14 research outputs found

    An Analysis of Grammatical Errors in Song Lyrics

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    Learning English is important in this era. English as an international language will be used globally to build up the relation and connection with the other countries. English has a lot of grammar elements that are very important to note in order to be used appropriately. In Indonesian, we do not know so many grammatical elements so that when learning English mistakes in grammar are common. It also becomes very critical if English learners cannot distinguish every word or sentence that is heard through movie or music. This research is a descriptive research. In this research, the data is a kind of text, thus the writer uses the documentation technique. The steps of doing this research are: Identifying, Classifying, Interpreting, Describing, and Concluding: the writer finds the conclusion and gives the suggestions. The result of this research, there are several grammatical errors in songs such as Conditional Sentence, Subject-Verb Agreement, Pronoun, Negator and Auxiliary Verbs

    The Use of Serial Picture Media to Improve English Speaking Ability at SMP YPK Syaloom Klademak Sorong City

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    The purpose of this research is to see the improvement of English speaking ability of students at SMP YPK Syaloom Klademak Sorong City.Sample in this research centered on class VIIB. While the research instrument is serial picture media that is inserted into the learning device and used as a guide in learning. Therefore, an effective learning media is needed, namely serial picture media to hone the mindset and encourage students at SMP YPK Syaloom Klademak Sorong City to enrich vocabulary so that they can communicate using English fluently. This research uses Classroom Action Research (CAR) and uses the research model of Kemmis and Mc. Taggart is made into two cycles in which each cycle the researcher uses planning, action, observation and reflection. Thus the form taken is to look at pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency. Based on the research that has been done, it can be obtained that the research results have significant changes in the application of this learning media is 31% where the results of the implementation of serial picture media in the first cycle are categorized as good is 44% and the second cycle which is categorized as good is 75%. Thus students have the opportunity to improve their own quality, especially in increasing the ability to speak English with the learning media used by the teacher in the teaching and learning process

    Phrases of Maybrat

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    The objectives of the study are to describe (1) Attributive endocentric phrases, (2) Appositive endocentric phrases, (3) Coordinative endocentric phrases, and, (4) Exocentric phrases. The research methodology used in this research is qualitative descriptive method. Techniques for collecting data in this research are the observation and interviewing the informants. In analyzing the data, the researcher used the tagmemic methods. The informants of this research are the people of Maybrat region who lived in Jl. Tanjung Dofior Belakang Unamin. The informants have fulfilled the requirements given by the researcher. The approach used in this study was bilingual approach, instead of monolingual approach, that is, by asking the informants to translate the words (phrases) from Bahasa Indonesia to Maybrat language. The result of this research is the phrase of Maybrat language divided into two kinds as general, they are endocentric and exocentric phrase. It is also classified into noun phrase, pronoun phrase, verb phrase, adjective phrase and pre(post) position phrase. Each phrase has its own pattern. Some of them are similar into English and Indonesian, but some are really different

    The Pedagogical Implication of Maybrat Oral Literature (Elements and Value of Character Education)

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    This research aimed to know the elements in the folklore of Maybrat Regency and value of character education contained in the folklore of Maybrat Regency. The data obtained in this study were three stories from Maybrat Regency which were obtained through the results of interviews with informants who came and were in Maybrat Regency. The research method used is descriptive research method with procedures: conducted interviews, record the interview process, rewrite the results of interviews in this case folklore, analyzed elements in folklore, and analyzing the value of character education in folklore. The results in this research include three stories of Maybrat Regency entitled: (1) The origin of Arus Village, (2) The Origin of Way Clan, and (3) the Origin of Howay Clan. Here the result of analyze elements: (1) the theme of love and hard work, (2) the location of the story in the Maybrat Regency, (3) the characters that appear in family life (husband, wife, siblings, and a group of village people) their life character respects one another, (4) contains a degeneration plot, and (5) contains a positive message to work hard and maintain harmony in life. Furthermore, the value of character education is also contained in this story, namely: discipline, hard work, independence, caring for the environment, responsibility, tolerance and caring for others

    A Contrastive Analysis Between English and Indonesian Kinds of Sentences

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    The difference between English and Indonesia language become one of the hardest things to learn and to be understood. It could be seen by the grammar of the language and the system of communication between both languages. The aim of this study is to identify the difference and the similarity sentence between English and Indonesia Language and analysis contrastive between both languages. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach to find out the contrast between both of them. the sample in this study were 20 students of English Department Students in Victory University, especially the 2nd Semester. The result of this study was the main error of the students was in Declarative Sentence (DS), Negative Sentence (NS), Interrogative Sentence (IS) and Exclamatory Sentence (ES) i.e 92.86%. Based on the research, we found out that the students did those errors because the pattern of those sentences are different whereas the Imperative Sentence (IMS) has the same pattern with English

    The Analysis of Netspeak Used on Instagram

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    Analyzing netspeak used on Instagram involves examining the linguistic and communicative features that are common on the platform. Instagram is a highly visual social media platform, and while it primarily revolves around sharing images and videos, text-based communication in the form of captions, comments, and direct messages plays a crucial role in enhancing the user experience and conveying meaning. This study attempts to discover the use of written communication features on researchers Instagram explore bar. The qualitative method is applied and the data was gathered through observation and documentation and then analyzed in terms of graphology, typography, grammar, vocabulary, and discourse features. This research found some distinctive graphic features such as emojis, correct spelling, lack of punctuation, hashtags, and turn-taking that presents unique coherence and chronological order. The result highlights the complex aspects available in the data, including informality and anomalies that frequently break the rules of conventional language enforced by internet users. Furthermore, the discovery demonstrates that written language development on Netspeak is a method for overcoming expressive obstacles in Instagram communication

    The Role Of Gamification In English Language Teaching: A Literature Review

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    This literature review examines the impact of gamification in English language teaching (ELT) on motivation, engagement, and learning outcomes. Gamification, the integration of game elements into education, has gained attention as a promising approach to enhance language learning. The findings reveal that gamification positively influences student motivation in ELT. Elements like points, leaderboards, and rewards create a sense of achievement and intrinsic motivation. Engaged students are more likely to persist and participate actively in language learning. Gamification promotes active learning and engagement, with interactive activities involving vocabulary acquisition, grammar practice, and language production. It provides a safe space for students to experiment, apply knowledge, and develop linguistic skills. Collaboration and social interaction are fostered through gamification, encouraging teamwork and peer feedback. This enhances language and interpersonal skills. Immediate feedback and progress tracking in gamification offer valuable learning opportunities. Students receive real-time feedback and monitor their progress, enabling adjustments in learning strategies. However, implementing gamification in ELT faces challenges such as technology constraints and pedagogical considerations. Striking a balance between engagement and curriculum objectives is crucial. Teacher training and professional development are necessary. In conclusion, gamification plays a significant role in ELT by enhancing motivation, engagement, collaboration, and active learning. Despite challenges, embracing gamification and its best practice


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    Topik multibahasa di kelas bahasa Inggris telah menjadi menjadi perhatian yang signifikan dalam pendidikan modern karena meningkatnya keragaman bahasa keanekaragaman bahasa di antara populasi siswa secara global. Tinjauan literatur ini mengeksplorasi berbagai taktik, keuntungan, kesulitan, dan faktor yang harus dipertimbangkan yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam kaitannya dengan penerapan pendekatan multibahasa di bidang pengajaran bahasa Inggris. Kajian ini juga mengkaji dampak dari pendekatan-pendekatan ini terhadap kompetensi bahasa dan kesadaran sosiokultural siswa. Pergeseran demografi pemerolehan bahasa Inggris, di mana mereka yang bukan penutur asli bahasa Inggris sekarang lebih banyak daripada mereka yang merupakan penutur asli bahasa Inggris, membutuhkan pendekatan baru untuk pedagogi bahasa. Penelitian ini menyelidiki efek dari beberapa teknik multibahasa, termasuk alih kode, kegiatan penerjemahan, pemanfaatan sumber daya multibahasa, dan kolaborasi dengan teman sebaya, terhadap kompetensi bahasa dan hasil pembelajaran. Penelitian terhadap elemen sosiokultural yang berkaitan dengan keragaman bahasa menunjukkan bahwa adopsi multibahasa menawarkan berbagai keuntungan, seperti pengayaan budaya, peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi, dan empati yang lebih tinggi. Namun, para pendidik menghadapi menghadapi berbagai kendala termasuk ketersediaan waktu yang terbatas, penolakan terhadap mengadopsi pendekatan baru, dan kendala dalam hal sumber daya yang tersedia. Hambatan-hambatan tersebut di atas dapat diatasi dengan cara pengembangan profesional yang komprehensif, komunikasi yang transparan, strategi strategis, alokasi sumber daya, dan pengembangan lingkungan kelas yang inklusif. Sebagai rangkuman, tinjauan literatur ini menyoroti Singkatnya, tinjauan literatur ini menyoroti kapasitas multibahasa untuk mendorong kelas bahasa Inggris yang inklusif, sadar global, dan selaras dengan budaya inklusif, sadar global, dan selaras dengan budaya di ruang kelas. Melalui integrasi yang disengaja dari metodologi multibahasa dan penyelesaian hambatan secara proaktif, para pendidik memiliki kapasitas untuk meningkatkan kemampuan linguistik, kesadaran budaya, dan dan kepekaan, sehingga membekali mereka dengan alat yang diperlukan untuk berkembang dalam konteks global yang beraneka ragam dan saling terkait

    The Effectiveness of Folklore based Animation Video in Enhancing Students’ Speaking Skill

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    English as a compulsory subject at school, is often a scourge for students. This has become a common conflict that occurs in schools. In this case, the work of the teacher is urgently needed to convey learning in a needs-based manner. Teachers do not only design lessons according to lesson plans, but they also need to be able to design lessons creatively to foster positive habits that directly improve learners' English skills.  The purpose of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of learning English using two-dimensional animation media, especially folklore from the Papua region, one of which is from Tambrauw Regency. The design of this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). The sample of this research is 25 students of 1st Semester English Education Study Program at Universitas Victory Sorong who learn in English Club. The results of the research showed that: (1) Based on observations, students will become more interested and confident in speaking English. (2) Based on the test, there is a very large change in the positive direction compared to a very good value of 36% in cycle 1, but in cycle 2 it is 84%, an increase of 48%. This folklore-based animated video worked well and met the needs of students in the first semester of the English Club


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    Kota Sorong merupakan pintu masuk Tana Papua, oleh karena itu banyak wisatawan yang berkunjung pada kota sorong ini. Melihat bannyaknya wisatawan yang terus berkunjung ke kota sorong, maka penduduk setempat berupaya memanfaatkan peluang dan kesempatan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan daerah mereka. Hal ini terlihat dengan adanya Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) yang beroperasi di Kota Sorong. Konsumen yang berkunjung tidak hanya wisatawan lokal namun juga wisatawan asing. Metode penjualan yang dilakukan masih menggunakan metode konvensional yaitu produk dijualkan pada toko tersebut tanpa memanfaatkan teknologi website dan jaringan komputer. Melihat hal ini, tim pengusul melakukan observasi lebih lanjut dan melakukan diskusi dan Kerjasama dengan pengelola UKM ini untuk dilakukan pelatihan pengenalan teknologi jaringan komputer dan meningkatkan kemampuan speaking pengelola dan pegawai UKM Doomykado Sorong yang beralamat pada Kota Sorong, Provinsi Papua Barat. Metode Pelaksanaan yang dilakukan yakni observasi, wawancara, sosialisasi, pelatihan dalam bentuk praktikum dan evaluasi. Dengan adanya kegiatan pelatihan ini maka diharapkan pihak pengelola UKM dapat memanfaatkan teknologi jaringan komputer dan mengasah terus kemampuan speaking agar dapat meningkatkan pelayanan kepada konsumen maka hal ini juga akan membuat pendapatan UKM menjadi semakin optima