613 research outputs found

    Spatio-temporal changes of Munida Rutllanti Zariquiey-Alvarez, 1952 (Decapoda: Galatheidae) in the North-Western Ionian Sea (Central Mediterranean)

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    The spatio-temporal pattern of Munida rutllanti distribution in the north-western Ionian Sea has been studied. Data were collected during 14 experimental trawl surveys conducted from 1997 to 2010 as part of the international MEDITS project. The hauls were carried out during day-light hours between depths of 10 and 800 m in the spring season. A progressive increase in the abundance index (N/km2) of M. rutllanti was observed from 2000 to 2008, then a sharp decrease was shown in the last two years. The greatest and lowest abundance indices were observed in the Apulian and central Calabrian sub-areas, respectively. The species was collected between 107 and 795 m in depth, with a significant increase and decrease over time in the maximum and minimum depth of finding, respectively. A highly significant increase over time in the mean carapace length was also observed in the whole study area. The widespread occurrence and increasing abundance of this species in the Ionian Sea could be related to the increase in temperature and the variation in hydrographic conditions which occurred in the Ionian basin during the EMT-BiOS phenomenon

    The airways' mechanical stress in lung disease: Implications for COPD pathophysiology and treatment evaluation

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    The airway epithelium stretches and relaxes during the normal respiratory cycle, and hyperventilation exaggerates this effect, resulting in changes in lung physiology. In fact, stretching of the airways influences lung function and the secretion of airway mediators, which in turn may cause a potentially injurious inflammatory response. This aim of the present narrative review was to illustrate the current evidence on the importance of mechanical stress in the pathophysiology of lung diseases with a particular focus on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and to discuss how this may influence pharmacological treatment strategies. Overall, treatment selection should be tailored to counterpart the effects of mechanical stress, which influences inflammation both in asthma and COPD. The most suitable treatment approach between a long-acting \u3b22-agonists/long-acting antimuscarinic-agonist (LABA/LAMA) alone or with the addition of inhaled corticosteroids should be determined based on the underlying mechanism of inflammation. Noteworthy, the anti-inflammatory effects of the glycopyrronium/indacaterol combination on hyperinflation and mucociliary clearance may decrease the rate of COPD exacerbations, and it may synergistically improve bronchodilation with a double action on both the cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and the acetylcholine pathways

    Peripheral neurological disturbances, autonomic dysfunction, and antineuronal antibodies in adult celiac disease before and after a gluten-free diet

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    Thirty-two consecutive adult celiac disease (CD) patients (pts), complaining of peripheral neuropathy (12 pts), autonomic dysfunction (17 pts), or both (3 pts), were evaluated to assess the presence of neurological damage (by clinical neurological evaluation and electrophysiological study) and antineuronal antibodies and to assess the effect of a gluten-free diet (GFD) on the course of the neurological symptoms and on antineuronal antibodies. At entry, 12 of 32 (38%) pts showed signs and symptoms of neurological damage: 7 of 12 (58%), peripheral neurological damage; 3 of 12 (25%), autonomic dysfunction; and 2 (17%), both peripheral neurological damage and autonomic dysfunction. The overall TNS score was 105 at entry. Anti-GM1 antibodies were present in 5 of 12 (42%) pts: 3 showed peripheral neurological damage and 2 showed both peripheral neurological damage and autonomic dysfunction. One year after the GFD was started, histological lesions were still present in only 10 of 12 (83%) pts. TNS score was 99, 98, 98, and 101 at the 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th month after the GFD was started, so it did not improve throughout the follow-up. None of the pts showed disappearance of antineuronal antibodies throughout the follow-up. We conclude that adult CD patients may show neurological damage and presence of antineuronal antibodies. Unfortunately, these findings do not disappear with a GFD

    Exploring Relationships between Demersal Resources and Environmental Factors in the Ionian Sea (Central Mediterranean)

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    The relationships between the abundance of demersal resources, environmental variables, and fishing pressure in the north-western Ionian Sea in the last two decades were evaluated. Data on the density collected during seventeen trawl surveys carried out from 1985 to 2005 were used. The following species were considered:Aristaeomorpha foliacea, Nephrops norvegicus,andParapenaeus longirostrisfor crustaceans;Merluccius merluccius, Phycis blennoides,andMullus barbatusfor teleost fish. The recruitment index was also considered forN. norvegicus, P. longirostris, M. merlucciusandMullus barbatus. Six candidate models were evaluated for each density and recruitment data set either combining fishing effort with global (NAO) and regional (SST and precipitation) climatic indices, or models separately involving fishing effort, NAO, or regional climatic indices as the only predictive variable. Model selection was carried out using an information-theoretical approach that applies Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC). High changes over time were observed for the density data and recruitment indices in each species. Apart from hake abundance and recruitment data, for which a clear positive relationship with the NAO index alone was detected, the changes observed in the other species seem to be the consequence of the interaction between bottom-up effects linked to changes in physical environment and top-down ones due to the fishing pressure

    Rhodolith beds heterogeneity along the apulian continental shelf (Mediterranean sea)

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    Rhodolith beds represent a key habitat worldwide, from tropical to polar ecosystems. Despite this habitat is considered a hotspot of biodiversity, providing a suite of ecosystem goods and services, still scarce quantitative information is available thus far about rhodolith beds occurrence and ecological role, especially in the Mediterranean Sea. This study reports the composition and patterns of distribution of rhodolith assemblages found in four study areas along ca. 860 km of coast in the Central Mediterranean Sea. These rhodolith beds were studied for the first time and significant differences at all spatial scales have been highlighted, documenting the high variability of this habitat. Rhodolith species composition, morphology and distribution have been discussed considering the potential role of environmental factors in driving these patterns. The need for improving their protection is discussed to complement present conservation and management initiatives, particularly in the frame of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive

    Geology of Mar Piccolo, Taranto (southern Italy): the physical basis for remediation of a polluted marine area

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    Four 1:15,000 maps for the coastal area of Mar Piccolo (Taranto, southern Italy) are presented. The study area is a small, sheltered shallow marine basin of about 20 km2, located north of Taranto town. It contains some submarine, karstic freshwater springs (citri) that have determined the development of intensive aquaculture in the past. Now, the Mar Piccolo is a highly polluted area due to the presence of both military and industrial navy docks and various heavy industries located in proximal areas: (i) the ILVA steel plant in Taranto, the largest in Europe; (ii) the ENI oil refinery and (iii) the CEMENTIR, the largest cement and concrete plant in southern Italy. Many studies show that water and sediments are contaminated (heavy metals, isopropyl alcohol, polychlorinated biphenyl [PCB], etc.), and various remediation projects are now in preparation. In this study, we analyze the physical characteristics of the Mar Piccolo environment by producing several maps: a geological map; a geomorphological map; a bathy-morphological map and a map of the thickness of surficial sediment. All these maps are original products focused on the realization of a reliable geological picture for the Mar Piccolo area. They represent the first steps toward the detailed knowledge of the Mar Piccolo physical environment, which we consider to be a fundamental requirement for developing the most appropriate remediation techniques