1,848 research outputs found

    Evidence for the Validity of the Berry-Robnik Surmise in a Periodically Pulsed Spin System

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    We study the statistical properties of the spectrum of a quantum dynamical system whose classical counterpart has a mixed phase space structure consisting of two regular regions separated by a chaotical one. We make use of a simple symmetry of the system to separate the eigenstates of the time-evolution operator into two classes in agreement with the Percival classification scheme \cite{Per}. We then use a method firstly developed by Bohigas et. al. \cite{BoUlTo} to evaluate the fractional measure of states belonging to the regular class, and finally present the level spacings statistics for each class which confirm the validity of the Berry-Robnik surmise in our model.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures available upon request, Latex fil

    Fidelity Decay as an Efficient Indicator of Quantum Chaos

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    Recent work has connected the type of fidelity decay in perturbed quantum models to the presence of chaos in the associated classical models. We demonstrate that a system's rate of fidelity decay under repeated perturbations may be measured efficiently on a quantum information processor, and analyze the conditions under which this indicator is a reliable probe of quantum chaos and related statistical properties of the unperturbed system. The type and rate of the decay are not dependent on the eigenvalue statistics of the unperturbed system, but depend on the system's eigenvector statistics in the eigenbasis of the perturbation operator. For random eigenvector statistics the decay is exponential with a rate fixed precisely by the variance of the perturbation's energy spectrum. Hence, even classically regular models can exhibit an exponential fidelity decay under generic quantum perturbations. These results clarify which perturbations can distinguish classically regular and chaotic quantum systems.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, LaTeX; published version (revised introduction and discussion

    A progressive diagonalization scheme for the Rabi Hamiltonian

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    A diagonalization scheme for the Rabi Hamiltonian, which describes a qubit interacting with a single-mode radiation field via a dipole interaction, is proposed. It is shown that the Rabi Hamiltonian can be solved almost exactly using a progressive scheme that involves a finite set of one variable polynomial equations. The scheme is especially efficient for lower part of the spectrum. Some low-lying energy levels of the model with several sets of parameters are calculated and compared to those provided by the recently proposed generalized rotating-wave approximation and full matrix diagonalization.Comment: 8pages, 1 figure, LaTeX. Accepted for publication in J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phy

    Wigner Random Banded Matrices with Sparse Structure: Local Spectral Density of States

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    Random banded matrices with linearly increasing diagonal elements are recently considered as an attractive model for complex nuclei and atoms. Apart from early papers by Wigner \cite{Wig} there were no analytical studies on the subject. In this letter we present analytical and numerical results for local spectral density of states (LDOS) for more general case of matrices with a sparsity inside the band. The crossover from the semicircle form of LDOS to that given by the Breit-Wigner formula is studied in detail.Comment: Misprints are corrected and stylistic changes are made. To be published in PR

    Geometry of the 3-Qubit State, Entanglement and Division Algebras

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    We present a generalization to 3-qubits of the standard Bloch sphere representation for a single qubit and of the 7-dimensional sphere representation for 2 qubits presented in Mosseri {\it et al.}\cite{Mosseri2001}. The Hilbert space of the 3-qubit system is the 15-dimensional sphere S15S^{15}, which allows for a natural (last) Hopf fibration with S8S^8 as base and S7S^7 as fiber. A striking feature is, as in the case of 1 and 2 qubits, that the map is entanglement sensitive, and the two distinct ways of un-entangling 3 qubits are naturally related to the Hopf map. We define a quantity that measures the degree of entanglement of the 3-qubit state. Conjectures on the possibility to generalize the construction for higher qubit states are also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, final versio

    RoboPol: Connection between optical polarization plane rotations and gamma-ray flares in blazars

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    We use results of our 3 year polarimetric monitoring program to investigate the previously suggested connection between rotations of the polarization plane in the optical emission of blazars and their gamma-ray flares in the GeV band. The homogeneous set of 40 rotation events in 24 sources detected by {\em RoboPol} is analysed together with the gamma-ray data provided by {\em Fermi}-LAT. We confirm that polarization plane rotations are indeed related to the closest gamma-ray flares in blazars and the time lags between these events are consistent with zero. Amplitudes of the rotations are anticorrelated with amplitudes of the gamma-ray flares. This is presumably caused by higher relativistic boosting (higher Doppler factors) in blazars that exhibit smaller amplitude polarization plane rotations. Moreover, the time scales of rotations and flares are marginally correlated.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figures, accepted to MNRA

    Phenotypic and genomic profiling of Staphylococcus argenteus in Canada and the United States and recommendations for clinical result reporting

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    Staphylococcus argenteus is a newly described species, formerly known as S. aureus clonal complex 75 (CC75). Here, we describe the largest collection of S. argenteus isolates in North America, highlighting identification challenges. We present phenotypic and genomic characteristics and provide recommendations for clinical reporting. Between 2017 and 2019, 22 isolates of S. argenteus were received at 2 large reference laboratories for identification. Identification with routine methods (biochemical, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization–time of flight mass spectrometry [MALDI-TOF MS], 16S rRNA gene analysis) proved challenging to confidently distinguish these isolates from S. aureus. Whole-genome sequencing analysis was employed to confirm identifications. Using several different sequence-based analyses, all clinical isolates under investigation were confirmed to be S. argenteus with clear differentiation from S. aureus. Seven of 22 isolates were recovered from sterile sites, 11 from nonsterile sites, and 4 from surveillance screens. While sequence types ST1223/coa type XV, ST2198/coa type XIV, and ST2793/coa type XId were identified among the Canadian isolates, the majority of isolates (73%) belonged to multilocus sequence types (MLST) ST2250/coa type XId and exhibited a high degree of homology at the genomic level. Despite this similarity, 5 spa types were identified among ST2250 isolates, demonstrating some diversity between strains. Several isolates carried mecA, as well as other resistance and virulence determinants (e.g., PVL, TSST-1) commonly associated with S. aureus. Based on our findings, the growing body of literature on S. argenteus, the potential severity of infections, and possible confusion associated with reporting, including use of incorrect breakpoints for susceptibility results, we make recommendations for clinical laboratories regarding this organism

    Development of an approximate method for quantum optical models and their pseudo-Hermicity

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    An approximate method is suggested to obtain analytical expressions for the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the some quantum optical models. The method is based on the Lie-type transformation of the Hamiltonians. In a particular case it is demonstrated that E×ϵE\times \epsilon Jahn-Teller Hamiltonian can easily be solved within the framework of the suggested approximation. The method presented here is conceptually simple and can easily be extended to the other quantum optical models. We also show that for a purely imaginary coupling the E×ϵE\times \epsilon Hamiltonian becomes non-Hermitian but Pσ0P\sigma _{0}-symmetric. Possible generalization of this approach is outlined.Comment: Paper prepared fo the "3rd International Workshop on Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics" June 2005 Istanbul. To be published in Czechoslovak Journal of Physic

    RoboPol: First season rotations of optical polarization plane in blazars

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    We present first results on polarization swings in optical emission of blazars obtained by RoboPol, a monitoring program of an unbiased sample of gamma-ray bright blazars specially designed for effective detection of such events. A possible connection of polarization swing events with periods of high activity in gamma rays is investigated using the dataset obtained during the first season of operation. It was found that the brightest gamma-ray flares tend to be located closer in time to rotation events, which may be an indication of two separate mechanisms responsible for the rotations. Blazars with detected rotations have significantly larger amplitude and faster variations of polarization angle in optical than blazars without rotations. Our simulations show that the full set of observed rotations is not a likely outcome (probability ≤1.5×10−2\le 1.5 \times 10^{-2}) of a random walk of the polarization vector simulated by a multicell model. Furthermore, it is highly unlikely (∼5×10−5\sim 5 \times 10^{-5}) that none of our rotations is physically connected with an increase in gamma-ray activity.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure
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