5 research outputs found

    Challenges and Prospects of Poultry Industry in Bangladesh

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    Poultry industry is one of the most promising sectors for Bangladesh. This industry can provide various opportunities to increase GDP growth rate plus equitable distribution through arranging food security as well as ensuring self -employment, creating purchasing power and reducing poverty at a large scale. About 44 per cent of daily human intake of animal protein comes from livestock products. The poultry industry has been supplying quality protein to the people of Bangladesh at the lowest price in the world. The study outlined major concerns focusing on the entire problems. The followings points have been finally consider as comprehensive issues; lack of quality chicks, high price of feed, marketing problem, insufficient bank loan, lack of quality vaccine, the vaccine price is very high and bird flu. It is observed that to import poultry related products huge amount of valuable foreign exchange will be spent. We have proposed for providing subsidy to the local industry and protect safeguard to the local entrepreneurs of the poultry industry. Keywords: Poultry, Problem, Prospect, Dropping, Banglades

    Coordination and Three-Stage Supply Chain Optimization of Agricultural Products in Bangladesh Under Uncertainties

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    Abstract- In this study presents three stage supply chain network (SCN) coordination and profit optimization of agricultural products considering several uncertainties. Most of the agricultural products are in general cost expensive with high risk in probability due to its fluctuating prices. To developed a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model and analyze the situation of insufficient production capacity for the producer as the reason for shortages. In this study to investigated supply chain network (SCN) are two distinct freelance supply organizations. SCN management has the difficulties for the disconnected and freelance economic people. Further, fast technological changes and high fight build SCN a lot of complicated. The problem of locating distribution centers (DCs) is one among the foremost necessary problems in design of SCN. The models are applied to a real case of optimization the profit before and after coordination and also to analyze the sensitivity under demand and cost uncertainty. The MILP models consider the facilities are coordinated by mutually sharing information with each other among producer, retailer and distributor. The formulated MILP model is solved by using a mathematical programming language (AMPL) and results obtained by appropriate solver MINOS. Numerical example with the sensitivity of various parameters has been deployed to validate the models. Results show that after coordination, the individual profits could be increased without any extra investment

    A mathematical model for the transmission of co-infection with COVID-19 and kidney disease

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    Abstract The world suffers from the acute respiratory syndrome COVID-19 pandemic, which will be scary if other co-existing illnesses exacerbate it. The co-occurrence of the COVID-19 virus with kidney disease has not been available in the literature. So, further research needs to be conducted to reveal the transmission dynamics of COVID-19 and kidney disease. This study aims to create mathematical models to understand how COVID-19 interacts with kidney diseases in specific populations. Therefore, the initial step was to formulate a deterministic Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) mathematical model to depict the co-infection dynamics of COVID-19 and kidney disease. A mathematical model with seven compartments has been developed using nonlinear ordinary differential equations. This model incorporates the invariant region, disease-free and endemic equilibrium, along with the positivity solution. The basic reproduction number, calculated via the next-generation matrix, allows us to assess the stability of the equilibrium. Sensitivity analysis is also utilised to understand the influence of each parameter on disease spread or containment. The results show that a surge in COVID-19 infection rates and the existence of kidney disease significantly enhances the co-infection risks. Numerical simulations further clarify the potential outcomes of treating COVID-19 alone, kidney disease alone, and co-infected cases. The study of the potential model can be utilised to maximise the benefits of simulation to minimise the global health complexity of COVID-19 and kidney disease