13 research outputs found
Beyond the curriculum: what role do non-curricular activities play in student engagement?;
peer reviewedINTRODUCTION. This article analyses the role that non-curricular activities play in the school engagement of young people with different socio-demographic profiles, taking into account the role of schools. METHOD. A hierarchical linear analysis model has been used to measure the differences between schools, controlling the individual characteristics of the students from the data of a survey carried out among 2.056 students who were in their 10th year of schooling in 27 schools based in Barcelona. Four models are examined in the analysis: firstly, sociodemographic variables are introduced, then non-curricular activities carried out by young people both within and outside the high school, and finally centre variables. RESULTS. The results show that noncurricular activities act as mediators of the family educational level in explaining emotional and cognitive engagement —not behavioural engagement—, and sex and origin remain influential. Finally, the level of participation within centers appears to be significant only for behavioral engagement, mediating the effect of the complexity and comprehensiveness of the center. DISCUSSION. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to deepen the debate on the importance of non-curricular activities for the school engagement of young people, as well as the role that schools have in promoting the school involvement of their students. © 2020, Sociedad Espanola de Pedagogia. All rights reserved
The role of engagement and academic behavioral skills on young students’ academic performance—A validation across four countries
peer reviewedThe aim of this study is to validate an instrument measuring students’ academic behavioral skills and engagement—skills identified as vital for student achievement. We inspect the reliability and validity of the survey with respect to item fit, factorial structure, relations with academic performance, and the fairness of the items across student groups. The fairness analyses are critical to making valid comparisons between groups and across countries. Data comprising 8520 grade 10 students from four countries were analysed using item response theory. We found that both scales were multidimensional, acted fairly across students’ gender, country, immigrant-, and socio-economic background (after removing four items), and were positively and significantly correlated with self-reported and performance-based academic performance. © 2020 Elsevier Lt
Growing into participation? Influences on youth’s plans to engage socially or politically and their changes over time;
peer reviewedIn the social sciences, adolescents’ interest in social and political issues and their participation has been a subject of controversy. While there is an ongoing public debate about young people’s lack of political engagement, many social and political processes depend on participation. For this reason, we should consider whether and how young people get involved socially or politically and how important future participation is to them. In this study, we analysed whether young people in Vienna are politically or socially engaged and how different factors shape their aim of social and political participation for the future. Therefore, we used data from a five-wave panel study with young people in Vienna. At the beginning of the study period about 3000 respondents participated, the students were attending 8th grade at the Neue Mittelschule (the lower track of lower secondary school) in the 2017–2018 academic year and they were then surveyed annually over the next four years (2019–2022). For the analysis, we used cross-sectional data from the fourth wave (the survey year 2021) to explore the way in which young people considered their political and social engagement. In addition, we used longitudinal data from five waves of the panel survey (2018–2022) to determine how the subjective importance of social and political participation changes over time. Our results show that the different forms of social and political participation varied widely and, based on linear multilevel models with a repeated measurement design, we argue that while sociodemographic factors such as gender and social class are crucial for the youth’s social and political participation, engagement is also shaped by their family resources. In contrast to previous research findings, we found that the importance young people attach to engaging socially and politically decreases between the ages of 15 and 19 years. Our findings reveal new insights for achieving future social and political participation by young people. © 2023, The Author(s)
La actitud del alumnado frente a la escuela
peer reviewedEl presente artículo explora y analiza las actitudes de los estudiantes en el último curso de educación secundaria obligatoria (ESO) y el papel que juegan estas actitudes en los itinerarios educativos. Después de un breve recorrido por las aportaciones teóricas de diversos autores sobre la actitud del alumnado en la escuela, proponemos una tipología de actitudes frente a la escuela a partir de los datos del International Study of City Youth (ISCY), con una muestra de 2056 estudiantes de 27 institutos de secundaria de la ciudad de Barcelona. En un segundo análisis descriptivo analizamos cómo ciertas variables sociodemográficas inciden en la adscripción a una actitud concreta. Finalmente, con un análisis de regresión logística, exploramos el papel de las actitudes en los itinerarios formativos de los estudiantes. Los resultados muestran como las actitudes explican poco del itinerario resultante, de manera que las variables sociodemográficas se mantienen como influyentes. Los resultados académicos y los comportamientos tienen una incidencia importante, actuando como mediación para explicar los itinerarios posteriores, concretamente en la elección de seguir un itinerario académico (o no) en la transición de la escuela obligatoria a la postobligatoria. Finalmente, observamos como actitudes, comportamientos y resultados son procesos relacionados entre sí. Los resultados del presente artículo aportan una mayor comprensión sobre estos procesos y su papel en la construcción de las trayectorias educativas de los estudiantes
The dreams they are a-changin’: Mixed-methods longitudinal research on young people’s patterns of orientation;
peer reviewedAt the end of secondary general track schooling, young people experience an important transition; in Austria, they have to decide on further schooling or vocational training. Aspirations shape this transition and decisions herein. In this contribution, we explore patterns in formation, change or stability of educational and occupational aspirations. Based on an exploratory longitudinal mixed-methods approach with adolescents aged about 14 years in wave 1, we untangle the multidimensional phenomenon of (educational and occupational) aspirations. We analyze three waves of qualitative longitudinal interviews and develop a typology of young people’s educational and occupational orientation processes over time. In a statistical analysis of three waves of the panel survey data with the same age group, we compare and integrate findings on stability and change of aspirations and analyze the influence of sociodemographic characteristics on these patterns. With this mixed-methods longitudinal design, we gain an in-depth understanding of young peoples’ thoughts, ideas and worries during this transitional phase. We also learn about the resources that shape the orientation process and related patterns in time. © 2023, The Author(s)
Itinerarios educativos, trazabilidad y autopercepción de notas en las transiciones postobligatorias
peer reviewedThe aim of this article is to describe and analyze the continuities and ruptures in students’ educational trajectories in the transition to post-compulsory education. The incidence of social inequalities and the mediation of the self-perception of school grades in their educational choices are investigated. Using a path analysis model, we analyze data from a follow-up panel of a cohort of young Barcelona students born in 1998. The final sample is 868 young people, out of the initial 2,056, given the attrition. The sample is stratified according to the ownership of the schools (private/public) and the social complexity of the school context. The results show that “non-traditional” educational trajectories are increasingly common among students, with a greater presence of discontinuities, ruptures, and changes of studies in vocational training itineraries and second chance pathways. They also evidence the dichotomy between the de-standardization of young people’s trajectories and the rigidities of the educational system and the unequal incidence of social origin and self-perceived grades on educational choices. This places the discussion about results in the sphere of academic and vocational guidance policies and the role of educational agents, particularly secondary schools. The results also highlight the relevance of incorporating longitudinal analysis and its traceability dimension into the study of post-compulsory transitions. © 2022, Ministry Education and Science. All rights reserved
Attitudes, choices and inequalities in the transition from compulsory to post-compulsory school
Des de diferents disciplines, corrents i tradicions s'ha posat el focus en l'estudi de les actituds i l'engagement de l'alumnat a l'escola, sent de particular interès des de la sociologia de l'educació per comprendre els processos escolars, les desigualtats educatives i les trajectòries de l'alumnat. La present tesi doctoral realitzada en forma de compendi de publicacions aplica un enfocament interseccional amb dades longitudinals per analitzar les actituds i l'engagement de l'alumnat al final de l'Educació Secundària Obligatòria (10è grau). L'objectiu principal és analitzar la relació entre l'engagement escolar de l'alumnat al final de l'Educació Secundària Obligatòria, i les trajectòries educatives post obligatòries que segueixen. Per a això es realitza una revisió la literatura prèvia i a partir dels dades de l'International Study of City Youth (ISCY) es presenta una classificació de les actituds de l'alumnat enfront de l'escola i una proposta més amplia de l'engagement de alumnat a on s'incorpora un element de comparació internacional. A partir d'aquí s'aprofundeix en els factors individuals, antecedents socials i familiars, el context institucional i les pràctiques educatives per comprendre millor el fenomen. Finalment s'analitzen la influència i els canvis en l'engagement i el rendiment acadèmic en la transició de l'educació obligatòria a la post obligatòria. D'aquesta manera, es proporciona una visió dinàmica que no es centra exclusivament en l'abandonament escolar. La tesis incorpora diferents tipus d'anàlisi que permeten aprofundir en els diversos aspectes de l'engagement de l'alumnat. D'una banda, s'aplica una anàlisi SEM de modelització de variables latents per validar l'instrument de mesura de l'engagement. D'altra banda, es realitza una anàlisi multinivell per aprofundir en l'efecte del centre escolar sobre l'engagement de l'alumant. També s'aplica una anàlisi cross-lagged per analitzar l'engagement conductual i el rendiment acadèmic des d'una perspectiva longitudinal. Finalment, s'analitzen entrevistes semiestructurades realitzades a joves que van participar a l'estudi panel del projecte ISCY. A partir d'aquestes entrevistes s'aprofundeix en alguns dels resultats quantitatius aplicant mètodes mixtes. Pel que fa als resultats, les anàlisis mostren que la resistència o les actituds anti-escolars no són exclusives de la classe treballadora, i que els estudiants i les dones d'origen immigrant tenen un major engagement escolar i tenen en major mesura actituds d'adhesió escolar. Malgrat això, les característiques socioeconòmiques i familiars i el rendiment escolar de l'alumnat són més importants que les actituds i l'engagement escolar a l'hora d'explicar els itineraris educatius postobligatoris. D'aquesta manera, les desigualtats socials exerceixen el paper més important a l'hora d'explicar la transició a estudis postobligatoris. Tot i així, el context escolar apareix com un element important i que ha de ser considerat a l'hora d'entendre i treballar l'engagement escolar de l'alumnat. Elements com la participació en activitats no curriculars i el tipus d'escola tenen pes a l'hora d'explicar l'engagement de l'alumnat. Els estudiants de les escoles que no segreguen per grups de nivell i que tenen una alta participació en activitats no curriculars dins de l'escola tenen un major engagement conductual, menor absentisme i menys comportaments disruptius a l'escola. Finalment, els resultats mostren que l'engagement i el rendiment acadèmic tenen efectes diferenciats segons el tipus d'estudis postobligatoris -acadèmics o professionals-. En conclusió, la tesi doctoral contribueix amb un major coneixement específic per aprofundir en el debat sobre la importància de l'engagement de l'alumnat a l'escola i com aquest afecta el rendiment acadèmic i a les trajectòries educatives. Els resultats d'aquesta investigació permeten reflexionar i millorar els mecanismes de prevenció de l'abandonament escolar i d'acompanyament als joves.Desde distintas disciplinas, corrientes y tradiciones se ha puesto el foco en el estudio de las actitudes y el engagement del alumnado hacia la escuela, siendo de particular interés desde la sociología de la educación para comprender los procesos escolares, las desigualdades educativas y las trayectorias del alumnado. La presente tesis doctoral realizada en forma de compendio de publicaciones aplica un enfoque interseccional con datos longitudinales para analizar las actitudes y el engagement del alumnado al final de la educación secundaria obligatoria. El objetivo principal es analizar la relación entre el engagement escolar del alumnado al final de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (10º grado) y las trayectorias educativas postobligatorias que siguen. Para ello se realiza una revisión de la literatura previa y a partir de los datos del International Study of City Youth (ISCY) se presenta una clasificación de las actitudes frente a la escuela y una propuesta más amplia del engagement del alumnado donde se incorpora un elemento de comparación internacional. A partir de aquí se profundiza en los factores individuales, antecedentes sociales y familiares, el contexto institucional y las prácticas educativas para comprender mejor el fenómeno. Finalmente, se analizan la influencia y los cambios del engagement y el rendimiento académico en la transición de la educación obligatoria a la post-obligatoria. Proporcionando una visión dinámica que no se centra exclusivamente en el abandono escolar. La disertación incorpora distintos tipos de análisis que permiten profundizar en los diferentes aspectos del engagement del alumnado. Por un lado, se aplica un análisis SEM de modelización de variables latentes para validar el instrumento de engagement. Por otro lado, se realiza un análisis multinivel con el que se profundiza en el efecto del centro escolar sobre el engagement. También se aplica un análisis cross-lagged para analizar el engagement conductual desde una perspectiva longitudinal. Finalmente se analizan entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas a jóvenes que participaron en el estudio panel del proyecto ISCY. A partir de estas entrevistas se profundiza en algunos de los resultados cuantitativos aplicando métodos mixtos. Respecto a los resultados, los análisis muestran que la resistencia o las actitudes anti-escuela no son exclusivas de la clase trabajadora, y que los estudiantes y las mujeres de origen inmigrante tienen un engagement escolar y desarrollan en mayor medida actitudes de adhesión escolar. A pesar de esto, las variables sociodemográficas y el rendimiento escolar son más importantes que las actitudes y el engagement escolar a la hora de explicar los itinerarios educativos. De este modo, las desigualdades sociales desempeñan el papel más importante a la hora de explicar la transición a estudios postobligatorios. A pesar de esto, el contexto escolar aparece como un elemento importante y que debe ser considerado a la hora de entender y trabajar el engagement del alumnado. Elementos como la participación en actividades no curriculares y el tipo de escuela tienen peso a la hora de explicar el engagement del alumnado. El alumnado en escuelas que no segregan por grupos de nivel y que tienen una alta participación en actividades no curriculares tienen un mayor engagement conductual, menor absentismo y menos comportamientos disruptivos en la escuela. Finalmente, los resultados muestran que el engagement y el rendimiento académico tienen efectos diferenciados dependiendo del tipo de estudios postobligatorios -académicos o profesionales-. En conclusión, la tesis doctoral contribuye con un mayor conocimiento específico para profundizar en el debate sobre la importancia del engagement del alumnado en la escuela y cómo éste afecta al rendimiento académico y a las trayectorias educativas. Los resultados de esta investigación permiten reflexionar y mejorar los mecanismos de prevención del abandono escolar y de acompañamiento a los jóvenes.From different disciplines, currents and traditions, the focus has been on the study of the attitudes and engagement of the students towards school. It has been a subject of particular interest from the sociology of education to understand school processes, educational inequalities and students' trajectories. This doctoral thesis presented as compendium of publications applies an intersectional approach with longitudinal data to analyse the attitudes and engagement of students at the end of compulsory secondary education. The main objective is to analyse the relationship between student engagement at the end of Compulsory Secondary Education (10th grade) and educational pathways followed by students. For this purpose, a review of the previous literature is carried out and, based on the data from the International Study of City Youth (ISCY), a classification of attitudes towards school is presented. As well as a broader proposal of student engagement instrument which incorporates an element of international comparison is presented. From this point onwards, individual factors, social and family background, institutional context and educational practices are examined in greater depth in order to better understand the phenomenon. Finally, the influence and changes of engagement and academic performance in the transition from compulsory to post-compulsory education are analysed; providing a dynamic vision that does not focus exclusively on school drop-out. The dissertation incorporates different types of analysis that allow for an in-depth study of the different aspects of attitudes and students engagement. First, a SEM analysis of modelling of latent variables is applied to validate the measurement instrument of engagement. Second, a multilevel analysis is carried out to analyse the school effect on student's engagement. Third, a cross-lagged analysis is applied to analyse behavioural engagement and school performance from a longitudinal perspective. Last, semi-structured interviews people who participated in the ISCY panel are analysed using mixed methods in order to go deeper into some quantitative results. Regarding the results, the analyses show that resistance or anti-school attitudes are not exclusive to the working-class students, and that migrant students and women are more engaged and have a greater attitude of adhesion towards school. Despite this, socioeconomic and family background and school performance are more important than attitudes and school engagement in explaining educational pathways. Thus, social inequalities play the most important role in explaining the transition to post-compulsory education. Despite this, the school context appears to be an important element that must be considered when it comes to understanding students' engagement. Elements such as the participation in non-curricular activities and the type of school have a weight in explaining student engagement. Students in schools that do not divide students into ability groups and have high participation in non-curricular activities within the school have higher behavioural engagement, lower absenteeism and less disruptive behaviour in the school. Finally, the results show that engagement and academic performance have differentiated effects depending on the post-compulsory educational track - academic or professional. In conclusion, the doctoral thesis contributes with greater specific knowledge to deepen the debate on the importance of student engagement in school and how this affects academic performance and educational trajectories. The results of this research make it possible to reflect on and improve the mechanisms for preventing school dropouts and for accompanying young people
Les Expectatives dels i les joves en acabar l’escolarització obligatòria: el cas de la ciutat de Barcelona
Les expectatives del jovent al finalitzar l’educació secundària obligatòria és un tema que s’ha abordat des de diversos àmbits de coneixement, tractant-se així d’un tema multidisciplinar en el que entren en joc diversos aspectes de la vida dels individus. És per aquest motiu que, amb una visió sociològica, en el present treball realitzo una aproximació a alguns dels factors que condicionen aquestes expectatives del jovent. D’aquesta manera, es tenen en compte factors com el context social, econòmic i polític; la pròpia biografia de l’alumne; el sexe; la classe social; l’origen; la família; el grup d’iguals; l’autopercepció acadèmica; i la identificació amb l’escolaYoung people expectations at the end of compulsory secondary education is an issue that has been approached from different areas of knowledge, being thus a multidisciplinary subject which come in various aspects of life of individuals. For this reason, this paper is an approach to some factors that affect these youth expectations. We have taken into account social, economic and political factors; the biography of the student; sex; social class; origin; the family; peer group; academic self-perception; and the identification with the schoo
Social inequality in the educational trajectories: Who benefits from the permeability of the education system?
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