43 research outputs found


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    Penilaian merupakan serangkaian kegiatan yang sistematis dan berkesinambungan untuk memperoleh data dan informasi tentang proses dan hasil belajar peserta didik. Tes merupakan salah satu prosedur evaluasi yang komprehensif, sistematik, dan objektif yang hasilnya dapat dijadikan sebagai dasar dalam pengambilan keputusan dalam proses pengajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru. Tes lisan merupakan salah satu tes yang digunakan dalam penilaian aspek pengetahuan. Tes lisan merupakan oral test dimana jawaban atas pertanyaaan yang diajukan menuntut siswa memberikan jawaban secara lisan. Tes lisan dapat dibedakan  menjadi dua yakni: Tes lisan bebas dan Tes lisan berpedoman. Tes lisan memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan. Manfaat pertanyaan dengan tes  lisan yaitu Mengembangkan pemahaman siswa, Mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir dan membuat keputusan, Mengaktifkan kedua belah pihak guru dan siswa. Penentuan materi dilakukan dengan memperhatikan kriteria: urgensi, kontinuitas, relevansi, keterpakaian. Beberapa hal yang juga perlu diperhatikan dalam merencanakan tes lisan diantaranya: Menentukan kompetensi pengetahuan yang sesuai, menyusun indikator proses dan hasil belajar, menetukan kriteria kunci yang menunjukkan capaian indikator, menyusun pedoman pertanyaan, menyiapkan rubrik penilaian

    The Islamic Education for Single Parent's Family: A Case study in Karaban Jaya

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    Everyone craves having family integrity. Because the integrity of the family makes it easy to share roles between fathers and mothers both in earning a living or doing household chores including the obligation to educate their children. But in reality, many find all these roles to be borne by one person or called a single parent, could be a father or mother. Usually it happens because of separation due to divorce or death of one of them, thus making the responsibility of raising all their children more difficult. For children, family (both parents) is the main environment they need. So from that family the parents can provide better protection and education for their future life provisions. The obligation of parents as mentioned in the Qur'an is to protect themselves and their families from the fires of hell. Then the family should become a madrasa in introducing Islamic education. As an educator in the family, parents must have the expertise and art of educating, one of the skills that must be mastered is the method. There are several methods that families can use in educating their children. This research focuses: how is the pattern of single parent care in the perspective of Islamic education to children in Karaban Jaya . The research method is qualitative with a case study approach. The results showed that parenting to educate children in single parent families in Keraban Jaya Village was by example, giving advice, motivation, and giving attention and supervision to children from young to teenagers. While the values of Islamic education taught include strengthening monotheism, worship, moral or moral cultivation, forming mentality and applying discipline or control


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    The moral crisis that occurs today makes an anxiety for all circles, not least schools as an institution that prints a generation of directors are constantly demanded to improve services in order to produce knowledgeable output, and good character. Various events such as brawl, promiscuity, abuse of illegal drugs, immoral acts, sexual harassment always adorn the school. If the abuse is allowed to continue, then all moral depravity will become a bad culture in school. Education is expected to provide a way out and have a role in shaping human beings who are intellectual and Islamic. To realize it all, it is important to make the school atmosphere with religious culture through planting, habituation, cultural imitation based on Islamic shari'ah by all school residents.   &nbsp


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    One of the ways in which the teacher profession is developed is by conducting supervision. Supervision is all the efforts of school officials in leading teachers and other education personnel, to improve teaching, including stimulating, selecting the growth and development of teacher positions, selecting and revising educational goals, teaching materials, and teaching methods and teaching evaluation . Supervision in schools is carried out by the principal who acts as a supervisor, so he must be able to carry out a variety of supervision and control to improve teacher performance. The supervisor's role is to provide guidance, direction, and guidance for the teacher's teaching and learning process for improvement. These improvement steps are intended to make the teaching and learning process and the roles and tasks of the teacher more professional

    Internalization of multicultural values in learning Islamic education

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    Education in Indonesia is still reaping problems, including the loss of morality and character that engages students in respecting differences. As a pluralistic nation, respect for diversity is very important to maintain unity and peace. Internalization of multicultural values is carried out as an effort to introduce cultural diversity and appreciate the differences within it. Because the difference is a necessity that must be accepted by anyone. This study aims to determine the multicultural values contained in Islamic religious education learning and planting methods that have been carried out in Learning Islamic Education. The results showed that: 1) multicultural values contained in the learning of Islamic religious education in Learning Islamic Education is; inclusive values, humanism, peace, tolerance, solidarity, forgiveness, justice, help, trust, and democracy; 2) the method of investing in multicultural values is teaching, example, guidance, and habituation


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    ABSTRAK Meningkatnya angka putus sekolah bagi remaja menjadi kekhawitaran bagi semua pihak, tidak hanya menambah daftar angka putus sekolah tetapi juga akan menjadikan penyakit masyarakat meningkat. Dengan pergaulan yang salah dikalangan remaja putus sekolah akan menimbulkan keresahan seperti kenakalan remaja, bekerja di usia dini, berkurangnya keamanan, dan sebagainya. Kelompok pengabdian masyarakat (KPM) telah berupaya dengan mendata remaja putus sekolah dan selanjutnya dilakukan pendampingan dan pembinaan pelatihan keterampilan serta menyediakan program kejar paket


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    Indonesia is a country rich in diversity. The diversity of religion, ethnicity, language, culture, and custom makes the country of Indonesia as a country different from other countries. This diversity must be accepted, acknowledged, and respected. This shows that the people of Indonesia is a multicultural society. To realize and support multiculturalism in Indonesia requires a sense of tolerance, mutual respect and mutual respect. The attitude of mutual respect and respect can be nurtured through multicultural education


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    This research was conducted at MTs Yasti Bengkayang. As an educational institution located in the transmigration area and bordered by the State of Malaysia, it has definitely the uniqueness and diversity that has been bought by everyone from their original area, then fused into a multicultural society with the ego and interests of each individual. As an Islamic educational institution in a multicultural society, MTs Yasti Bengkayang always strives to make Islam as a religion of rahmatan lil alamin through the internalization of multicultural values in schools. The purpose of this study was to find out, identify, and uncover multicultural values contained in Islamic religious education learning and instilling methods that have been carried out at MTs Yasti Bengkayang. This method was used qualitative with a case study approach. The results showed that: 1) multicultural values contained in the learning of Islamic religious education at MTs Yasti Bengkayang such as; inclusive values, peace, justice, solidarity, affection, mutual help, and forgiveness; 2) the method of investing in multicultural values were teaching, example, guidance, and habituation