16 research outputs found
Modern technologies for rendering information support to cogeneration steam turbine units in their design and operation stages
Application of modern information technologies in different stages of the lifecycle of cogeneration turbines is considered as one of possible ways for improving their competitiveness. Specific features relating to rendering information support for steam turbine units during the periods of their design and operation, which are the main stages of their life cycle, are presented. Three-dimension modeling, adaptive, and parametric design technologies are applied in the equipment design stages. Information support technologies developed by the authors are applied during the operation stage. Information is integrated by using a product lifecycle management (PLM) system. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd
Enhancements for improving the reliability and efficiency of the TPS energy exchange equipment during the design, manufacture and operation
В данной работе приводится научное и техническое (инженерное) обоснование ряда методов повышения надежности и эффективности теплообменного оборудования паротурбинных установок ТЭС на различных этапах его жизненного цикла, что определено требованием международных стандартов ISO 9000.In this paper we present the scientific and technical (engineering) justification of a number of methods to improve the reliability and efficiency of steam turbine heat exchange equipment at different stages of its life cycle, as defined by the international standard ISO 9000.Программа развития УрФУ на 2013 год (п.
Nozzle design influence on the steam-driven ejector
In the present paper, a series of numerical simulations of wet steam flows within ejectors distinguished by four primary nozzle contours have been carried out with the objective to evaluate the overall ejector performance. The studied primary nozzle contours are the following: a standard Laval nozzle (LAVAL); a nozzle that is designed in order to provide Constant Expansion Rate (CER); and two nozzles (MOC-SHORT, MOC-LONG) that are designed by employing axisymmetric Method of Characteristics. At first, the wet steam flow simulation throughout solely nozzles are carried out. Within the CFD simulations routines most valuable flow parameters are compared: expansion rates, boundary layer displacement and momentum thicknesses; entropy generation rate from various thermodynamic forces; thrust and liquid mass fraction across the nozzle exit plane. A comprehensive analysis of solely nozzles revealed that the CER nozzle contour is the most aerodynamically efficient design, which provides the minimum liquid mass fraction by the nozzle exit and possess the minimum entropy generation rate. The CFD results analysis of a full ejector domain revealed that an ejector with a MOC-SHORT primary nozzle contour provides the maximum performance in terms of secondary mass flow rate. At that, the secondary mass flow rate in MOC-SHORT nozzle contour case is almost 4% greater than for the CER nozzle design case. © 2020 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved
Parametric modeling of steam turbines parts
В статье рассматриваются вопросы параметрического моделирования в области энергетического машиностроения при помощи программного комплекса Creo Parametric 3.0.The article deals with the parametric modeling in the field of power engineering using Creo Parametric 3.0 software
Conjugate Heat Transfer Numerical Study of the Ejector by Means of SU2 Solver
In this paper, the test supersonic ejector with conjugate heat transfer in solid bodies has been studied numerically. An extensive numerical campaign by means of open-source SU2 solver is performed to analyze the fluid dynamics of the ejector flowfield accounting for the heat conduction in solids. The fluid domain simulation is carried out by employing compressible RANS treatment whilst the heat distribution in solids is predicted by simultaneous solving the steady heat conduction equation. The working fluid is R245fa and all simulations are performed accounting for real gas properties of the refrigerant. Experimental data against numerical results comparison showed close agreement both in terms mass flow rates and static pressure distribution along the walls. Within the CFD trials, the most valuable flow parameters at a wall vicinity are compared: distribution across the boundary layer of the temperature and the turbulent kinetic energy specific dissipation rate, boundary layer displacement and momentum thicknesses. A comprehensive analysis of the simulation results cases with adiabatic walls against cases with heat permeable walls revealed the actual differences of the flow properties in the wall vicinity. However, the ejector performance has not changed noticeably while accounting for the heat conduction in solids. © 2021 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved
Suppression of hepatitis b virus by a combined activity of CRISPR/Cas9 and HBx proteins
Chronic hepatitis B is a severe liver disease associated with persistent infection with hepatitis B virus. According to recent estimations, 250 million people in the world are chronically infected, including 3 million chronically infected people in Russia. Antiviral therapeutics (nucleos(t)ide analogues and PEGylated interferon) suppress viral transcription and replication, but do not eliminate the virus from infected cells. The key reason for HBV persistency is a stable form of the viral genome (covalently closed circular DNA, cccDNA) that exists as a minichromosome protected from novel cccDNA-targeting therapeutics. Novel therapeutic approaches aimed at elimination or inactivation of cccDNA are urgently needed. CRISPR/Cas9 systems induce double strand breaks in target sites of DNA sequences. Experiments with CRISPR/Cas9 demonstrated high antiviral activity and efficient cleavage of cccDNA, but a small part of cccDNA pool remains intact. One of the main reasons of incomplete cccDNA elimination might be the structural organization of cccDNA, which persists in a heterochromatinized, very compacted form and is not be accessible to CRISPR/Cas9 systems. Viral protein HBx unwinds cccDNA and regulates cccDNA epigenetically by recruiting transcription-remodeling factors. In this work, we analyzed effects of CRISPR/Cas9 in combination with an HBxencoding plasmid or plasmids encoding mutant forms of HBx (HBxMut, which does not interact with pro-apoptotic factors Bcl-2 и Bcl-xL, and HBxNesm is localized exclusively in the nucleus and does not generate reactive oxygen species and double strand breaks in the genome). We showed that HBx improves CRISPR/Cas9 efficiency, decreasing pregenomic RNA transcription level over 98%. Moreover, we analyzed optimal ratios of plasmids encoding CRISPR/ Cas9 and HBx proteins for better antiviral efficacy. Furthermore, we discovered that HBx proteins do not have an effect on proliferation and viability of the transfected cells. In conclusion, CRISPR/Cas9 with HBx proteins exhibit high antiviral effect
Comparison of predictive ability of pSOFA and PELOD-2 child status systems
The article presents a comparison of pSOFA and PELOD-2 assessment systems of states in 36 children with an unfavorable outcome. A more sensitive pSOFA reactivity was revealed in comparison with PELOD-2, and there is also an assumption about the effectiveness of using these rating systems on the 1st and 5th day of stay in ICU.В статье представлено сравнение оценочных систем состояний pSOFA и PELOD-2 у 36 пациентов детского возраста с неблагоприятным исходом. Выявлена более чувствительная реактивность шкалы pSOFA в сравнении с PELOD-2, а также имеется предположение об эффективности использования данных систем оценок на 1-й и 5-е сутки пребывания в ОРИТ