883 research outputs found

    Integrasi Konsep Islami dan Konsep Arsitektur Modern pada Perancangan Arsitektur Masjid

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      ABSTRACK The basic concept of mosque architectural design based on Indonesian Islamic culture which up until now was regarded as an in independent approach as if no other choice in mosque designing. There is a challenge in designing process which open the opportunity to explore the more creative and innovative ideas. This new concept will reveal new perspective in design approach process. The attempt to search various resources in the process would make architecture designer expand their perception idea on mosque design. So far, the Indonesian architectural mosque has been considered to have solid and rigid concept with the dome. This study analyzes the issues of mosque architectural designing approach which have new innovative and creative design.The understanding of Islamic concept here is focused on its spiritual philosophy. Deep comprehension in Islamic concept has similarity in enthusiasm with modern architectural design concept. So the integration of both architectural Islamic design and modern architectural design concept would work sinergically and inspire new perspective in mosque designing.Hopelly, the same effort would be made by the architect or designer in design process in developing and creating the new concept, so the creative process would have more freedom   Keyword: Islamic concept, Modern architecture concept, Mosque architecture projec

    Strategi Dakwah Kultural Muhammadiyah pada Ritual Adat Mappogau Hanua Masyarakat Karampuang Sinjai

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    This article examines dakwah movement and Islamic reform mission in the Karampuang, an area whose society preserve cultural heritage of Mappogau Hanua. Cultural dakwah is used by Muhammadiyah as a strategy to cope with the local culture and costumary tradition of Mappogau Hanua. This article finds that a series of customary practice of rituals of Mappogau Hanua in Karampuang society have been modified by the Muhammadiyah's cultural dakwah movement. The Muhammadiyah dakwah strategies can be seen in three asepcts. First, participa-tive strategy and family engagement have been used to understand costumary practice of the local tradition and the way to modify it. Second, to change people's way of thinking (mindset) in understanding Mappogau Hanua ritual, especially in conceiving the ritual practice of Mabbahang, Mappaota, Mabbaja-baja (membersihkan), Menre Ri Bulu, Mabbali Sumange' dan Malliing. Third, educative strategy I sued by assisiting and empowering adat policy, education, religious activities, health care, and the authority of adat sustainably. Based on these three strategies of cultural dakwah, Muhammadiyah remains exist and accepted in Karampuan society

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Taipe STAD Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas IXA SMP Negeri 1 Sirenja Pada Materi Uang Dan Lembaga Keuangan Bukan Bank

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas IXA SMP Negeri 1 Sirenja pada materi uang dan lembaga keuangan bukan bank. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IXA SMP Negeri 1 Sirenja yang berjumlah 39 orang, yakni 21 siswa laki-laki dan 18 siswa perempuan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang terdiri dari dua siklus dengan desain setiap siklus terdiri dari empat tahapan, yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, tindakan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Data penelitian diperoleh selama pelaksanaan tindakan dan tes akhir tindakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi uang dan lembaga keuangan bukan bank. Hal ini terbukti daya serap klasikal pada siklus I diperoleh sebesar 48,7% sedangkan pada siklus II sebesar 94,8%

    Pendekatan Social Exchange Perspekstif George C. Homans

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    Struktur sosial kehidupan manusia secara hakikat saling membutuhkan satu dengan yang lainnya. Seorang manusia dalam konteks hubungan sosial antar sesamanya, dianggap memiliki kontribusi bagi manusia lainnya bilamana melakukan transaksi sosial kemanusiaan. Konsep transaksi sosial inilah yang dijabarkan George C. Homans dalam teori- nya social exchange yang secara subtantif menjelaskan bentuk-bentuk proposisi sosial manusia mulai dari proposisi sukses, stimulus, nilai, deprivasi-satiasi, dan restu-agresi yang sejatinya muatan proposisi tersebut dapat menjadi fondasi pembelajaran sosial manusia. Teori sosial exchange juga erat hubungan dengan deskripsi perilaku yang saling me- mengaruhi dalam membangun hubungan sosial seperti adanya unsur ganjaran, pengorbanan dan keuntungan yang dapat menciptakan keseimbangan, keselarasan, dan kerharmonisan hubungan sosial dalam kehidupan sehari-hari

    Ragam Istilah Dalam Etika Profesi Keguruan

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    : Teachers are the functional succession that have an important role in education. The existence of teachers not only as the intermediary of learning, but their position also determine the success of achieving the goal of education. However, lately the prototype of teacher that should be beliefed and imitated as if become vanished because of the act of few unresponsible teachers who breaking the laws such as sexual harrassment, and drug abused which shows the low level of awareness in ethical conduct in the scope of teaching profession. However, it must be understood that this view discredit the position of teachers and must not be applied to all teachers because some of them have shown a high dedication and personal integrity that uphold the ethical values of professionalism

    Eksistensi Pendidikan Islam Di Indonesia (Perspekstif Sejarah Pendidikan Nasional)

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    The concept of Islamic education in Indonesia in fact has been ongoing since the incoming and development of Islam itself. Acceptance of Islam as a patron of life, of course offset by the process of learning to know and to understand the teachings of Islam, as well as a concrete evidence of the birth of Islamic education. In fact, it should be noted that manifestation of Islamic education as a sub system of national education has historically been important in the development of education in Indonesia. That condition is able analyzed of the existence of Islamic education during the colonial era, the time of independence, to the process of integration of Islamic education into the national education system. Thus, the development of education in Indonesia is inseparable from the existence of Islamic education that is rooted in tradition and ritualized religious muslim community in Indonesia

    Kemampuan Melakukan Pukulan Smash dalam Permainan Bulutangkis

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui (1) hubungan antara daya ledak otot lengan dan kemampuan melakukan pukulan smash dalam permainan bulutangkis; (2) hubungan antara koordinasi mata‐tangan dan kemampuan melakukan pukulan smash dalam permainan bulutangkis; dan (3) hubungan antara daya ledak otot lengan dan koordinasi mata‐ tangan dengan kemampuan melakukan pukulan smash dalam permainan bulutangkis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1)terdapat hubungan positif antara daya ledak otot lengan dengan kemampuan melakukan pukulan smash dalam permainan bulutangkis, (2) terdapat hubungan positif antara koordinasi mata‐tangan dengan kemampuan melakukan pukulan smash dalam permainan bulutangkis; dan (3) secara bersama‐sam terdapat hubungan yang positif antara daya ledak otot lengan dan koordinasi mata‐tangan dengan kemampuan melakukan pukulan smash dalam permainan bulutangkis dengan koefisien korelasi ® 0,8337, dengan persamaan regresi Ŷ = 23,10 + 0,06 X1 + 2,37 X2

    Cuci Tangan Sebelum Makan Menurunkan Risiko Kejadian Hepatitis Akut Klinis

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    In the area of Hepatitis A outbreak, washing hand before handling food is very important, because most of the cases do not wash their hand before breakfast, lunch or dinner and they eat without spoon. This study is to find out relation between washing hand before handling food with clinical acute hepatitis cases in the area of Hepatitis A outbreak. This study used a case control design, analysing secondary data of Hepatitis A outbreak investigation from November 2001 to January 2002. The population is a the community which living in Calincing housing in Cogreg Village, Parungsub district of Bogor, aged between 15 to 55 years old. Sixty cases and 120 controls have been analysed. Result of this study found that there is a significant relation (p=0.000) between washing hand before handling food with clinical acute hepatitis case, OR=3.442 (95% CI: 1.638- 7.235). Education is a confounding variable to this relation