258 research outputs found
Quasi-Exact Solvability in Local Field Theory. First Steps
The quantum mechanical concept of quasi-exact solvability is based on the
idea of partial algebraizability of spectral problem. This concept is not
directly extendable to the systems with infinite number of degrees of freedom.
For such systems a new concept based on the partial Bethe Ansatz solvability is
proposed. In present paper we demonstrate the constructivity of this concept
and formulate a simple method for building quasi-exactly solvable field
theoretical models on a one-dimensional lattice. The method automatically leads
to local models described by hermitian hamiltonians.Comment: LaTeX, 11 page
Non-linear Quantization of Integrable Classical Systems
It is demonstrated that the so-called "unavoidable quantum anomalies" can be
avoided in the farmework of a special non-linear quantization scheme. A simple
example is discussed in detail.Comment: LaTeX, 14 p
New Fundamental Symmetries of Integrable Systems and Partial Bethe Ansatz
We introduce a new concept of quasi-Yang-Baxter algebras. The quantum
quasi-Yang-Baxter algebras being simple but non-trivial deformations of
ordinary algebras of monodromy matrices realize a new type of quantum dynamical
symmetries and find an unexpected and remarkable applications in quantum
inverse scattering method (QISM). We show that applying to quasi-Yang-Baxter
algebras the standard procedure of QISM one obtains new wide classes of quantum
models which, being integrable (i.e. having enough number of commuting
integrals of motion) are only quasi-exactly solvable (i.e. admit an algebraic
Bethe ansatz solution for arbitrarily large but limited parts of the spectrum).
These quasi-exactly solvable models naturally arise as deformations of known
exactly solvable ones. A general theory of such deformations is proposed. The
correspondence ``Yangian --- quasi-Yangian'' and `` spin models ---
quasi- spin models'' is discussed in detail. We also construct the
classical conterparts of quasi-Yang-Baxter algebras and show that they
naturally lead to new classes of classical integrable models. We conjecture
that these models are quasi-exactly solvable in the sense of classical inverse
scattering method, i.e. admit only partial construction of action-angle
variables.Comment: 49 pages, LaTe
Quasi Exactly Solvable 22 Matrix Equations
We investigate the conditions under which systems of two differential
eigenvalue equations are quasi exactly solvable. These systems reveal a rich
set of algebraic structures. Some of them are explicitely described. An exemple
of quasi exactly system is studied which provides a direct counterpart of the
Lam\'e equation.Comment: 14 pages, Plain Te
Matching Weak Coupling and Quasiclassical Expansions For Dual QES Problems
Certain quasi-exactly solvable systems exhibit an energy reflection property
that relates the energy levels of a potential or of a pair of potentials. We
investigate two sister potentials and show the existence of this energy
reflection relationship between the two potentials. We establish a relationship
between the lowest energy edge in the first potential using the weak coupling
expansion and the highest energy level in the sister potential using a WKB
approximation carried out to higher order.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures; typos correcte
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