77 research outputs found
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Deviations in stress and support: Associations with parenting emotions across the COVID-19 pandemic.
Stress is a potent disruptor of parents emotional well-being and interactions with their children. In the context of the early months of the unfolding pandemic, parents stress likely fluctuated, with downstream impacts on their parenting experiences. The sample consisted of 72 Latina mothers who participated in a 15-20-min phone interview roughly once a month between March 2020 and January 2021. Mothers were asked about their experiences of stress, the quality of partner support, and their emotional experience of parenting. Analyses revealed that mothers experiences of stress were high at the beginning of the pandemic and slowly decreased as time went on, though this decline eventually leveled off. Partner support and mothers emotional experiences of parenting, on the other hand, did not change across the first 10 months of the pandemic. Collectively, the within and between analyses revealed that stress (individually), and stress and support (interactively) were associated with mothers emotional experiences while interacting with their children. Between-subjects analyses revealed greater stress was associated with greater negative emotions during parenting, though support did not buffer this association. Within-subjects analyses revealed a quadratic association between stress and positive parenting emotions, such that at lower levels of stress, increases in stress were associated with more positive than typical emotions during parenting. However, the inclusion of social support into the model as a moderator revealed that when mothers received less support than typical from their partners, mothers greater experience of stress was associated with their greater experience of negativity during parent-child interactions. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved)
Estudio conformacional de la dopamina
La dopamina es un neurotransmisor con múltiples funciones en el cerebro ya que no solo
participa en la sinapsis si no que puede actuar como hormona. Debido al pH en el organismo
(aproximadamente de 7,4) la dopamina se encuentra protonada (C8H12NO2 +) y es por ello que en este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se realiza un estudio conformacional de esta especie de la dopamina. El análisis conformacional que se ha elaborado investiga la estabilidad de los
posibles confórmeros de este neurotransmisor, tanto en fase gas como en disolución, y así
establecer la preferencia conformacional para comprender como actúa la dopamina con sus
receptores. Para realizar este estudio teórico, se han empleado diferentes metodologías computacionales, desde métodos que emplean la mecánica molecular hasta métodos basados en la Teoría del Funcional de la Densidad (DFT). También se ha realizado un análisis de la densidad electrónica de carga que permita observar las posibles interacciones intramoleculares que ayudan a estabilizar cada uno de los confórmeros obtenidos. Finalmente se ha completado este trabajo con un estudio cinético para estimar la posible interconversión de los confórmeros.Grado en Químic
Propuesta para la enseñanza de Física y Química en 2º de ESO mediante una situación de aprendizaje basada en Harry Potter
En este trabajo de Fin de Máster se propone abordar la enseñanza de la Física y la Química utilizando el universo de Harry Potter como recurso pedagógico. Estas materias suelen ser percibidas como aburridas y difíciles de comprender debido a su carácter abstracto. Además, la enseñanza tradicional basada en explicaciones teóricas y fórmulas matemáticas puede resultar monótona y desmotivadora para los estudiantes. El objetivo principal es despertar el interés y la motivación de los estudiantes, así como facilitar la comprensión de los conceptos científicos utilizando elementos mágicos y fantásticos presentes en el mundo de Harry Potter. Se explorará cómo los hechizos, pociones y objetos mágicos pueden relacionarse con reacciones químicas, procesos físicos, energía y fuerza.
Para ello, y tomando como referencia el currículo de 2º de ESO para Castilla y León, se propone una programación didáctica basada en el universo creado por J.K. Rowling, desarrollando 3 situaciones de aprendizaje. Se promueven unas clases participativas, amenas y asequibles, garantizando que los estudiantes adquirirán los conocimientos necesarios para desarrollar habilidades científicas y comprender los fundamentos de la Física y la Química.The proposal of this work is to approach the teaching of Physics and Chemistry using the universe of Harry Potter as a pedagogical instrument. These subjects are often perceived as boring and difficult to understand due to their abstract nature. Additionally, traditional teaching relies on theoretical explanations and mathematical formulas, which can be monotonous and demotivating for students.
The main objective is to awaken students' interest and motivation, as well as facilitate the understanding of scientific concepts by incorporating magical and fantastical elements present in the world of Harry Potter. The aim is to explore how spells, potions, and magical objects can relate to chemical reactions, physical processes, energy, and force.
To achieve this, a didactic program based on the universe created by J.K. Rowling is proposed, considering the curriculum for second year of ESO in Castilla y León. This program will demonstrate the feasibility of teaching Physics and Chemistry using this methodology, by developing three learning situations. The goal is to create participatory, engaging, and accessible classes while ensuring that students acquire the necessary knowledge to develop scientific skills and comprehend the fundamentals of Physics and Chemistry.Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales y ExperimentalesMáster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idioma
Role of the neo-rural phenomenon and the new peasantry in agroecological transitions: a literature review
In the context of agricultural activity intensification and rural abandonment, neo-rurality has emerged as a back-to-the-land migratory movement led by urban populations seeking alternative ways of life close to nature. Although the initiatives of the new peasantry are diverse, most are land related, such as agriculture and livestock farming. A priori, neorural people undertake agri-food system activities in ways that differ from the conventional model, following the principles of environmental and social sustainability. We conducted a systematic review of the literature on the neo-rural phenomenon with the main objective of examining how neo-rurality has been found to support agroecological transitions. The corpus of neo-rural studies was analyzed from a social-ecological perspective, and a Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) was conducted to determine whether neo-rural agri-food system activities follow agroecological principles. The results indicate that neo-rural studies is an emerging research field that has received considerable attention in western countries. Diverse conceptualizations and terms have been used to address the phenomenon, but the literature agrees on political and environmental motivations and several barriers faced by neo-rural people. This population and in particular new peasants, are employing a wide variety of agroecological practices and strategies throughout the agri-food system. Overall, neo-rural people have been reported to contribute significantly to agroecological transitio
Estilos comunicativos docentes y su incidencia en los modos de participación de los padres desde la mirada de madres de grupos vulnerables
La experiencia subjetiva que subyace a los modos cómo las familias de grupos vulnerables participan en la escuela, tiende a invisibilizarse dentro del amplio conjunto de estudios sobre prácticas de participación de los padres en la escuela y equidad educativa. Se presentan los resultados del análisis estructural semántico de 19 entrevistas semi-estructuradas realizadas a madres de estudiantes que se desarrollan en medios socialmente desfavorecidos, orientadas a responder la pregunta de investigación siguiente: ¿cómo incide el estilo comunicativo docente, percibido por padres desfavorecidos, en su modo de participar en la escuela? Los resultados sugieren la preeminencia de un estilo comunicativo docente de carácter crítico y desvalorizador por sobre el reconocimiento hacia las competencias parentales de estas madres. Esta percepción, inhibe la participación de los padres, pero también estimula mayor vigilancia de los padres hacia el trabajo docente en el aula (v.g. voluntariado en el aula o acciones reinvidicativas del derecho a ser considerado acudiendo a otros actores con más poder dentro de la escuela). Los resultados de este estudio instan, a las políticas educativas y a los profesionales de la escuela a generar, en conjunto con sus apoderados, una cultura escolar libre de trato discriminatorio y con mayor reconocimiento a su capacidad, necesidades y posibilidades de participar en los procesos de desarrollo y aprender escolar de los hijos/as en distintas esferas de acción
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Warm Parenting Throughout Adolescence Predicts Basal Parasympathetic Activity Among Mexican‐Origin Youths
Parenting that is warm and supportive has been consistently linked to better emotion regulation in children, but less is known about this association in adolescents. Adolescence is thought to be an important period for emotion regulation development given that it coincides with the emergence of mental health issues. Respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) is a measure of parasympathetic regulation linked to emotion and behavior regulation. Despite the well-documented links between parenting practices and emotion regulation, and between RSA and emotion regulation, few studies have focused on the association between positive parenting and adolescent RSA or included both mothers and fathers. The current study analyzed the influence of warm parenting throughout adolescence (ages 10-16) on basal RSA at age 17 in 229 Mexican-origin youths. Latent-growth curve models were used to analyze associations between maternal and paternal warmth and baseline RSA. Changes in maternal, but not paternal, warmth from age 10 to 16 were related to youths' basal RSA at age 17. Specifically, youths who perceived increasing (or less decreasing) maternal warmth across adolescence had higher basal RSA. This finding suggests that positive maternal parenting experiences during adolescence "get under the skin" to enhance parasympathetic functioning that supports youths' emotion regulation capacities
It is time to prepare mental health services to attend to migrants and refugees
Univ Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Psiquiatria, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Programa Posgrad Psiquiatria & Psicol Med, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Psiquiatria, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Programa Posgrad Psiquiatria & Psicol Med, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc
Do ART and chemsex drugs get along? Potential drug-drug Interactions in a cohort of people living with HIV who engaged in chemsex: a retrospective observational study.
Introduction: People living with HIV (PLWH) who engaged in chemsex are at risk of potential drug-drug interactions (pDDIs) with recreational drugs. This study aimed to characterize pDDIs between antiretroviral treatment (ART) and chemsex drugs and evaluate their association with unscheduled relevant hospital consultations. Methods: We conducted a single-center, retrospective, observational study in a series of gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (gbMSM) living with HIV who engaged in chemsex and who attended a tertiary hospital in Barcelona, Spain, from February 2018 through August 2019. Associations between all recorded pDDIs and relevant unscheduled consultations were estimated using the incidence rate (IR) per 100 person-years of those events compared between patients with no pDDI (green flag) or moderate severity pDDI (orange flag) with patients with high severity pDDI (red flag) using the incidence rate ratio (IRR). Results: Among 172 PLWH engaged in chemsex, 249 ART regimens were prescribed: 44% based on integrase inhibitors, 30% on boosted ART, and 26% based on non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. The substances and recreational drugs most frequently used were erectile dysfunction agents (83%), methamphetamine (79%), GHB (77%), and alkyl nitrites (71%). Polydrug use was reported in 52%. We observed 2048 pDDIs. Of these, 23% were orange flag pDDIs; 88% related to boosted ARTs. The IR of the 285 unscheduled relevant episodes in patients with orange flag pDDIs was 64.67 (95% CI 40.07-89.28). The IRR of green flag pDDIs was 1.05 (95% CI 0.60-1.8; p = 0.876). Conclusion: One in four pDDIs were of moderate severity but no significant increase in the incidence of unscheduled relevant consultations was observed. A high number of unscheduled consultations, predominantly for psychiatric events and intoxication, were observed. Beyond using non-boosted ART to minimize pDDIs, other factors related to the practice of chemsex must be addressed, in order to offer a better approach
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Fatal factitious Cushing\ud syndrome (Münchhausen’s syndrome) in a patient with macroprolactinoma and silent\ud corticotrophinoma: case report and literature review
Münchhausen’s syndrome (MS) is a chronic factitious disorder\ud
characterized by the intentional production of clinical symptoms without external\ud
incentive. One type of MS is factitious Cushing syndrome, an extremely rare clinical\ud
situation in which the diagnosis is challenging mainly due to interference of the\ud
exogenous medication in cortisol immunoassays. We described a 26-year-old woman who\ud
was originally diagnosed with a macroprolactinoma and during follow-up developed\ud
clinical and laboratorial hypercortisolism. A transsphenoidal surgery was performed\ud
and immunohistochemistry revealed positive and diffuse staining for both hormones.\ud
Four years later, her hypercortisolism recurred and the confirmation of factitious\ud
Cushing syndrome was delayed due to conflicting laboratorial results.\ud
There are few cases in the literature of factitious Cushing syndrome,\ud
and only one had a fatal outcome. The diagnosis of this condition is complex and\ud
includes cyclic Cushing syndrome in the differential diagnosis. These patients have\ud
high morbidity and increased mortality risk and are likely to have other psychiatric\ud
disorders. Prednisone was identified as the culprit in the majority of the\ud
cases.We would like to thank Dr. Wagner Farid Gattaz and Dr. Jose Gallucci Neto,\ud
from the Psychiatric Division, for providing assistance during hospitalization.\ud
This work was partially supported by grants from Conselho Nacional de\ud
Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico – CNPq (301339/2008-9 to B.B.M.)
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