886 research outputs found

    Modified gravity and the stability of de Sitter space

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    Within the context of modified gravity and dark energy scenarios of the accelerating universe, we study the stability of de Sitter space with respect to inhomogeneous perturbations using a gauge-independent formalism. In modified gravity the stability condition is exactly the same that one obtains from a homogeneous perturbation analysis, while the stability condition in scalar-tensor gravity is more restrictive.Comment: 5 pages, no figures, RevTeX, to appear in Phys. Rev. D (Rapid Communications section

    Negative energy and stability in scalar-tensor gravity

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    Linearized gravitational waves in Brans-Dicke and scalar-tensor theories carry negative energy. A gauge-invariant analysis shows that the background Minkowski space is stable at the classical level with respect to linear scalar and tensor inhomogeneous perturbations.Comment: 9 pages, latex, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    de Sitter space and the equivalence between f(R) and scalar-tensor gravity

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    It is shown that, when f'' is non-vanishing, metric f(R) gravity is completely equivalent to a scalar-tensor theory (with zero Brans-Dicke parameter) with respect to perturbations of de Sitter space, contrary to previous expectations. Moreover, the stability conditions of de Sitter space with respect to homogeneous and inhomogeneous perturbations coincide in most scalar-tensor theories, as is the case in metric f(R) gravity.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, to appear in Phys. Rev. D. Revised version contains additional and updated reference

    Solar System experiments do not yet veto modified gravity models

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    The dynamical equivalence between modified and scalar-tensor gravity theories is revisited and it is concluded that it breaks down in the limit to general relativity. A gauge-independent analysis of cosmological perturbations in both classes of theories lends independent support to this conclusion. As a consequence, the PPN formalism of scalar-tensor gravity and Solar System experiments do not veto modified gravity, as previously thought.Comment: 7 pages, latex, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Matter instability in modified gravity

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    The Dolgov-Kawasaki instability discovered in the matter sector of the modified gravity scenario incorporating a 1/R correction to Einstein gravity is studied in general f(R) theories. A stability condition is found in the metric version of these theories to help ruling out models that are unviable from the theoretical point of view.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, to appear in Phys. Rev. D. In the revised version, an error concerning the Palatini version of these theories has been corrected and the references update

    Extended Planck Scale

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    Traditional derivations of the Planck mass ignore the role of charge and spin in general relativity. From the Kerr-Newman null surface and horizon radii, quantized charge and spin dependence are introduced in an extended Planck scale of mass. Spectra emerge with selection rules dependent upon the choice of Kerr-Newman radius to link with the Compton wavelength. The appearance of the fine structure constant suggests the possibility of a variation in time of the extended Planck mass, which may be much larger than the variation in the traditional one. There is a suggestion of a connection with the α\alpha value governing high-energy radiation in Z-boson production and decay.Comment: 9 page

    The New Planck Scale: Quantized Spin and Charge Coupled to Gravity

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    In the standard approach to defining a Planck scale where gravity is brought into the quantum domain, the Schwarzschild gravitational radius is set equal to the Compton wavelength. However, ignored thereby are the charge and spin, the fundamental quantized aspects of matter. The gravitational and null-surface radii of the Kerr-Newman metric are used to introduce spin and charge into a new extended Planck scale. The fine structure constant appears in the extended Planck mass and the recent discovery of the α\alpha variation with the evolution of the universe adds further significance. An extended Planck charge and Planck spin are derived. There is an intriguing suggestion of a connection with the α\alpha value governing high-energy radiation in Z-boson production and decay.Comment: 8 pages, This essay received an "honourable mention" in the 2003 Essay Competition of the Gravity Research Foundatio

    Gauge-invariant gravitational wave modes in pre-big bang cosmology

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    The t<0 branch of pre-big bang cosmological scenarios is subject to a gravitational wave instability. The unstable behaviour of tensor perturbations is derived in a very simple way in Hwang's covariant and gauge-invariant formalism developed for extended theories of gravity. A simple interpretation of this instability as the effect of an "antifriction" is given, and it is argued that a universe must eventually enter the expanding phase.Comment: 4 pages, latex, to appear in Eur. Phys. J.
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