75 research outputs found

    Higgs induced light leptoquark-diquark mixing and proton decay

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    In low energy phenomenology to avoid the strong constraints of proton decay it is usually assumed that light (≈\approx 250 Gev) leptoquarks couple only to quark-lepton pairs and light diquarks couple only to quark pairs. In this paper we present two specific examples where the higgs induced mixing between leptoquarks and diquarks through trilinear interaction terms reintroduces the troublesome couplings and gives rise to proton decay. The bound on the unknown parameters of this scenario that arise from proton life time has been derived.Comment: Plain Tex, 8 pages no figure

    Effect of Tev scale new physics on the cross-section for the process e^+ e^- --> h \gamma

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    Tev scale new heavy physics could significantly affect the cross-section for the rare process e^+e^-\to H\gm through non-renormalizable operators involving the light SM fields. In this article we show that for \sqs =500 Gev and \lam =1 Tev some of these operators, which are only weakly constrained by the latest LEP and SLD data, could produce an observable number of events for mHm_H lying in the range 200-500 Gev. Whereas for \lam =5 Tev although no event with mH≀250m_H\le 250 Gev is likely to be seen, for moderately heavy higgs bosons with mHm_H lying in the range (400-500) Gev the production rate will be large enough to be detectable.Comment: Plain Tex, No figure, 8 page

    Implications of BNL measurement of \delta a_{\mu} on scalar leptoquark mass and coupling

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    Recently BNL have measured the muon magnetic moment anomaly with increased precision. The world average experimental value at present shows a discrepancy of 43(16)\times 10^{-10} from the Standard Model value. In this paper we investigate the implications of this difference on a class of scalar leptoquark interactions to SM quark-lepton pair. We find that for leptoquarks in the few hundred Gev range the BNL muon anomaly could arise from leptoquark couplings that are much smaller than the electromagnetic coupling. We also find that the BNL value for the muon anomaly leads to an unambiguous prediction for the electric dipole moment of the muon and a bound on the flavor changing leptoquark coupling relevant for the rare decay \mu\to e\gamma.Comment: Few references adde

    Implication of a light radion on the RG evolution of higgs self coupling in the Randall-Sundrum model

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    In this paper we determine how the beta funtion of the higgs self coupling \lambda at one loop order is modified by a light stabilized radion in the Randall-Sundrum model. We then use the modified beta function to derive a lower bound on the radion vev , both for perturbative and non-perturbative values of \lambda at the ultra violet cut off \Lambda. The lower bound on is obtained by demanding that the renormalized coupling \lambda (\mu) at \mu =100 GeV be consistent with the present experimental bound of 110 GeV on the higgs mass from LEP2 searches. We also show that if \lambda (\Lambda) is sufficiently small then an upper bound on can be determined by requiring that \beta (\lambda)be positive over the relevant momentum range.Comment: 12 pages, latex, 5 ps figure
