16 research outputs found
Pengaruh Harapan Pengajar terhadap Motivasi dan Prestasi Siswa di Kelas
This research refers to the research conducted by Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968), which finds that students intellectual development is influenced by their teacher expectations and how these expectations are communicated to them. Therefore, this study hypothesizes that positive teacher expectations and behavior in experimental classes for one semester would strengthen students\u27 effort and motivation in achieving higher performance in the experimental classes. In this experiment, students / respondents were not isolated from external environmental influences, such as from the influence of other their regular\u27 classes, lecturers, as well as their classmates. The method used in this study was experimentation method using two teachers and two subjects. Each teacher taught two classes of one same subject, which were divided into experimental group and control group. The result of this experimentation shows that the students achievement in both of the experimental classes is not different significantly than those in regular/ control classes
Dove, Edukasi Pasar dengan Harapan
Many companies and management authors have recognized the importance of product innovation. They call it, "first mover advantage". However this product innovation is not without risk. In reality many product innovations have failed and busted. Many failed because of a single reason: low level of market acceptance. To make the matter worse, the product that finally succeeded in gaining market acceptance only to be taken over, or to be bought, or to be replaced because they could not stand from the competition, especially from those multinational companies that have better resources and better staffs. Up until now, only few new product categories that actually enjoyed what they called first mover advantage and all of them have a similarity: they are the first that dominated the market or they have a good patent protection. Forming a market itself is clearly challenging. Dominating the market presents another challenge. This literature is trying to give an insight about how primary demand is formed, by observing Unilever, in her effort in making a new market for one of her products, Dove. We observe how Unilever through Dove is trying to build a new product category inside her consumer mind and how Unilever is trying to educate their market by saying that clean is slippery not arid in the society that have a contrary habit. We hope that this literature could prove helpful in future work on forming a primary demand in new product category and on launching new product
Tujuh Fokus Pemimpin Pasar
Becoming a market leader is not an easy task, many things should be done and many have been done by market leader. However by becoming a market leader, doesn\u27t mean that the tasks in hand have been completed. Actually it\u27s far from completed, and there are many jealous rivals that try to wrest over the market leadership in many ways at any cost. Based on 3 disciplines values: product leader, operationally excellent firm, and customer intimate firm, that was written by Michael Treacy and Fred Wiersema, writer tries to highlight seven areas that should be brought into account in order to maintain market leadership: Market Sensing, Creativity, Range of Competencies, Speed, Operational Effectiveness, Loyalty Program, and Stakeholders Interest
Tujuh Fokus Pemimpin Pasar
Becoming a market leader is not an easy task, many things should be done and many have been done by market leader. However by becoming a market leader, doesnt mean that the tasks in hand have been completed. Actually its far from completed, and there are many jealous rivals that try to wrest over the market leadership in many ways at any cost. Based on 3 disciplines values: product leader, operationally excellent firm, and customer intimate firm, that was written by Michael Treacy and Fred Wiersema, writer tries to highlight seven areas that should be brought into account in order to maintain market leadership: Market Sensing, Creativity, Range of Competencies, Speed, Operational Effectiveness, Loyalty Program, and Stakeholders Interest
Pentingnya Pendidikan Perbankan untuk Mengatasi Kelangkaan Modal dalam UMKM
According to the Ministry of Trade and Industry of the Republic of Indonesia (Deperindag), there are problems faced by Small Medium Enterprise(s) (SMEs) to develop themselves. Some of these problems are the insufficiency capital, limited knowledge, uncompetitive financing schemes and lack of education of the SME's owners aggravating the problem. This paper discusses the condition of Indonesian banking and other financial institutions as well as capital conditions, the condition of SME(s,) and the needs of financial and business education for SMEs. Finally, this paper suggests alternative solutions to the problem
Apakah Anda Benar-benar Mengenali Pesaing Anda?
Paying attention to competitor is as important as caring your customers. By giving full attention ONLY to customers and not aware of what your competitors doing will create a very fragile condition. Since, as we know, what we called satisfaction, expectation, and customer value is very relative to competitors offering. Their values are not absolute. There are many companies who have lack information about their competitor. Many do not even know, whether they have competitor or not. It is because they are the only one of their kind or because they are market nicher. According to Levitt, these enterprises are suffering what he called marketing myopia. Actually (in the real situation) they do have competitor in the greater context. Even though their products are not similar, however they do serve similar need
Diskusi Mengenai Perencanaan Strategis dalam Perguruan Tinggi dan Inovasi dalam Pendidikan
Every company needs strategic planning to deal with its external environment and to achieve its vision and long-term and short-term goals. In general a typical strategic plan starts with a lengthy description of current industry conditions and the competitive situation to be followed by the discussion of how to increase market shares, capture new segments, or cut costs, followed by an outline of numerous goals and initiatives. The process usually culminates in the preparation of a large document culled from a mishmash of data provided by people from various parts of the organization who often have conflicting agendas and poor communication. In this process, managers spend the majority of strategic thinking time filling in boxes and running numbers instead of thinking outside the box and developing a clear picture of how to break away from competition. It is no wonder that only few strategic plans lead to the creation of blue oceans or are translated into action. Few employees deep down in the company even know what the strategy is. And a closer look reveals that most plans do not contain a strategy at all but rather a smorgasbord of tactics that individually makes sense but collectively does not add up to a unified, clear direction that sets a company apart, let alone makes the competition irrelevant. The strategic planning process should not be based on preparing a document, but on drawing a strategy canvas that focuses on the big picture and not the numbers. This paper starts with a discussion of competitive environment in higher education institutions, such as colleges and universities, where many institutions are competing on the same key success factor and the same competitive rules of competing and many offer the same offering. These situations make the higher education institutions face intense competition, mounting price pressure, and flat demand. Therefore this paper will discuss ideas and steps that could be taken to open the paths to creating blue oceans
Pentingnya Pendidikan Perbankan untuk Mengatasi Kelangkaan Modal dalam UMKM
According to the Ministry of Trade and Industry of the Republic of Indonesia (Deperindag), there are problems faced by Small Medium Enterprise(s) (SMEs) to develop themselves. Some of these problems are the insufficiency capital, limited knowledge, uncompetitive financing schemes and lack of education of the SMEs owners aggravating the problem. This paper discusses the condition of Indonesian banking and other financial institutions as well as capital conditions, the condition of SME(s,) and the needs of financial and business education for SMEs. Finally, this paper suggests alternative solutions to the problem. Keywords: Small Medium Enterprises (SME)s, SMEs development, SMEs Business Education, Indonesian Banks and LDR, private sector development
The Effects Of Marketing Mix Elements On Brand Equity
Menurut Aaker (2001), ekuitas suatu merek merupakan sekumpulan asset dan kewajiban yang berhubungan dengan suatu merek, bisa merupakan nama dan symbol yang ditambahkan atau dikurangi dari nilai yang ditawarkan oleh suatu barang dan jasa pada Perusahaan dan atau pada pelanggan Perusahaan. Brand equity is an added value endowed to products and services. Nilai ini dapat tercermin dari apa yang konsumen pikirkan, rasakan dan perbuat pada merek, juga pada harga, pangsa pasar, dan keuntungan yang berhubungan dengan merek tersebut. Brand equity is an important intangible asset that has psychological and financial value to the firm. Ada banyak teori mengenai ekuitas merek, salah satunya dari Feldwick. Feldwick memberikan 3 pendekatan untuk ekuitas merek:λ brand value (the total value of company's intangible assets --- financial approach),λ brand strength (the strength of commitment to a particular brand --- behavioristic approach),λ brand description (associations and beliefs consumers have about a particular brand --- cognitive approach).Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan pendekatan yang sama dengan pendekatan penelitian sebelumnya yaitu pendekatan perilaku terhadap ekuitas merek. Walaupun ekuitas merek menjadi perhatian banyak pihak namun pengaruh dari bauran pemasaran secara individual terhadap ekuitas merek belum pernah diteliti.Penelitian ini didasarkan atas penelitian Edo Rajh mengenai hal yang sama.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh elemen-elemen bauran pemasaran terhadap ekuitas merek. Akan diteliti lebih lanjut apakah model ini bisa digeneralisasi (terutama untuk sample di Bandung, Indonesia), atau lebih jauh lagi apakah model ini bisa berkembang.Tiga kategori produk dipakai dalam penelitian ini, (1) produk minuman berkarbonasi non-alkohol dengan merek Coca-Cola, Pepsi, A&W, (2) produk coklat dengan merek Toblerone, Cadburry, dan Silver Queen (3) produk elektronika dengan merek Philips, Samsung dan Sony. Responden yang diambil sebagai sampel adalah 200 mahasiswa/i Indonesia yang berdomisili di Bandung. Untuk mencari pengaruh masing-masing variabel digunakan metode Structural Equation Modelling (SEM).Ada 11 hipotesis yang akan diuji. Hipotesis 1-5 menguji pengaruh variabel harga, intensitas aktivitas pemasaran, citra toko serta kebijakan harga pada kesadaran merek dan citra merek. Hipotesis 6 dan 7 menguji pengaruh variabel kesadaran merek dan citra merek pada ekuitas merek. Hipotesis 8 sampai dengan 11 menguji pengaruh tidak langsung variabel harga, intensitas aktivitas pemasaran, citra toko serta kebijakan harga terhadap ekuitas merek.Dari hasil penelitian ternyata model ini bisa digeneralisasi.Penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil yang menyerupai hasil penelitian yang sebelumnya. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa elemen bauran pemasaran memang mempengaruhi ekuitas merek. Untuk itu ketika hendak memilih/mengintegrasikan bauran pemasaran pemasar perlu berhati-hati karena jika salah akan merusak ekutias merek. Melakukan aktivitas pemasaran intensitas tinggi tapi tidak mempedulikan kualitas barang juga bisa berdampak kurang baik pada ekuitas merek. Namun jika dilihat dari sisi positifnya dengan meningkatkan aktivitas pemasaran konsumen akan menjadi lebih sadar akan merek dan bisa meningkatkan citra merek.Pemilihan tempat berpengaruh terhadap citra merek, kalau konsumen membeli produk di tempat yang “berkelas” produk seakan-akan menjadi “berkelas” juga. Perlu dilakukan brand management