electric potential and the electric flux introducing four critical
exponents, independently of the details of the setup. Solutions fall into two
classes, depending on whether they break relativistic symmetry or not. The
critical exponents determine key properties of these phases, like thermodynamic
stability, the (ir)relevant deformations around them, the low-frequency scaling
of the optical conductivity and the nature of the spectrum for electric
perturbations. We also study the scaling behaviour of the electric flux through
bulk minimal surfaces using the Hartnoll-Radicevic order parameter, and
characterize the deviation from the Ryu-Takayanagi prescription in terms of the
critical exponents.Comment: v4: corrected a typo in eqn (3.29), now (3.28). Conclusions unchange
Measuring Black Hole Formations by Entanglement Entropy via Coarse-Graining
We argue that the entanglement entropy offers us a useful coarse-grained
entropy in time-dependent AdS/CFT. We show that the total von-Neumann entropy
remains vanishing even when a black hole is created in a gravity dual, being
consistent with the fact that its corresponding CFT is described by a
time-dependent pure state. We analytically calculate the time evolution of
entanglement entropy for a free Dirac fermion on a circle following a quantum
quench. This is interpreted as a toy holographic dual of black hole creations
and annihilations. It is manifestly free from the black hole information
problem.Comment: 25 pages, Latex, 8 figure
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