84 research outputs found

    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Pbl, Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Tgt, Dan Stad Ditinjau Dari Tingkat Aktivitas Metakognisi

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    The purpose of this study was to know the effect of the learning models on the learning achievement in mathematics viewed from the students category of metacognition activity. The learning models compared were PBL learning model, the cooperative learning model of TGT, and STAD. The type of research was a quasi-experimental research with a 3x3 factorial design. The population of the study was all first grade students of Vocational High Schools in Surakarta in academic year 2015/2016 by using Curriculum 2013. Instruments used for data collection techniques were mathematics achievement test and questionnaire from metacognition activity. The data analysis technique used was the two-way ANOVA with unequal cell. Based on the hypothesis test, it was concluded that: 1) The mathematics learning achievement of TGT was better than PBL, the mathematics learning achievement of STAD was better than PBL. The mathematics learning achievement of TGT was equal STAD. 2) The mathematics learning achievement of the students with middle category in metacognition activity was better than the students with low category in metacognition activity. The mathematics learning achievement of the students with low category in metacognition activity was equal with the students who had high category in metacognition activity. The mathematics learning achievement of the students with middle category in metacognition activity was equal with the students who had high category in metacognition activity. 3) On all learning models, PBL learning model, TGT learning model, and STAD learning model, the mathematics learning achievement of the students with middle category in metacognition activity was better than students with low category, but the students with low category was equal with high category students then, middle category students was equal with high category students. 4) On all categories, the students with low, middle, and high category in metacognition activity who were treated by PBL, TGT, and STAD learning models, TGT was better than PBL, then, STAD was better than PBL, in addition TGT was equal with STAD

    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Tapps Dan Tsts Terhadap Kemampuan Menyelesaikan Soal Cerita Matematika Ditinjau Dari Tipe Kepribadian

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    The aim of this research was to determine the effect of learning models toward the ability to solve mathematical word problem viewed from the personality types. This research used the quasi-experimental research method by 3 x 4 factorial design. The population of this research was all of the students in Grade VII of State Junior High School of Tanggamus Regency in the 2013/2014 Academic Year. The samples of the research were taken by using the stratified cluster random sampling technique. The samples consisted of 283 students, and they were divided into three groups, 96 students in TAPPS class, 95 students in TSTS class, and 92 students in direct instruction class. The data was analyzed by using analysis of variance with unbalanced cells. The results of the research showed as follows. (1) The students exposed to the TAPPS and TSTS learning models have the same ability to solve mathematical word problems. However, the students exposed to the both models have the ability to solve a better mathematical word problems than the students exposed to the direct instructional model. (2) The students with idealist type have the ability to solve a better mathematical word problems than artisan type. However, guardian type, artisan type and rational type, they have the same ability to solve mathematical word problems, as well as guardian type, idealist type and rational type, they also have the same ability to solve mathematical word problems. (3) At group of rational type, the students exposed to the TAPPS learning model have the ability to solve a better mathematical word problems than the students exposed to the direct instructional model. However, the students exposed to the TAPPS and TSTS learning models have the same ability to solve mathematical word problems, and the students exposed to the TSTS and direct instructional models have the same ability to solve mathematical word problem. At group of guardian type, artisan type, and idealist type, all models (TAPPS, TSTS, and direct instructional) have provided the same ability to solve mathematical word problems. (4) In the class that using the cooperative TAPPS learning model, rational type have the ability to solve a better mathematical word problems than guardian type, while artisan type, idealist type, and rational type, they have the same ability to solve mathematical word problems, as well as guardian type, idealist type, and artisan type, they also have the same ability to solve mathematical word problems. In the class that using the cooperative TSTS and direct instuctional models, guardian type, artisan type, idealist type, and rational type, they also have the same ability to solve mathematical word problems

    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Head Together (Nht) Dengan Assessment for Learning (Afl) Melalui Penilaian Teman Sejawat Pada Materi Persamaan Garis Ditinjau Dari Kreativitas Belajar Matematika Siswa Mtsn Di Kabupaten Sragen

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    This research is aimed to view: (1) which gives a better learning achievement, learning Numbered Head Together (NHT) with the AfL through peer assessment, NHT or direct learning, (2) which gives better achievement, low, medium or high level creativity in mathematics learning, (3) which has better mathematics learning achievement, student having low, medium or high learning creativity on each learning model, (4) which learning model gives better achievement in learning mathematics, learning model Numbered Head Together (NHT) with the AfL through peer assessment, learning models Numbered Head Together (NHT) or direct learning model on each student\u27s creativity level. This research was a quasi-experimental research with 3x3 factorial design. The study population was all students MTsN in Sragen. The sampling technique used a stratified cluster random sampling. The samples were 294 students, consisted of 95 students in the first experimental class, 100 students in the second experimental class and 99 students in the control class. Data collected through mathematics achievement tests and questionnaires of study mathematics creativity. Hypothesis testing used two- way analysis of variance with unbalanced cells. The results show as follows. (1) The NHT with the AfL through peer assessment model provide a better learning performance than the NHT and direct learning model. The NHT model provide a better learning performance than the direct learning model. (2) Students with a high level learning creativity have a better achievement than students who have medium and low creativity. Students with medium and low level creativity gain the same learning achievement. (3) In the NHT learning model with the AfL through peer assessment, students with a high level creativity gain better learning achievement than students with medium learning creativity, but when compared with students who have low learning creativity get the same academic achievement. While using NHT model and direct learning, students with high, medium and low creativity get the same learning achievement. (4) At the high level of creativity, NHT with the AfL through peer assessment model gived a better performance than the NHT and direct learning, NHT and direct learning models provide the same learning performance. Students having medium and low level of creativity provide the same learning achievement in each learning models

    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Jigsaw Dengan Pendekatan Problem Posing Dan Tipe Jigsaw Terhadap Kemampuan Menyelesaikan Soal Cerita Pada Pecahan Ditinjau Dari Tingkat Percaya Diri Siswa Kelas VII Smp/mts Di Kota Metro Lampung

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    This research aimed to find out: (1) which one is better in giving the mathematical word problem solving ability among learning models of jigsaw with problem posing approach, learning models of jigsaw, or direct instructional models, (2) which one is better in giving the mathematical word problem solving ability among students' level of confidence, students having high, medium or low level, (3) in each level of confidence, which one is better in giving the mathematical word problem solving ability among learning models of jigsaw with problem posing approach, learning models of jigsaw, or direct instructional models and (4) in each learning models, which one is better in giving the mathematical word problem solving ability among students' level of confidence, students having high, medium or low level. This research was a quasi-experimental research with 3×3 factorial design. The population of the research was all grade VII students of Junior High School (SMP) in Metro, Lampung in academic year 2013/2014. The samples were chosen by using stratified cluster random sampling. The instruments that were used to collect the data were the test and questionnaire of student's level of confidence. The technique of analyzing the data was two-ways ANOVA with unbalanced cells. The results of research showed as follows. (1) Learning models of jigsaw with problem posing approach had mathematical word problem solving ability as good as learning models of jigsaw, learning models of jigsaw with problem posing approach had better mathematical word problem solving ability than direct instructional models, and learning models of jigsaw had mathematical word problem solving ability as good as direct instructional models. (2) The students having high level of confidence had mathematical word problem solving ability as good as those having medium level of confidence. The students having high level of confidence had better mathematical word problem solving ability than those having low level of confidence. The students having medium level of confidence had mathematical word problem solving ability as good as those having low level of confidence. (3) In each level of confidence, learning models of jigsaw with problem posing approach had better mathematical word problem solving ability than direct instructional models. (4) In each learning models, the students having high level of confidence had better mathematical word problem solving ability than those having low level of confidence

    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Two Stay Two Stray Dengan Concept Mapping Pada Materi Persamaan Garis Lurus Ditinjau Dari Kemampuan Penalaran Matematis Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Se-kabupaten Kebumen Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016

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    The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of the learning models TSTS with Concept Mapping (TSTS CM) on mathematics learning achievement viewed from students Mathematical Reasoning Ability (MRA). This research was quasi experimental research with 3x3 factorial design. The population were the eighth-grade students of junior high schools in Kebumen Regency in the academic year of 2015/2016. Instruments used for data collection were mathematics achievement test and MRA test. The data analysis technique used was the two-way ANAVA with unbalanced cell. Based on the hypothesis test, it was concluded as follows. 1) The mathematics learning achievement of the students who were treated by TSTS CM was better than the students who were treated by TSTS and Direct Learning (DL), the mathematics learning achievement of the students who were treated by TSTS was better than the students who were treated by DL; 2) The mathematics learning achievement of the students with high MRA was better than the students with moderate or low MRA, and the mathematics learning achievement of the students with moderate MRA was better than the students with low MRA; 3) In TSTS CM, the mathematics learning achievement of the students who had high MRA was better than the students who had moderate or low MRA, while the mathematics learning achievement of the students who had moderate MRA was same as the students who had low MRA; in TSTS, the mathematics learning achievement of the students who had high MRA was same as the students who had moderate MRA and was better than the students who had low MRA, while the mathematics learning achievement of the student who had moderate MRA was better than the students who had low MRA; in DL, the mathematics learning achievement of the students who had high MRA was better than the students who had moderate or low MRA, while the mathematics learning achievement of the students who had moderate MRA was same as the students who had low MRA; 4) The high MRA students who were treated by TSTS CM, TSTS, and DL had same mathematics learning achievement; the moderate MRA students who were treated by TSTS CM had same mathematics learning achievement as the students were treated by TSTS but had better than the students were treated by DL, while the students were treated by TSTS had better mathematics learning achievement than the students were treated by DL; The low MRA students who were treated by TSTS CM had better mathematics learning achievement than the students were treated by TSTS or DL, while the students were treated by TSTS had same mathematics learning achievement as the students were treated by DL

    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Three Steps Interview (Tsi) Dan Think Pair Share (Tps) Pada Materi Fungsi Ditinjau Dari Kecerdasan Logis Matematis Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri Se-kabupaten Klaten Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the learning models TSI, TPS, and direct learning model on mathematics learning achievement viewed from the students logical mathematical intelligence. The type of this study was quasi experimental study with factorial design. The population were the eighth-grade students of junior high schools in Klaten Regency in the academic year of 2015/2016. Instruments used for data collection were mathematics achievement test and logical mathematical intelligence test. The data analysis technique used was the two-way ANAVA with unbalanced cell. Based on the hypothesis, it was concluded as follows. 1) The mathematics learning achievement of TSI was better than TPS and direct learning model, the mathematics learning achievement of TPS was better than direct learning model. 2) The mathematics learning achievement of the students with high logical mathematics was better than the students with average and low logical mathematics, the students with average logical mathematics was better than the students with low logical mathematics. 3) The students with high logical mathematics who were treated by TSI, TPS, direct learning models had the same mathematics learning achievement, students with low logical mathematics treated with TPS and TSI has the same result for both models and was better direct learning model, the students who were treated by TPS learning model was better than direct learning model, the students with low logical mathematics who were treated by TSI was same as TPS and was better than direct learning model. 4) In TSI learning model, the mathematics learning achievement of students with high logical mathematic was better than the students with both average and low logical mathematics, the students with average logical mathematic was better than students with low logical mathematics, in TPS learning model, the students with high logical mathematics was same as the achievement of students with average logical mathematics and was better than the students with low logical mathematic, in direct learning model, the students with high logical mathematics was better than the students with average and low logical mathematics, the students with average logical mathematics was same as the students with low logical mathematics
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