33 research outputs found
Neutralization of chemokines RANTES and MIG increases virus antigen expression and spinal cord pathology during Theiler's virus infection.
The role of chemokines during some viral infections is unpredictable because the inflammatory response regulated by these molecules can have two, contrasting effects-viral immunity and immunopathologic injury to host tissues. Using Theiler's virus infection of SJL mice as a model of this type of disease, we have investigated the roles of two chemokines-regulated on activation, normal T cell-expressed and secreted (RANTES) chemokine and monokine induced by IFN-gamma (MIG)-by treating mice with antisera that block lymphocyte migration. Control, infected mice showed virus persistence, mild inflammation and a small degree of demyelination in the white matter of the spinal cord at 6 weeks post-infection. Treatment of mice with RANTES antiserum starting at 2 weeks post-infection increased both viral antigen expression and the severity of inflammatory demyelination at 6 weeks post-infection. MIG antiserum increased the spread of virus and the proportion of spinal cord white matter with demyelination. Overall, viral antigen levels correlated strongly with the extent of pathology. At the RNA level, high virus expression was associated with low IL-2 and high IL-10 levels, and RANTES antiserum decreased the IL-2/IL-10 ratio. Our results suggest that RANTES and MIG participate in an immune response that attempts to restrict viral expression while limiting immunopathology and that anti-chemokine treatment poses the risk of exacerbating both conditions in the long term
Neutralization of chemokines RANTES and MIG increases virus antigen expression and spinal cord pathology during Theiler's virus infection.
In Vitro Phase I Metabolism of CRV431, a Novel Oral Drug Candidate for Chronic Hepatitis B
The cytochrome P450-mediated Phase I in vitro metabolism of CRV431 was studied using selective chemical inhibition and recombinant human enzymes. Additionally, the metabolic profile of CRV431 in human, rat, and monkey liver microsomes was investigated. Liver microsomes were incubated for 0–80 min with CRV431, and the metabolite profile was assessed by electrospray ionization liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (ESI-LCMS). CRV431 was extensively metabolized through oxidation to produce various hydroxylated and demethylated species. Species identified included monohydroxylated CRV431 (two distinct products), dihydroxylated CRV431, demethylated CRV431 (two distinct products), demethylated and hydroxylated CRV431 (two distinct products), didemethylated and hydroxylated CRV431, and didemethylated and dihydroxylated CRV431. The magnitude of metabolism was greatest in monkey, followed by human, followed by rat. Importantly, all of the species identified in human microsomes were correspondingly identified in monkey and/or rat microsomes. Human liver microsome studies using selective chemical inhibition, as well as studies using recombinant human cytochrome P450 enzymes, revealed that the major enzymes involved are cytochromes P450 3A4 and 3A5. Enzymes 1A2, 2B6, 2C8, 2C9, 2C19, and 2D6 are not involved in the in vitro metabolism of CRV431. This information will be useful for the further development of CRV431 both preclinically and clinically
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Neutralization of chemokines RANTES and MIG increases virus antigen expression and spinal cord pathology during Theiler's virus infection.
The role of chemokines during some viral infections is unpredictable because the inflammatory response regulated by these molecules can have two, contrasting effects-viral immunity and immunopathologic injury to host tissues. Using Theiler's virus infection of SJL mice as a model of this type of disease, we have investigated the roles of two chemokines-regulated on activation, normal T cell-expressed and secreted (RANTES) chemokine and monokine induced by IFN-gamma (MIG)-by treating mice with antisera that block lymphocyte migration. Control, infected mice showed virus persistence, mild inflammation and a small degree of demyelination in the white matter of the spinal cord at 6 weeks post-infection. Treatment of mice with RANTES antiserum starting at 2 weeks post-infection increased both viral antigen expression and the severity of inflammatory demyelination at 6 weeks post-infection. MIG antiserum increased the spread of virus and the proportion of spinal cord white matter with demyelination. Overall, viral antigen levels correlated strongly with the extent of pathology. At the RNA level, high virus expression was associated with low IL-2 and high IL-10 levels, and RANTES antiserum decreased the IL-2/IL-10 ratio. Our results suggest that RANTES and MIG participate in an immune response that attempts to restrict viral expression while limiting immunopathology and that anti-chemokine treatment poses the risk of exacerbating both conditions in the long term
Cyclophilin D knockout significantly prevents HCC development in a streptozotocin-induced mouse model of diabetes-linked NASH.
A family of Peptidyl-prolyl isomerases (PPIases), called Cyclophilins, localize to numerous intracellular and extracellular locations where they contribute to a variety of essential functions. We previously reported that non-immunosuppressive pan-cyclophilin inhibitor drugs like reconfilstat (CRV431) or NV556 decreased multiple aspects of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in mice under two different non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) mouse models. Both CRV431 and NV556 inhibit several cyclophilin isoforms, among which cyclophilin D (CypD) has not been previously investigated in this context. It is unknown whether it is necessary to simultaneously inhibit multiple cyclophilin family members to achieve therapeutic benefits or if loss-of-function of one is sufficient. Furthermore, narrowing down the isoform most responsible for a particular aspect of NAFLD/NASH, such as hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), would allow for more precise future therapies. Features of human diabetes-linked NAFLD/NASH can be reliably replicated in mice by administering a single high dose of streptozotocin to disrupt pancreatic beta cells, in conjunction with a high sugar, high fat, high cholesterol western diet over the course of 30 weeks. Here we show that while both wild-type (WT) and Ppif-/- CypD KO mice develop multipe severe NASH disease features under this model, the formation of HCC nodules was significantly blunted only in the CypD KO mice. Furthermore, of differentially expressed transcripts in a qPCR panel of select HCC-related genes, nearly all were downregulated in the CypD KO background. Cyclophilin inhibition is a promising and novel avenue of treatment for diet-induced NAFLD/NASH. This study highlights the impact of CypD loss-of-function on the development of HCC, one of the most severe disease outcomes
Conjugated Linoleic Acid Content of Beef from Cattle Fed Diets Containing High Grain, CLA, or Raised on Forages
Twenty Angus crossbred steers were assigned to one of four treatments and followed from weaning to slaughter to study the effect of diet on the conjugated linoleic acid (C18:2 cis-9, trans-11 and C18:2 trans-10, cis-12 CLA isomers) content and quality of beef. During the adaptation period, treatments 1 (CTL), 2 (CLA), and 3 (GPS) received a diet consisting of 520 g corn silage, 213 g alfalfa hay, 250 g rolled barley, and 17 g mineral–vitamin premix/kg of dry matter (DM). Treatment 4 (PS) received alfalfa hay only. During the finishing period, CTL and CLA steers received a diet consisting of 123 g corn silage, 67 g alfalfa hay, 764 g rolled barley, and 46 g mineral–vitamin premix/kg of diet dry matter. In addition to the basal diet, CLA steers received 84 g/head/day of a synthetic mixture of partially rumen protected CLA isomers. The GPS and PS treatments were finished solely on pasture. Subcutaneous adipose tissue samples were collected from the M. longissimus dorsi at the end of the adaptation period, and both adipose and muscle tissues were collected from the longissimus and M. semitendinosus of each carcass at slaughter for fatty acid analysis. Beef tissues from PS and GPS steers had 466% and 218% more CLA (C18:2 cis-9, trans-11 isomer) at slaughter compared with beef tissues from CTL steers, respectively. Supplementing synthetic CLA did not increase C18:2 cis-9, trans-11 CLA content of beef, but increased trans-10, cis-12 CLA by 380% compare to beef from CTL animals. A trained taste panel detected no differences in tenderness or juiciness among treatments. However, beef from PS received higher off-flavor scores than other treatments. Raising cattle on forage and pasture with no grain supplementation enhances beef CLA content. Additionally, finishing cattle on pasture increased the vitamin E content of beef by 300% compared to beef from animals finished on a traditional high-grain diet
Mice lacking cyclophilin B, but not cyclophilin A, are protected from the development of NASH in a diet and chemical-induced model.
Cyclophilins are a diverse family of peptidyl-prolyl isomerases (PPIases) of importance in a variety of essential cellular functions. We previously reported that the pan-cyclophilin inhibitor drug reconfilstat (CRV431) decreased disease in mice under the western-diet and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) model. CRV431 inhibits several cyclophilin isoforms, among which cyclophilin A (CypA) and B (CypB) are the most abundant. It is not known whether simultaneous inhibition of multiple cyclophilin family members is necessary for the observed therapeutic effects or if loss-of-function of one is sufficient. Identifying the responsible isoform(s) would enable future fine-tuning of drug treatments. Features of human liver fibrosis and complete NASH can be reliably replicated in mice by administration of intraperitoneal CCl4 alone or CCl4 in conjunction with high sugar, high cholesterol western diet, respectively. Here we show that while wild-type (WT) and Ppia-/- CypA KO mice develop severe NASH disease features under these models, Ppib-/- CypB KO mice do not, as measured by analysis of picrosirius red and hematoxylin & eosin-stained liver sections and TNFα immuno-stained liver sections. Cyclophilin inhibition is a promising and novel avenue of treatment for diet-induced NASH. In this study, mice without CypB, but not mice without CypA, were significantly protected from the development of the characteristic features of NASH. These data suggest that CypB is necessary for NASH disease progression. Further investigation is necessary to determine whether the specific role of CypB in the endoplasmic reticulum secretory pathway is of significance to its effect on NASH development
NAFLD activity score criteria.
A family of Peptidyl-prolyl isomerases (PPIases), called Cyclophilins, localize to numerous intracellular and extracellular locations where they contribute to a variety of essential functions. We previously reported that non-immunosuppressive pan-cyclophilin inhibitor drugs like reconfilstat (CRV431) or NV556 decreased multiple aspects of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in mice under two different non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) mouse models. Both CRV431 and NV556 inhibit several cyclophilin isoforms, among which cyclophilin D (CypD) has not been previously investigated in this context. It is unknown whether it is necessary to simultaneously inhibit multiple cyclophilin family members to achieve therapeutic benefits or if loss-of-function of one is sufficient. Furthermore, narrowing down the isoform most responsible for a particular aspect of NAFLD/NASH, such as hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), would allow for more precise future therapies. Features of human diabetes-linked NAFLD/NASH can be reliably replicated in mice by administering a single high dose of streptozotocin to disrupt pancreatic beta cells, in conjunction with a high sugar, high fat, high cholesterol western diet over the course of 30 weeks. Here we show that while both wild-type (WT) and Ppif-/- CypD KO mice develop multipe severe NASH disease features under this model, the formation of HCC nodules was significantly blunted only in the CypD KO mice. Furthermore, of differentially expressed transcripts in a qPCR panel of select HCC-related genes, nearly all were downregulated in the CypD KO background. Cyclophilin inhibition is a promising and novel avenue of treatment for diet-induced NAFLD/NASH. This study highlights the impact of CypD loss-of-function on the development of HCC, one of the most severe disease outcomes.</div
CypD KO mice have similar liver morphology to WT mice except for the appearance of HCC tumors in the STZ-WD model.
CypD KO mice have similar liver morphology to WT mice except for the appearance of HCC tumors in the STZ-WD model.</p